
Biodiversity and origin of spider fauna (Araneae) at high latitudes and altitudes in Eurasia
(AWARE) How to achieve sustainable water ecosystems management connecting research, people and policy makers in Europe (AWARE)
(BELDIVA) Belgian Microbial Diversity Project in Antarctica
(CONGEN) Integrating population genetics and conservation biology: merging theoretical, experimental and applied approaches
(ECOSTAT) How will the ecological quality status of benthos in coastal waters evolve?
(FOMO) Remote sensing of the forest transition and its ecosystem impacts in mountain environments.
(HERMES) Hotspot ecosystem research on the margins of European seas
(HERMIONE) Hotspot Ecosystem Research and Man's Impact On European Seas
(MESMA) Monitoring and Evaluation of Spatially Managed Areas
(NDGP) National Data Gathering Programme
(STEP) Status and Trends of European pollinators
(SUMANOS) Cluster Sustainable Management North Sea
(VALORAM) Valorizing Andean microbial diversity through sustainable intensification of potato-based farming systems
<a href="" target="_blank">DADOBAT: Domestication and Development of Baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) and Tamarind (<i>Tamarindus indica</i> L.)</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">PAVUC: Producing Added Value from Under-Utilized Tropical Fruit Crops with High Commercial Potential
<a href="show/4538" target="_blank">Impact of the invasive ant Solenopsis geminata on the endemic fauna of the Galápagos islands - Genetic and ecological context
A classification framework for habitat status reporting with remote sensing methods (HABISTAT)
A comparison of local phylogenetic heterogeneity in small primary rain forest plots in Amazonia, Africa and Asia
A fundamental study of membrane biofouling including prevention and remediation
A geometric morphometric study of shape and size variation in the skull of eight species of the genus Meriones (Rodentia: Muridae: Gerbillinae) from the Iranian plateau
A multidisciplinary study on exchange processes in river ecosystems
A pilot study on the complementary use of resources in diverse and less diverse plant communities
A role for cytokinins in salt-stress resistance of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)?
ABC - Access to belgian collections of interest for biodiversity research
ADAPT: Towards an integrated decision tool for adaptation measures - Case study: floods
AEMBAC Definition of a common European analytical framework for the development of local agri-environmental programmes for biodiversity and landscape conservation (ERO)
ALIEN IMPACT: Biodiversity Impacts of highly invasive alien plants: mechanisms, enhancing factors and risk assessment
AMBIO: Antarctic Microbial Biodiversity: The importance of geographical and ecological factors
AMORE II - Advanced modelling and research on eutrophication linking eutrophication and biological resources
AMORE III: Combined Effect of Changing Hydroclimate and Human Activity on Coastal Ecosystem Health
AMORE: Eutrophication and the structure of coastal planktonic food-webs: mechanisms and modelling
ANTILOPE : Union catalogue of periodicals in Belgian academic and special libraries
Action-2 Project “The spider fauna in the canopies of forests northwards and southwards from the central African rainforests: a study of biodiversity gradients”
Adaptation evolution and conservation of the copper flora of Katanga (Democratic republic of Congo)
Adaptive heavy metal tolerancy in the ectomycorrhiza fungus Suillus luteus
Adaptive plasticity of aeronautic dispersal in plants and arthropods
Advanced Terrestrial Ecosystem Analysis and Modelling - ATEAM
Advanced ecological farming systems (EFS) based on best practices with organic farmers pilot-groups (ECOFARM)
African Surirellaceae types and typical specimens (AFRSURI)
Aggressive exotic mosses in Belgium (LOPHOSPREAD)
Agrobiodiversity in flower-rich field margins
Agronomical, economic and sociological norms and indicators for sustainable farming systems
Alien Invasive Species in Flanders / The Netherlands: impact and management of bullfrog
Alien invasive plants in a changing climate
Alien macrobenthic species in the Sea Scheldt and its tidal tributaries (Belgium)
Alter-Net 2, Working Package &#39;Interdisciplinary Research&#39;
AlterIAS-Increase awareness to curb horticultural introductions of invasive plants in Belgium
Amélioration de la production des trous à poissons (whedos) du Sud Bénin pour la promotion et le développement de l&#39;élevage des siluriformes C-garupsimus et H-longifilis
Amélioration des systèmes de culture des bananiers et plantains en zone péri-urbaine centre-africaine
An experimental analysis of the impact of interactions between primary productivity, parasites and dispersal on metacommunities and matapopulations of aquatic invertebrates.
An experimental study of the carbon balance in high-arctic ecosystems exposed to a warmer climate
An extinction debt for forest plant species in fragmented landscapes?- An integrated molecular and ecological approach
Analyse des structures spatiales des données de distribution phytogéographiques des Acanthaceae en Afrique centrale
Analyse du degré de connaissance et de prise en compte des dispositions de la Convention sur la Diversité Biologique en matière d&#39;accès aux ressources génétiques et partage juste et équitable des avantages résultant de leur utilisation.
Analyse et projection des changements de la biodiversité et des écosystèmes en Europe
Analyse fonctionnelle de gènes nucléaires et mitochondriaux impliqués dans la respiration chez l&#39;algue verte unicellulaire Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.
Analysis of bacterial communities in lakes: relationships between genetic diversity and activity.
Analysis of intrinsic characteristics of Locust tree wood (Robinia pseudolocust L.)
Analysis of the nebkha ecosystem as potential tool againstdesertification
Analytical and biological methods in support of sustainable aquaculture practices in Vietnam
Analytical report on the State of Walloon Environnement 2006-2007
Anatomical modifications of some bamboo species due to ageing
Anaërobe biologische waterzuivering.
Application of endophytic bacteria to improve the phytoremediation of TCE and BTEX using hybrid poplar
Application of geometric morphometrics in the early detection of opercular deformities in intensively reared gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata)
Application of the metapopulation concept to Pacific salmon
Approches moléculaire et numérique d&#39;appréciation de la variabilité génétique des animaux de rente: étude de cas concernant la biodiversité des bovins en Région Wallonne.
Appui à l&#39;organisation d&#39;un Master en Aménagement forestier pour le renforcement des capacités des chercheurs congolais en vue de la relance socio-économique de la République Démocratique du Congo - AFORCO
Appui à la création d&#39;un troisième cycle en biologie végétale et environnement à l&#39;UNILU et approche multiscalaire de la remédiation de sols contaminés
Appui à l’amélioration de la qualité du cacao produit dans la région de l’Oriente de Cuba :<b>Aspects agronomiques </b>
Aquatic Ecology of Tropical Pond Systems and Biotechnology Transfer in Aquaculture 
Aquatic biota from East African mountain lakes as indicators for climate change: past, present, future
Aquatic ecology
Aquatic ecology for environmental management in Kenya AQUA.
Arthropods as bio-indicators for habitat deterioration
Artificial reefs in relationship with the infauna of surrounding soft substrates, the role of changes in predator-prey interactions versus changes in the physico-chemical habitat
Assess the biomass and biodiversity of bacterioplankton and cyanobacteria of Lake Tanganyika and study temporal and spatial variations of these microbial components of the plankton
Assessment and evaluation of the environmental impact of the Antarctic Research Station &amp; apes, Princess Elisabeth &amp; apos
Assessment of Environmental Impact on the Vegetation of Mediterranean Coastal Desert of Sinai Peninsula, Egypt
Assessment of forest non-trade goods and services: the case of the leisure functions of the forests of Wallonia
Assessment of how invasions of Asian ladybirds affect Walloon agriculture and taking this into account in integrated control programmes
Assessment of soil contaminations and soil-plant transfers of trace elements
Assessment of the impact of climate change on the River Meuse (Laborelec)
Assessment of western lowland gorilla contribution to forest regeneration by seed dispersal in forest gaps: a case study from an active logging concession in South-East Cameroon
Assistance technique à l&#39;encodage des fiches d&#39;inventaire de terrain des contrats de rivière et production de cartes des dégradations prioritaires des cours d&#39;eau (ENCODAGE RIVIERE)
Avian dispersal and settlement strategies in a fragmented Afrotropical cloud forest
B-BLOOMS: Algal blooms: Emerging problems for health and sustainable use of surface waters
BALANS: Balancing impacts of human activities in the Belgian part of the North Sea
BBLOOMS 2: Cyanobacterial blooms: toxicity, diversity, modelling and management
BBSea - Biogeography and Biodiversity of the Sea - Integration of ecological and evolutional patterns and processes
BEGo project: Build Environment for Gorillas
BELCANTO II: Assessing the sensitivity of the Southern Ocean’s biological carbon pump to climate change
BELCANTO III: Integrated Study of Southern Ocean Biogeochemistry and Climate Interactions in the Anthropocene
BELLA: Belgian cluster on lake research in the framework of global climate change
BEWREMABI: Belgian shipwreck: hotspots for marine biodiversity
BIANZO II: Biodiversity of three representative groups of the Antarctic Zoobenthos - Coping with Change
BIANZO: Biodiversity of 3 representative groups of the Antarctic Zoobenthos
BIOCORE: Conservation and restoration of fragmented biodiversity hot spots: Calcareous grasslands of South-Belgium
BIOPOOL - EuroDIVERSITY - Connectivity, dispersal and priority effects as drivers of biodiversity and ecosystem function in pond and pool communities
BIOSERF- Sustainability of tropical forest biodiversity under climate and human pressure
BWZee: A biological valuation map for the Belgian continental shelf
Bacterial abiotic cellular stress and survival improvement network (BACSIN)
BeBIF 2004 : Biodiversity at the Ghent University Zoology Museum : potential and implementation.
Behavioural ecology of amphibians: diversity of courtship and feeding tactics
Belgian Biodiversity Platform
Belgium Ecosystem Services : a new vision for society-nature interaction (BEES)
Beneficial use of brackish dredged sediments for landscaping
Binnendijkse slik- en schorontwikkeling dankzij een gereduceerd getij.
BiodivERsA 2 - An ERA-Net in Biodiversity Research 
Biodiversity and agricultural economics: a methodological research for the estimation and the payment of an intentional product for the conservation of biodiversity
Biodiversity and Biotechnology at Madagascar
Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in contrasting Southern European deep-sea environments: from viruses to megafauna
Biodiversity and evolution of the giant genus Cyperus (Cyperaceae): Taxonomy and evolution of the Cyperus species (Cyperaceae) with C3 photosynthesis type
Biodiversity and evolution of the giant genus Cyperus (Cyperaceae): The C4 clade with laterally compressed pistil: Pycreus, <i>Kyllinga</i> &amp; <i>Queenslandiella</i>
Biodiversity and new virusses in the Indo pacific
Biodiversity and reflexive governance: The collective learning as a contribution to democratic governance
Biodiversity indicator in MOTIFS
Biodiversity of Antarctica
Biodiversity of freshwater ecosystems: Status, trends, pressures, and conservation priorities (BIOFRESH)
Biodiversity under pressure
Biodiversity, management and maintenance of vegetation on the medium high Meuse river banks (Biomeuse)
Biogeochemical cycles of forest ecosystems related to Global Change and Sustainable Development
Biogeochemistry of forest ecosystems and sustainability - Impacts of mineral amendments applications on the reactivity of forest stands to water stress
Biogeochmical cycling and soil microbial diversity in forests and grasslands
Biogeography and biodiversity of insects in urban landscapes : evolutionary and ecological approaches
Biogéochimie des écosystèmes forestiers et gestion durable: Estimation des risques nutritionnels liés à la récolte accrue de biomasse en forêt
Biological Valuation Map
Biological evaluation and restoration of forest margins
Biologie des populations de la fourmi invasive &quot;Pheidole megacephala&quot;. Stratégies de reproduction, organisation sociale et différenciation génétique entre populations natives et introduites.
Bioman: A project about biodiversity and human impact in shallow lakes
Biostrat - Developing the EU Biodiversity Research Strategy
Biotechnology studies on Plant-Microbe interaction and their Biodiversity
Bird communities as indicators of stand structural complexity in fragmented Afrotropical rainforests
Blue Tongue Monitoring 2007 - 2010
Botanische waarden in de Zegge.
Breeding Bird Atlas of Wallonia
Breeding alien bird species in Flanders
Bryophyte floristics in W-Europe
Bryophytes inventory of the Brussels Capital Region (Belgium)
Bryophytes of La Réunion (MOSREUN)
Building a North-south transect for the reconstruction of Late Quaternary climate and environmental change in southern Chile: (paleo)limnological and limnogeological reconnaissance.
CAKI: Carbon and Nutrient cycles in lake Kivu
CALMARS II: Critical evaluation of marine calcareous skeletons as recorders of global climate change
CALMARS: Validation of alternative marine calcareous skeletons as recorders of global climate change
CANOPY - Biogeochemical carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus fluxes in the North Sea
CASTEC Carbon sequestration potential in different Belgian terrestrial ecosystems: quantification and strategic exploration
CCCC: Role of oceanic production and dissolution of calcium carbonate in climate change
CEECEC: Civil society engagement with ecological economics
CHOLTIC - Cholera outbreaks at lake Tanganyika induced by climate change?
CLANIMAE: Climatic and Anthropogenic Impacts on African Ecosystems
CLIMAR: Evaluation of climate change impacts and adaptation responses for marine activities
CLIMLAKE: Climate variability as recorded in Lake Tanganyika
COBAFISH - Congo basin, From carbon to fishes
COBIMFO - Congo basin integrated monitoring for forest carbon mitigation and biodiversity
COFORCHANGE: How, why and where will tree species survive increasing pressure: providing diagnosis and decision-making tools to attenuate the effect of global change on biodiversity in the Congo Basin forests
CONCO - Applied venomics of the cone snail species Conus consors for the accelerated, cheaper, safer and more ethical production of innovative biomedical drugs
CONGRESS - Conservation genetic resources for effective species survival 
CONstruction of ScENarios and exploration of Transition pathways for SUStainable consumption patterns (CONSENTSUS) (PHASE II) 
CONstruction of ScENarios and exploration of Transition pathways for SUStainable consumption patterns (CONSENTSUS) 
COREPOINT - Coastal Research Policy Integration
Calculation of the material flows (TMR, DMI, DMR) in the Walloon Region and comparison with other agregated indicators (ecological footprint and carbon assessment)
Cambial activity dynamics and wood anatomy of mangroves
Capacity Building in Pest Management: The Ecology, Biodiversity and Taxonomy of Rodents
Capacity building for the Convention on Biological Diversity (first specific convention)
Capita selecta African flora (WAFLO)
Carbo-Invent - Multi-Source Inventory Methods For Quantifying Carbon Stocks And Stock Changes In European Forests
CarboEurope-IP : Assessment of the European Terrestrial Carbon Balance
Carbon study in the organic matter of wealden facies sediments in North-western Europe. Stratigraphical implications (palynology and isotopical chemostratigraphy)
Carrying capacity of Pericopsis stands for forest logging
CcASPAR: Climate change and changes in Spatial structures in Flanders
Cd-induced oxidative stress : damage versus signalling.
Cellular and molecular aspect of the signal transduction chain in case of heavy metal induced stress
Central African Biodiversity Information Network
ChAnges in the Scheldt Inner estuary of biogeocheMIcAl cycles of caRbon and nutrients (CASIMIR).
Chain model for analysis of impact of contaminants on primary food production
Change detection for updates of vector database through multi-level region-based classification of VHR data
Changes in the stress sensitivity of plants and ecosystems in a future climate
Changes in the stress sensitivity of plants and ecosystems under climate change conditions
Changes in the stress sensitivity of plants and ecosystems under climate change conditions
Characterization of the ‘species’ effect on Water Use Efficiency of a mixed stand of beech/douglas-fir/spruce in the Belgian Ardennes
Characterization, conservation and use of Andean cherimoya germplasm diversity
Chorology and habitat preference of the ladybird-beetles (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae) in Belgium
Chorology of macromycetes of Belgium and the Grand Duchey of Luxembourg (FUNGMAP)
Climate Change and Marine Ecosystem Research Results (CLAMER)
Climate change impact on the sustainable use of Lake Tanganyika fisheries (CLIMFISH)
Climate change mitigation policies and social justice
Climate reconstruction, archaeobotany and vegetation history in Central Africa
Climatic and Anthropogenic Impacts on African Ecosystems (CLANIMAE) (PHASE II)
Climatic changes and forests of tomorrow: knowledge updating of the adequacy « species-station »
Clonal plant biology and mating system evolution
Co-management in public fisheries.
Cofinancing of the project MYCOREM (The use of mycorrhizal fungi in phytoremediation projects)
Collecting and selecting samples of meat and kidneys of cattle in the cadmium polluted region in the NE of Belgium.
Collection of casual observation of birds in Belgium
Common Property Resources and the Environment
Common catalogue of the Belgian federal libraries
Community assembly in actively colonizing macroinvertebrates: disentangling the role of habitat selection and species sorting in shaping patterns of species turnover along a predator gradient
Community structure and genetic variation of ectomycorrhizal fungi in pioneer forest on heavy metal polluted soils : above- and below-ground views.
Comparaison de la biologie de la reproduction au sein du genre Impatiens (Balsaminaceae) : quels caractères rendent une espèce envahissante ?
Comparative life cycle assessment of renewable energy production from biomass
Comparative limnology of African lakes, and environmental control of their aquatic invertebrate communities
Comparative study of insecticides resistance mechanisms
Comparing Fallopia japonica, F. sachalinensis and their hybrid F. xbohemica in Belgium: population ecology, functional traits and invasiveness
Comparison of insectivory by sympatric western lowland gorillas and chimpanzees in lowland rainforest, southeast Cameroon
Conception de stratégies d’aménagement concerté pour combiner développement socio-économique local et conservation des écosystèmes à arganiers dans la Réserve de Biosphère de l’Arganeraie
Consequences of the global change on the distribution and demography of Cottus gobio: an integrative approach
Conservation and restoration of Central Asian aridlands megafauna
Conservation and restoration of calcareous grasslands in Belgium
Conservation and restoration of the Sahelo-Saharan Megafauna, in the framework of the UN Convention on Migratory Species
Conservation biology of Habitat Directive species
Conservation biology of a species in fragmented habitat: Anthericum liliago
Conservation biology of amphibians : intra- and inter-specific diversity
Conservation biology of an endemic methallophyte: Viola calaminaria
Conservation biology of endemic Oncocyclus irises (Iridaceae) of Lebanon
Conservation biology of fragmented wild orchid populations: integrating genetics and ecology in a spatial context
Conservation des habitats de la moule perlière en Belgique
Conservation genetics : une approche multi espèces des liens entre mode de reproduction, dépression de consanguinité et diversité génétique
Conservation of copper flora in Katanga (DRC)
Conservation of threatened species from the Belgian flora
Conservation of threatened species from the Belgian flora
Constitution à l&#39;Université de La Havane d&#39;un pôle de compétence pour l&#39;étude des milieux aquatiques et étude de la pollution du fleuve Almendares
Constribution to the historical distribution of fresh water, fishes, crayfish and otter in Limburg (Belgium) over the period 1925-1965. With notes on the former river fisheries and river management.
Contribuiton to the historical distribution of fresh water fishes, crayfish and otter in Limburg, With notes on the former river fisheries and river management.
Contribution au développement d&#39;une filière du teck au départ des forêts privées du Sud-Bénin (Département Atlantique)
Contribution of fossil diatoms to paleoenvironnemental data of the Cenozoïc
Contribution to the development of a structuration system for the information collected in the framework of the &quot;contrats de rivière&quot;: data traitment and exploitation - development of a web interface
Contribution to the study of lichens and lichenicolous fungi in Belgium and neighbouring areas (LICBEL)
Contrôle des décisions collectives d&#39;insectes grégaires au moyen d&#39;individus &quot;informés&quot;.
Coordination and completion of the HBIS database in the context of the ecological network setting up in Wallonia
Coordination du groupe de travail &quot;monitoring&quot; au sein de la commission internationale pour la protection de la Meuse (CIM).
Coordination of the sub-group &quot;ecological quality&quot; within the international commission for the Meuse (CIPM) and the Scheldt (CIPE) protection
Cost-benefit analysis of the location of new forest land
Costs and benefits of nature development in the Scheldt Estuary
Criteria and impulse for change towards sustainable consumption: sector-based approach
Cryptosporidium and Giardia in Belgium
Création d&#39;un centre de formation, recherche et développement en aquaculture au Nord-Kivu (RDC)
Création et restauration de mares en milieu forestier en Wallonie
DEMOGOV - Democratic Governance and Theory of Collective Action
DIFPOLMINE: prevention of pollution of surface water through different sources of mining activity.
DIVCRO Study of the actual, past and future biodiversity of protists and higher plants on a subantarctic island : role of dispersion, colonisation and resistance to climatic warming
Danger of contamination of urban purification mud - SLIB project
Data generation and processing power to resolve fundamental questions in green algal research
De Zee van Toen
De invloed van visgemeenschappen en predatie door aalscholvers op de structuur, het functioneren en de biodiversiteit van ondiepe meren
De la nature de nos confins. Espaces protégés et éthiques environnementales
De optimalisatie van het maaibeheer van waterlopen.
Decoding of ecological and climatological information from lignified tissues from tropical Africa
Demography of two avian frugivores in a recently fragmented rainforest in south-east Kenya
Design and renovation of urban public spaces toward sustainable cities (DRUPSSuC)
Detection of contaminant in raw material and plants through CASI2-SWIR fragments.
Determination of the age, the paleoenvironments and the formation of the &quot;Cran aux Iguanodons&quot; of Bernissart. Integration of the results in their global stratigraphical et paleogeographical contexts
Devellopment of a monitoring and evaluating system for macrophytes in Flemish water bodies.
Developing a method to explain/predict invasive success as a framework for early warning of invasive plants.
Developing single-species fodder crops or mixed grasses and/or pulse crop in hot climates (phytotechnical features, nutritive value, behaviour of grazing animals, economy, etc.)
Development and implementation of a tool for rural region cartographic follow-up (OSCER) in the Walloon Region
Development and use of new strategies to control pests, vectors of viral diseases in a rural environment in Shandong Province (China)
Development of Belgian REDD Information Systems (BE REDD)
Development of a DNA array to assess the role of mycorrhizal associations in determining the prevalence of inter-specific hybridisation in orchid species
Development of a decision-making tool for windfalls management in Walloon Region
Development of a realistic set of composite urban environmental indicators
Development of an international Agreement for the conservation of Gorillas and their habitats, under the auspices of the UN Convention on Migratory Species
Development of biocontrol agents for commercial application against post-harvest diseases of perishable foods
Development of inventory methods applied to the integrated forest management
Development of minor food crops in the Ivory Coast: case of pistachio nuts (seed-edible cucurbits eaten in sauce)
Development of molecular monitoringtechniques to determine the activity of sulphat- and metalreducing bacteria as indication for the in-situ immobilization of heavy metals.
Development of rehabilitation technologies and approaches for multipressured degraded waters and the integration of their impact on river basin management (AQUAREHAB)
Development of rye grass allele-specific markers for sustainable grassland improvement
Development of systems to improve phytoremediation of metal contaminated soils through improved phytoaccumulation.
Development, Evaluation and Implementation of a Standardised Fish based Assessment Method for the Ecological Status of European Rivers. A contribution to the Water Framework Directive (FAME)
Diatom Biogeography &amp; Morphology: Capita Selecta (DIVDIAT)
Digitalisation of the collections
Digitization of a reference collection of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Paraguayan dry Chaco
Dispersal and rarity of mossen in Flanders [elaboration of Red Lists of Belgian mosses] (ZELDZMOS)
Dispersal and recruitment of African wild olive (Olea europaea subsp. cuspidata (Wall. ex G. Don) Cif.) in the highlands of Central-Tigray, Northern-Ethiopia
Distributed Dynamic Diversity Databases for Life
Distribution Patterns of Introduced Plants Differ From Native Plants in Lowland England
Distribution of Lucanus cervus in Wallonia
Distribution of bat species in Wallonia
Distribution of raccoon Procyon lotor in Wallonia
Distribution of wasps in Wallonia
Distribution spatiale de la diversité intra et inter-spécifique des arbres des forêts denses du Gabon.
Disturbance resistance of plant communities and populations in a dune grassland
Diversification des termites sans soldats en forêt amazonienne.
Diversity and biogeography of lichenized and non-lichenized fungi in four African Hotspots
Diversity of ecosystems and resistance and resilience to disturbance: an analysis at the species level.
Diversity of rhizobia from Belgian leguminous plants: a molecular inventory
Diversité microbienne et processus écologiques au Lac Kivu, Afrique de l&#39;Est
Do forests cool the Earth?
Does habitat fragmentation affect the evolution of prey-capture, dispersal and aposematism in an Afrotropical webspider
Does stress sensitivity change of plants and ecosystems under modified climate conditions?
Drève de Lorraine : management of copper beech dieback, remedial proposal and renovation plan
Duiven in een West -Vlaamse context
Durable use of metal polluted agricultural land : cultivation of energy crops as an alternative for conventional agriculture.
Dynamic character of tree and herbaceous populations in close-canopy Central African forests in relation to earlier man-induced and climate disturbances
Dynamic exchanges of CO2/H2O between farm ecosystems and the atmosphere in the Sub-Saharan area of West Africa
Dynamics and viability of butterfly (meta)populations
Dynamics in diversity, functionality and stability of mangroves, approached by a retrospective and current remote sensing approach using new pattern recognition techniques.
Dynamics of a semi-deciduous rainforest in Luki, DRC
Dynamics of spider and carabid beetle assemblages along a lowland gravel river: effects of flooding disturbance and spatial fragmentation
Dynamique des peuplements d&#39;arbres et d&#39;herbacées des forêts denses d&#39;Afrique centrale en relation avec les anciennes perturbations anthropiques et climatiques.
Dynamique des populations des grands ongulés sauvages sur les territoires expérimentaux (Chasses de la Couronne…)
Décisions individuelles et stratégies collectives chez les arthropodes
Décisions individuelles et stratégies collectives chez les arthropodes
EAGLES - East African Great Lake Ecosystem Sensitivity to changes
ECO investigates the houskeeping of life
ECOLIRIMED: Development of a wood ecotypes system for permanent fixation and the phytoremediation of water courses
ECONET: Feasibility study of ecological networks: ecological, economic, social and legal aspects
ECOTOX2: Effects of pollutants on benthic populations and communities of North Sea organisms
ECOWORM - Erosion COntrol in arable land through the management of earthWORM communities
EDIT - Toward the European Distributed Institute of Taxonomy
EMBARC - European consortium for microbial resource centres
ENCOFOR - ENvironment and COmmunity based framework for designing afFORestation, reforestation and revegetation projects in the CDM
ENDIS-RISKS: Endocrine disruption in the Scheldt estuary: distribution, exposure and effects
ENSO: Recent Enso And Paleo-Enso of the last 1000 Years in Lake Tanganyika
EUMAR - European marine genetic biodiversity
EUROFLEETS - Towards an alliance of European research fleets
EXAMINE-Exploitation of aphid monitoring systems in europe to improve observation and prediction of global change impacts on terrestrial ecosystems
Ebone European Biodiversity Observation Network
Eco-evolutionary dynamics in a human-dominated world
Eco-hydrological and socio-economical approach for the restoration of the lagoon Merja Zerga in Morocco.
Ecodistricts: spatial entities for environmental policy in Flanders. Action 134 of the Flemish environmental policy plan 1997-2001
Ecohydrological monitoring in managed and unmanaged forest ecosystems in southern Chile
Ecological Integrity and Sustainable Management of standing waters
Ecological genomics: using genome scans to detect the signature of natural selection in wild populations of Daphnia magna
Ecological monitoring project concerning the Lombardsijde beach (t0 situation - phase 4)
Ecological monitoring project concerning the Lombardsijde beach (t1 situation)
Ecological responses to changing hydrological conditions in floodplains.
Ecological study and integration in the landscape of the motorway connection A27 (Verviers-Steinebrück)
Ecological study of the north Ardenne rivers : Diatoms flora and vegetation and water chemistry
Ecological vision for the land-use planning project &quot;Brugse Veldzone&quot;
Ecologie de plantes exotiques envahissantes
Ecologie des espèces Chabot et Lamproie
Ecologie des récifs coralliens en mésocosme acidifié: changements sur le long-terme chez les coraux, le microbiota et les oursins
Ecologie du paysage d’une zone de transition forêt-savane dans le département de Tanda (Est de la Côte d’Ivoire)
Ecologie expérimentale de microcosmes de Tetrahymena thermophila.
Ecology and control of forest and urban insects
Ecology and management of forest tree populations harvested by forestry companies operating in Central Africa (Gabon, Cameroon, Congo) : 5 contracts with 5 companies managing 3 million ha
Ecology and natural regeneration of ligneous species (Angiospermae) in african tropical moist forest
Ecology of Lake Kivu zooplankton
Ecology of an invasive plant, Senecio inaequidens: interactions with pollinators, herbivores and soil fauna. Comparison with the native Senecio jacobaea
Ecology of exotic plant invasions
Ecology of the Wryneck, Jynx torquilla
Economic Valuation of ecosystem services of (semi) natural landscapes for Cost-Benefit Assessments 
Economic aspects of sustainable agriculture
Economic valuation and optimization techniques for land-use changes
Economic valuation of forests: case study Heverleebos-Meerdaalwoud
Economical value of natural reserves: Case study Meldert Bos
Ecophysiologie des communautés benthiques de péracarides charognards - focus sur le métabolisme des lipides.
Ecopolitique internationale: politique internationale de la biodiversité, gestion des biotechnologies, accès aux ressources génétiques naturelles.
Ecosystem Services in Flanders: A new challenge for nature conservation?
Ecosystem services of Freshwater systems (ECOFRESH)
Een eeuw zeevisserij in België
Een nieuw licht op anti-trypanosoma medicijnontwikkeling: samenspel van bioluminicentie en mariene biologie
Effect van nutriënten limitatie (fosfor limitatie) op de floristische diversiteit in een onverstoord wetland.
Effects of cadmium and mercury exposure on regeneration, stem cell dynamics and redox status in the free-living flatworm Macrostomum sp. (Macrostomida)
Effects of distinct forest stands on substrate weathering and silicon flow towards the hydrosphere.
Effects of dune stabilization on life history, dispersal capacity and community structure of arthropods associated with Ammophila arenaria
Effects of extinction and recolonisation dynamics on genetic differentiation of plant metapopulations on dynamic stony banks along the Common Meuse
Effects of forest management on soil fertility and the water cycle
Effects of herbivorous insects on resource allocation patterns and fitness with Phragmites australis.
Effects of maintenance on watercourses on regrowth, biomass and potential adjustment to more efficient and cheaper methods
Effects of physical and nutritional parameters on Dicentrarchus labrax larvae development in axenic and gnotobiotic environments
Effects of stream artificialisation on aquatic bryophytes
Effects of tree species induced soil acidification on litter and herb layer dynamics along a natural gradient of soil buffering capacity
Effects of tree species’ litter and root decomposition products on the mobility of Cd and Zn in sandy soils
Elaborating public culture collections of diatoms, polar cyanobacteria and mycobacteria in Belgium
Elaboration of integrated management strategies combining local development and ecosystem conservation in four rural communities of the argan Man and Biosphere Reserve around the Jbel Amsiten massif
Encodage en vue d&#39;exploitation des fiches des inventaires de terrain réalisés dans le cadre des contrats de rivière dans la base de données créée à cet effet, géoréférencement des points inventoriés sur support informatique et production de cartes
Encodage en vue d'exploitation des fiches des inventaires de terrain réalisés dans le cadre des contrats de rivière dans la base de données créée à cet effet
Endophytic Degrader Bacteria for Improving Phytoremediation of Organic Xenobiotics.
Endosymbiotic bacteria in coenocytic green algae - exploration of a partnership
Energy crops on agricultural soils contaminated with heavy metals.
Enhancement of forest ressources value
Enhancing methodology and feasibility of Sustainability Impact Assessments (SIA) for the Belgian federal level
Entomological and arachnological collections
Entomological collection of the Agricultural University of Gembloux
Environment Impact Assessment Study in Natura 2000 sites /GIREA
Environmental Outlook for Wallonia 2008
Environmental controls on the distribution of aquatic macrophytes in Ugandan crater lakes
Etude biologique et écologique de « Fange aux Mochettes », à Samrée, La Roche
Etude comparative de la luminescence chez les requins
Etude de l&#39;influence de diverses sources odorantes (de conspécifiques ou autres) sur le comportement social et spatial du campagnol roussâtre (clethrionomys glareolus), en laboratoire et en milieu naturel.
Etude de l&#39;influence de la période de floraison et des facteurs environnementaux chez Fagopyrum esculentum Moench
Etude de la diapause chez un parasitoïde de puceron, selon 3 étapes à savoir (1) le contrôle écologique, (2) les changements morpho-physiologiques, (3) et l&#39;influence de l&#39;environnement sur l&#39;expression génique spécifique à la diapause.
Etude de la dynamique d'une colonie de hérons cendrés dans les marais d'Harchies
Etude de la relation entre le patrimoine génétique et le niveau de réponses physiologiques, immunologiques et moléculaires chez un poisson téléostéen Perca fluviatilis en conditions de stress
Etude de la variabilité génétique des acides gras du lait et développement de méthodes et outils nécessaires à une sélection différenciée des bovins laitiers pour les acides gras. Partim: acquisition de données spectrales et chimiques.
Etude des relations entre les grands ongulés sauvages et leur habitat sur les territoires expérimentaux (Chasses de la Couronne…)
Etude des techniques d'entretien et de restauration des landes en Haute Ardenne
Etude des techniques d'entretien et de restauration des pelouses calcicoles
Etude des techniques d'entretien et de restauration des tourbières hautes dégradées
Etude du potentiel de production de l&#39;élevage caprin au Nord du Maroc et propositions de voies de développement durable (FRAB Maroc)
Etude du rôle du génotype sexuel sur les réponses physiologiques et immunologiques au stress au cours de la période de reproduction chez deux poissons à stratégie reproductive différente
Etude et surveillance des milieux ouverts semi-naturels du plateau des Tailles, haute Ardenne
Etude phytogéographique et écologique des espèces floristiques menacées du Burundi
Etudes approfondies sur la valorisation de composés bioactifs de plantes andines et amazoniennes pour un développement régional durable
Etudes chimiques, nutritionnelles et technologiques sur des antioxydants naturels issus de végétaux amazoniens
Etudes piscicoles sur les relations entre ruisseau pépinière et cours d'eau principal
Euromodel : Training in International Development Co-operation
European Network for Forest vegetation management : towards environmental sustainability
European Network of Excellence for Ocean Ecosystems Analysis (EUR-OCEANS)
European Project on Ocean Acidification (EPOCA)
European Water Framework Directive
European network of excellence for ocean ecosystems analysis
European research network on Global Public Goods
Evaluatie van de effectiviteit van natuurtechnische maatregelen in het waterlopenbeheer.
Evaluation and use of beneficial entomofauna in vegetable open fields
Evaluation et cartographie de la déforestation au Katanga (RDC)
Evaluation of antipaludic treatments from plants used in traditional medicine in Benin
Evaluation of policies related to biodiversity conservation and waste management in Benin
Evaluation of sustainable management systems: potential and application in Flanders
Evaluation of the biological quality of Walloon rivers based on fish indexes (PECHE)
Evaluation of the environmental measures impact on surfaces and production potentialities of the Walloon forestry
Evaluation of the environmental policy-strategy for Wallonia
Evaluation of the impact of Ladybeetles invasions on walloon agriculture
Evaluation of the phytostabilisation on a large surface definition and effect on long-term-basis and in view of bringing over the results on other contaminated territories.
Evaluation of the quality of water streams physical components in the Dyle and the Gette Basins
Evolutie van craniale morfologie in hagedissen: optimaal ontwerp of historisch fenomeen
Evolution and migration of mammals during the Paleocene-Eocene transition (60 à 50 million years) in the Northern hemisphere
Evolution in Zambezian Fukomys (Rodentia: Bathyergidae)
Evolution of ambulatory dispersal in &quot;Tetranychus urticae Koch&quot; (Acari:Tetranychidae) and its relevance for biological control.
Evolution of the Cubatão urban mangrove in São Paulo State (Brazil) over space and time
Evolutionary adaptations of dry-seeded plant species to endozoochorous dispersal
Evolutionary biology of invasive social insects
Evolutionary ecology of damselflies in edge populations.
Evolutionary ecology of life history plasticity: an integrated approach across metamorphosis.
Evolutionary ecology of phenotypic syndromes in damselflies.
Evolutionary ecology of physiological responses under predatorstress
Evolutionary implications of hybridization in the invasive polyploid complex Fallopia
Evolutionary morphology in trichomycterid catfishes: structural and functional adaptations in haematophagous vertebrates
Evolutionary paleogenomics of Daphnia: reconstructing evolutionary responses...
Evolutionary stress biology: genetic adaptation of Daphnia populations to local stressors: pollution and biotic factors
Expeditie Zeeleeuw
Experimental approach of metapopulation dynamics and viability with microcosms of a unicellular microorganism, &quot;Tetrahymena thermophila&quot;.
Experimental research on technicals management for mangroves forest
Experimental study of metapopulation viability with Tetrahymena thermophila microcosms
Expertise centre for monitoring changes in terrestrial ecosystems via earth observation
Extensive management of grassland, impact on conservation of biological resources and farm output (EGRO)
Extinction debt as an indicator for the management of fragmented forest landscapes 
Extraordinary sex ratios in animals
FEFOCON: Environmental, social and economic feasibility of forest conversion
FISHGUARD: Impact assessment and remediation of anthropogenic interventions on fish populations
FORBIO - Assessment of the effects of tree species BIOdiversity on FORest ecosystem functioning
FORSA - Forest resources modelling in the territory of ancient Sagalassos, South Anatolia, Turkey
FORTHREATS - The European network on emerging diseases and invasive species threats to European forest ecosystems
FRAC-WECO: Flux-based Risk Assessment of impact of Contaminants on Water resources and ECOsystems
Facteurs-clés pour la persistance de populations fragmentées d´espèces végétales rares ou en régression et de leurs pollinisateurs préférentiels: patrons de pollinisation, dépression de consanguinité, flux de gènes et ressources disponibles
Feasibility study concerning active land management using plants on zinc, lead and cadmiumcontaminated soils in the Kempen region in Belgium
Feeding facilitation as a possible mechanism for coexistence between herbivores: the case-study of rabbits and large grazers
Field experiment on sustainable management of metal contaminated soil using phytoextraction
Fires regime effects on semi arid vegetation spatial pattern of south-west Niger
Fish Ecology and fish stock management in reservoirs of the semi arid high lands of Tigray, Northern Ethiopia.
Fish and parasite evolution
Fish systematics
Floodplains revisited! Hydro-ecological modelling supported by spectral directional imaging (HYECO)
Fluxes, bioavailability and effects of metals in aquatic and terrestrial systems: analytical approach via metal isotopes
Follow-up of works on riverbanks vegetal lanscaping techniques
Fonctionalité écologique et stabilité des écosystèmes de mangroves : une approche par modélisation
Forest and landscape modeling in the context of conservation and restoration of disturbed afromontane forest
Forest and nature management: Contribution to the organization of a Master programme in forest management for the reinforcement of congolese researchers’ capacities, to facilitate the socio-economic boosting of the Democratic Republic of the Congo DRC
Formation and research to develop biological control methods against post harvest diseases of citrus and apples
Fragmentation and extinction patterns in vegetation
Freshwater prawn rice culture : the development of a sustainable system in the Mekong Delta Vietnam
From Sex to Asex: A case study on the interactions between sexual and asexual reproduction(SexAseX)
FunDivEUROPE: Functional significance of forest biodiversity in Europe
Function and regulation of plant aquaporins
Function of aquaporins in the regulation of the osmotic water permeability of plant cell plasma membrane and in water relations in entire plants.
Functional and ecological morphology of aquatic feeding in snakes
Functional consequences and ecological implications of extreme morphological specialisation: design and function of the feeding apparatus in seahorses and pipefishes (Syngnathidae)
Functional ecologic study on the effect of two key stress actors in aquatic macro invertebrates
Functional-ecological study of the combined effects of predator- and pesticide stress on aquatic insects: from gen to community.  
Functional-ecological study of biotic interactions along a latitude gradient in a damselfly
Fungus Flora of Tropical Africa (FFTA)
Fysische verstoring van getijdengebieden door golfslag van schepen in het Schelde-estuarium.
GAUFRE: Towards a spatial structure plan for sustainable management of the sea
GEPAC: Contribution à l&#39;amélioration des processus de gouvernance environnementale et de Gestion Participative en Afrique Centrale
GESZ: Towards the “good ecological status” in river Zenne: re-evaluating Brussels’ wastewater management.
GHG-Europe - Greenhouse gas management in European Land use systems
GIS - LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY - Cat_SCI &quot;Bridging the gap between ecological theory and species distribution modelling for conservation practice&quot; Classe_BO UCL
GIS_LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY_ Cat APP &quot;Decision Support to wildlife management in Région Wallonne&quot; Classe_73 RW-DGRNE
GREEN DYKE : The use of natural barriers for coastal protection in Sri Lanka.
Genetic (and morphological) study of the invasive ictalurids Ameiurus nebulosus and A. melas in Belgium
Genetic Diversity in River Populations of European Black poplar lor evaluation of biodiversity, conservation strategies, nature development and genetic improvement (EUROPOP)
Genetic and molecular characterisation of two non conventional yeasts antagonist against Botrytis cinerea
Genetic diversity in Tilia spp. and consequences for conservation and use
Genetic diversity of relict populations of Liparis loesellii in Flanders and surrounding regions
Genetic diversity of Juniper in Flanders and surrounding regions.
Genetic diversity, clonality and reproductive system of Vaccinium myrtillus and V. uliginosum (MYRGENE)
Genetic diversity, epidemiology, disease resistance and control of Phytophthora ramorum in Rhododendron
Genetic improvement of Jatropha curcas and the development of effective and lasting growing techniques for Jatropha curcas
Genetic improvement of two antagonistic yeasts against postharvest diseases of fruits
Genetic structure and introgression of the water frog complex in Flanders
Genetic structure of an invasive hepathic, Lophocolea semiteres (LOPHOGENE)
Genetic structure, gene flow and scale of local adaptation in tropical trees from Central Africa . What is the relative importance of selection and gene dispersal on genetic diversity organization?
Genetics of dispersal.
Geocalycaceae in “Mosses and Liverworts of Uganda” (GEOCALAFR)
Geographical and ecological distribution of cyanobacteria from Antarctica and the Arctic
Geographical modelling of the distribution of bubonic plague in Africa: an ecological study on different scale levels
Gestion durable des ressources naturelles à la base des soins de santé primaire en milieu villageois : capital et potentialité des plantes médicinales dans la forêt classée des Monts Kouffé (centre du Bénin). 
Global expansion of the invasive ant Pheidole megacephala
Globale impactstudie Tessenderlo Chemie. Impactanalyse waterlopen en overstromingsgebieden.
Governance of ecosystem services: What questions and research needs should the interdisciplinary community address?
Growing halophytes in China for agronomic and ecological purposes: a case study for flowering deserts
Growth and development of higher plants 
Growth performance of invasive alien Landoltia punctata and invasive alien Lemna minuta in monocultures and mixtures under different nutrient conditions
Généraliser la portée des modèles de dispersion en les abordant non plus exclusivement sous l&#39;angle de fonctions dépendantes de la distance, mais sur base de la connectivité fonctionnelle du paysage évaluée sur une vaste gamme d&#39;organismes.
HARBASINS - Harmonised River Basins Strategies North Sea
HOLANT: Holocene climate variability and ecosystem change in coastal East and Maritime Antarctica
Habitat Suitability model for the analysis and prediction of macrobenthos in the North Sea
Habitat mapping of Bird Directive species inside Natura 2000 network in Wallonia
Habitat shifts as drivers of biodiversity: an ecological phylogeneticapproach.
Habitatrichtlijnen en natuurstudie : opmaken van een uitgebreide natuurstudie van het projectgebied Oosterweelverbinding. Impact van de sluiting van de Antwerpse ring op nationaal en internationaal beschermde natuurgebieden.(deelcontract 1, 2 en 3)
Heavy metal pollution as a potential originator of reproductive isolation in wolf spiders
High-resolution continental paleoclimate record from lake Baikal : a key-site for eurasian teleconnections to the north Atlantic ocean and monsoona system (CONTINENT)
Highlighting the prebiotic and immune effects of soluble fibres in animals
Historische analyse van de Zeeschelde en haar getijgebonden zijrivieren -19e eeuw tot heden
Hoe beïnvloeden wetlands het transport van Si doorheen rivierbekkens? Een studie naar biologische Si retentie en recycling.
Holothuriculture tropicale : établissement d&#39;une ferme de grossissement d&#39;holothuries comestibles à Madagascar
Hot-spots in biological transformation of silica (Hobits).
How does environmental stress trigger the evolution of local adaptation in stress resistance by life history alterations?
Hydrological modelling in the context of life cycle assessments of land use systems
IMPECVOC: Impact of phenology and environmental conditions on BVOC emissions from forest ecosystems
INPLANBEL: Invasive plants in Belgium: Patterns, processes and monitoring
INRAM: Integrated risk assessment and monitoring of micropollutants in the Belgian coastal zone
Identification of cryptic diversity in the groundwater genus Trichodrilus Latreille (Clitellata, Lumbriculidae)
Identification of genes implicated in tolerance and hyperaccumulation of heavy metals in plants and comparison of physiological traits and population genetic structure of metallicolous and non-metallicolous populations
Identification of prioritarian product categories for the federal environmental product policy
Identification of wooden objects
Identification, selection and development of an environmental indicator dashboard for Wallonia
Identifying the factors involved in the regeneration success of cork oak (Quercus suber L.) in the Mâamora forest (Rabat, Marocco)
Identity-by-descent method for the genetic fine-mapping of quantitative trait loci - &#39;QTL&#39; in livestock
Image classification of the earth for a tropical forest cartography<a href="" target="_blank">
Impact of Global Change on terrestial ecosystems : multiscalar approach. (FWO Vis.Fel., Anna Shevtsova Chupina, Sweden)
Impact of Mangrove exploitation of the Benthic ecosystem and the assessment of ecological quality objectives (IMABE)
Impact of ectomycorrhizal fungi on the nitrogen assimilation in trees and consequences of the symbiosis for the fractionation of stable nitrogen isotopes in the symbionts
Impact of fast and slow climate change on biodiversity and landscape stability: study of the Late-Glacial and Early-Holocene as a reference for the present-day climate change
Impact of forest conversion of former pine plantations on the abundance of the sheep tick
Impact of global warming on aphid and virus species in potato growing: effect on the transmission of virus diseases and alternative control systems
Impact of heat and drought extremes in experimental grasslands
Impact of heavy metal contamination on grasslands.
Impact of invasive bird species
Impact of macrophytes on bio-availability of metals present in riversediments.
Impact of past climate changes on the genetic diversity of phytophagous insects characterized by a Eurasian arctic-alpine distribution
Impact of sediment pollution on the ecological situation in the Antwerp docks.
Impact of the algae on mussels
Impact of the grassland hemiparasites Rhinanthus angustifolius and Pedicularis sylvatica on plant community dynamics through effects on vegetation structure and biogeochemical cycling
Impact of the greenhouse effect and of changes in atmospheric CO2 concentration on the functioning of grassland ecosystems : an integrated experimental and modelling approach.
Impact of the invasive ant Solenopsis geminata on the endemic fauna of the Galápagos islands - Genetic and ecological context
Impact of tri-trophic interactions on biological control: evolutionary approach of the Brassicaceae (Angiospermae), Aphids (Homoptera, Insects) and Episyrphus balteatus (Syrphidae, Diptera, Insecta) relations
Impact van hydrologie op diversiteit van aquatische organismen in tijdelijke wetlands in de Kaapstreek (Zuid-Afrika).
Impacts of the urban wastes of Niamey city on Niger River water quality
Impacts transgénérationnels de xénobiotiques chez des vertébrés aquatiques. Combinaison dapproches  épigénétique, protéomique, endocrine et de chimie physique structurale
Implementation of an action plan against invasive alien species in the Walloon region : conception and submission of LIFE and INTERREG projects
Implementation of regional system for soil quality assessment and monitoring in agricultural and forest areas, in Belgium and Overseas
Implementation of the agri-environmental measures « flowered stretch » and « stretch of arable plants »: scientific support
Implications of Posidonia litter accumulations, and their associated microbial and detritivorous communities, in the carbon cycle of an oligotrophic marine coastal area.
Improvement and micropropagation of a type-approved plant with a view to biodiesel production: Jatropha curcas
Improvement of selection of tea clones and irrigation strategies for tea estates in the Northern province of South Africa by means of ecophysiological studies.
Improving management practices and food safety related to the use of chemicals for a sustainable freshwater aquaculture in the Mekong delta
Improving pikeperch larval quality and production by broodstock management and nutrition, husbandry and sex control
Industrial valorisation of biological control against post harvest diseases of apples and pears
Influence of climate change on the invasibility of subarctic plant communities
Inoculation of fluvial environments with zooplankton - approaches based on the study of rotifer clonal diversity and propagula banks
Inrichting van overstromingsgebieden en natuurgebieden in het kader van het geactulaiseerd SIGMA-plan
Insect adaptation to a new environment
Integrated Consortium on Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases (ICTTD-3)
Integrated analysis of plant-soil relationships in extremophile ecosystems: outcrops of copper-rich rocks in Katanga (DR Congo)
Integrated control of postharvest deseases of apples and pears
Integration of ecology, sociology and economics in water policy by means of a policy support system
Inter-étalonnage des méthodes d'évaluation biologique de la qualité des eaux de surface
Interactie tussen parasieten en gemeenschapsecologie: Daphnia en haar parasieten als een model.
Interaction of macrophyte-, sediment-, and heavy metal dynamics
Interactions entre trois espèces d’Impatiens sur la totalité d’un cycle de végétation : quantification, principaux processus et conséquences pour les populations
International Environmental Politics
Intra- and interspecific variation in fatty acid composition and production in pennate diatoms
Intraguild predation by Harmonia axyridis on native coccinelid species
Introduction to taxonomy and systematics of freshwater oligochaetes and assessment of their biodiversity in ground waters of Eastern Morocco
Intéractions entre régimes internationaux (notamment entre l&#39;Organisation mondiale pour le Commerce, l&#39;Organisation mondiale pour la Propriété intellectuelle et la Convention sur la diversité biologique)
Invasion and biodiversity in grasslands and field borders
Invasion history and control of Callosciurus erythraeus in Dadizele, Belgium
Invasive species: the case of the Brussels Psittacidae Impacts, risks assessment and actions range
Invasive speed of alien plant species related to plant traits and habitat characterisitcs
Inventorisation and valorisation of crops in Kisangani tropical forest
Investigation of the fish population in oxbow lakes of the river Scheldt in Western Flanders (Belgium).
Investigations on the fish population in the Border Meuse in light of the project ‘Living Border Meuse’.
Invullen natuurontwikkeling langs de Zeeschelde en haar tijgebonden zijrivieren.
Jumping genes (transposons) &amp; the evolution of non-marine ostracods
KLIMOS Research platform Climate and Development
LAQUAN: Late Quaternary climate history of coastal Antarctic environments: a multi-proxy approach
LUSI: Land Use Changes and Si Transport through the Scheldt River Basin
La biodiversité sous influence
La biogéographie de la façace Atlantique de l&#39;Europe
La cohérence des acteurs internationaux
Lay-out of apparatus for cultivation advice by input of expertise and data.
Layout of an ecological vision for the land-us planning project Brugse Veldzone (Western Flanders)
Layout of an ecosystem-vision for the hilly region of Western Flanders (West-Vlaamse Heuvels)
Les champignons médicinaux dans la pharmacopée traditionnelle chinoise
Les syndrômes insulaires chez les bryophytes.
Les termites comme outil de valorisation de la biomasse lignocellulosique, étude protéomique (électrophorèse 2D) et métabolomique (GC-MS, LC-MS) des complexes enzymatiques des termites et de leurs symbiontes
Lichen Flora of the Greater Sonoran Desert Region (LICSON)
Lichenized and non-lichenized fungi in four hot spots of subsaharian Africa: taxonomical surveys, ecogeographical and phylogenetical studies.
Lichenized fungi of tropics (LICTRO)
LifeWatch - E-science and technology infrastructure for biodiversity data and observatories
Linking dispersal, connectivity, and landscape structure to produce habitat evaluation/restoration guidelines
Linking optical imaging techniques and 2D-modelling for stuyding spatial heterogenity in vegetated streams and rivers.
Local vs. regional processes determining plant community assembly along networks of forest streams
Local extinction of plant species : searching for possible ecological determinants
Long-term monitoring of common breeding bird in Wallonia
MAKALA: Sustainable management of the source of dendro-energy in DRC
MALUS: Studying apple biodiversity: opportunities for conservation and sustainable use of genetics resources
MANSCAPE: Integrated management tools for water bodies in agricultural landscapes
MANUDYN II: Macrophytes and nutrient dynamics: process and field studies in the upper reaches of river bassins
MAPDIP - Modeling of agrarian and population dynamics in the Philippines
MICROMAT: Biodiversity of microbial mats in Antarctica
MICROMET: Microbial diversity and metal fluxes in contaminated North Sea sediments
MODELKEY Models for assessing and forecasting the impact of environmental key pollutants on marine and freshwater ecosystems and biodiversity
MODIRISK: Mosquito vectors of disease: spatial biodiversity, drivers of change, and risk
MUSICAL-Multifunctionality and local identity as paradigms for sustainable and competitive agriculture
MYCARBIO: Mycorrhizae impact on biodiversity and C-balance of grassland ecosystems under changing climate
Macrophyte patches as biogeochemical hotspots: impact on river water quality?
Management and sustainable use of the endemic silk worm Borocera cajanus in a forest environment in the Antananarivo region (Madagascar)
Management of pest insects in an industrial plant (galvanising steel)
Management plan concerning fishing for the Grensmaas and the Maasland-region.
Management tests of three invasive plants (Acer rufinerve, Spiraea spp., Cotoneaster horizontalis) and information sessions about biological invasion for DNF officers
Managing forests for biodiversity, especially for birds
Mapping of ancient forests in Wallonia
Mapping of indicators for ecosystem services in mountain areas using high and very-high resolution remote sensing data: natural hazard regulation and carbon storage support
Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning
Master education and research programme on sustainable management of natural resourses (biodiversity)
May tolerance to toxicity explain adaptive radiation in the genus Ceratitis (Diptera, Tephritidae)?
Mechanisms of adaptive cadmium tolerance in the mycorrhizal fungus Suillus luteus
Mediterranean container plants and their stowaways: a potential source of invasive plant species
Metacommunity ecology of asuatic microbial communities along strong ecological gradients
Metagemeenschapsecologie van bacteriële gemeenschappen: een experimenteel onderzoek naar lineage sorting en dispersie in microbiële gemeenschappen van de waterkolom-biofilm ecotone in stilstaande wateren
Metallophytes of Katanga (DR Congo)
Method development for interdisciplinary isotopic research via multi-collector ICP - mass spectrometry
Methodologies in support of marine protected areas management in Senegal
Microparticles: batlle against fine particles
Mise au point d&#39;une méthode de caractérisation des éléments constitutifs de l&#39;habitat de cinq espèces de Lepidoptères Rhopalocères.
Mise au point d’une méthodologie des études concernant l’évaluation du risque environnemental d’hybridation entre cultures OGM et flore indigène, et évaluation de la faisabilité de telles études à partir du cas particulier du colza
Mixed reproductive systems in plant populations: balance between vegetative and sexual reproduction
Mobility, inbreeding and fitness in spatially-structured populations of the House sparrow: an integrated study with phenotypic and genotypic markers
Modellering van de interacties tussen macrofieten en rivierprocessen en hun effect op rivierkwaliteit.
Modèlisation rétrospective du fonctionnement des écosystèmes aquatiques
Mogelijkheden van NTMB binnen de uitbouw van de ecologische infrastructuur in de Antwerpse haven.
Molecular archives of climatic history: exploring patterns of genomic differentiation in endemic species radiations of ancient lakes (MOLARCH)
Molecular aspects of adaptive metal tolerance of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Suillus luteus
Molecular characterisation and population dynamics of Gram-Positive bacteria associated with the production of Flemish artisan Gouda-type cheeses
Molecular diagnostics in Nematology
Molecular dialogue between parasite and hosts: the trypanosome model
Molecular evolution of insect herbivores: insecticide resistance, insect-plant coevolution and olfaction
Molecular phylogeny and phylogeography of the genus Hydrangea sensu lato (Hydrangeaceae)
Molecular phylogeny, evolution and phylogeography
Molecular phylogeny, phylogeography and speciation mechanisms of Salicornia (PHYLOSAL)
Molecular systematics and biogeography of tiger spiders (Araneae: Theraphosidae: Poecilotheria) in Southern Western Ghats of India
Monitoring and modeling of changes in coastline, vegetation and biodiversity in natural and restored mangrove forests on a fundamental and applied level.
Monitoring insecticide resistance and mapping malaria vectors in Southeast Asia.
Monitoring of rivers waterside bands and phytosanitary state of alder and others ligneous species of banks Development of silvicultural scenarios for the production of quality wood (silvicultural standards, relation forestry – wood quality)
Monitoring of the biological recovery of the repositioned river Nete in Dessel (Pinken).
Monitoring of the biological recovery of the repositioned river Witte Nete in Dessel (Flanders, Belgium)
Monitoring of the effects of offshore wind farms on the endobenthos of soft substrates: Year-0 Bligh Bank and Year-1 Thorntonbank
Monitoring of three demonstration experiments concerning in situ reclamation of metal contaminated soils in NE Belgium.
Monitoring structural attributes of trees and surrounding vegetation to detect and forecast status and changes in mangrove forests and assemblages
Monitoring structural attributes of trees and surrounding vegetation to detect status and predict changes in mangrove forests and assemblages.
Morphological and molecular studies on the order Arthoniales, in particular on the genus Opegrapha (ARTHON)
Morphological and molecular-genetic characterisation of wild plum taxa in Flanders
Moss-inhabiting-diatom-based biogeography of the (sub-)Antarctic Region (ANTARCDIAT)
Mosses in macroremains from archeological sites (BRYOARCHEO)
Mosses of woods, heathlands and pastures in Flanders (BOSHEIMOS)
Multi-scale approach of the link between structure and function in contracted periodic self-organized vegetation in semi-arid area
Multi-species swards and multi scale strategies for multifunctional grassland-based ruminant production systems  (MULTISWARD)
Multifunctionaliteit van overstromingsgebieden: wetenschappelijke bepaling van de impact van waterberging op natuur, bos en landbouw.
Muscles &quot; Macrophytes Universal Patterns in Silica, Cellulose and Lignin- content: an Explorative study
Mussel Farming
Mutualism and social life : aphid - ant interactions
Mycocoenological study of different types of forests in the South of Belgium (MYCOSOC)
Méthodologies pour la gestion des Aires Marines Protégées (AMP): gouvernance des pêcheries et du développement local durable
N-excretion in dairy cattle: milk urea content as basis for estimating nitrogen loss
National Forest Inventory in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
Navigating microbial space with the bioportal
Net exchange of CO2 between forest ecosystems and atmosphere: soil respiration, eddy covariance and modelisation
Network of Biodiversity Knowledge
Neutral or adaptive evolution? Evaluation of the relative contribution of the two processes in the establishment of reproductive isolation and the diversification of the model butterfly genus Bicyclus (Nymphidae).
Nitrogen retention in contrasting temperate forest ecosystems in a region of high nitrogen deposition
Non-marine diatom atlas of the Senegal River in the framework of water quality monitoring (AFRDIAT)
Non-native species of the Belgian part of the North sea and adjacent estuaries
North Sea Benthos Project
Nutrients Cycling and the Trophic Status of Coastal Ecosystems (EUROTROPH)
Nutrition et génétique du sandre Sander lucioperca en Tunisie
Nutriëntcyclering in welands langsheen een klimatologische gradiënt: effecten van bemesting, drainage en klimaat.
OXEROM - The potential of white rot fungi oxidative enzymes systems for removal of organic micropollutants in urban and industrial wastewaters.
Ondersteuning van een efficiënt Belgisch bewakingsprogramma voor bluetongue virus door pathogenetisch, epidemiologisch en entomologisch onderzoek van de Belgische bluetongue epidemie en ontwikkeling van diagnostische methoden.
Ontogenetic patterns in carbon and water relations in leaves related to the growth strategy of trees.
Ontwikkeling van ecologisch en ecotoxicologisch onderbouwde kwaliteitsdoelstellingen voor waterbodems.
Opmaak van concept en methodiek voor analyse en visie-ontwikkeling bekkenbeheerplan en toepassing van methodiek voor bekkenbeheerplan van de Nete.
Opstellen van doelstellingen voor ecologische infrastructuur in de Antwerpse haven.
Opstellen van instandhoudingsdoelstellingen voor de Zeeschelde en de tijgebonden zijriveren (Nete&#39;s, Dijle, Zenne en Durme).
Optimale aanwending van biologische dierlijke mest van kippen en herkauwers voor een gezond biologisch gewas
Optimization of plant systems for tertiary waste water treatment
Orchid biology
Orchidaceae of Atlantic Tropical Africa
Organisatie wetenschappelijke studiedagen met betrekking tot watersysteemkennis.
Organisation, ex situ and in situ preservation of the genetic diversity of pulses and root and tuber crops
Organization of plant biodiversity across African rain forests at different levels of integration using genetic markers: phylogeography, DNA barcoding, and phylogenetic structure of communities
Ostertagia ostertagi: Host-parasite interaction
Overzicht van de lopende monitoringprojecten met betrekking tot de veiligheid tegen overstromen en natuurlijkheid in de Zeeschelde, haar tijgebonden zijrivieren en de binnendijkse gebieden beïnvloed door het Sigmaplan.
PEACE: Role of pelagic calcification and export of carbonate production in climate change
PEGASE Adour Garonne: assistance and maintenance contract
PEGASE INERIS: Adaptation of the PEGASE model to two substances on two sub-basins located in the hydrographic basins of the Adour-Garonne and Rhin-Meuse agencies
PEGASE Loire Bretagne: assistance and maintenance contract
PEGASE Meuse : Meuse transboundary PEGASE modelling (German watershed)
PEGASE VMM: PEGASE modelling for the Schelde basin
PELAGANT: Status, control and role of the pelagic diversity of the Austral Ocean
PERINBEL : Public <b>PER</b>ception of <b>IN</b>vasive species in <b>BEL</b>gium
PLANTCOL - Centralised electronic information system on genetic resources of living plantmaterial.  A prototype for woody plants
PONDSCAPE: Towards a sustainable management of pond diversity at the landscape level
PRAVEG: Phytosanitary risk analysis of invasive botanical species
Participatory Prospective and Planning for Sustainable Development: analysis of approaches and initiatives
Past climate change, human impact, and the environmental history of African lake ecosystems
Pathogen typing, epidemiology, and control of Colletotrichum acutatum in the strawberry fruit rot complex throug
Patterns and drivers of the diversity of the African rain forests
Patterns and processes of frugivory in a fragmented afromontane cloud forest (Taita Hills, SE Kenya)
Pedological determinism of landscape organization and ecosystem spatial distribution
People for Ecosystem Based Governance in Assessing Sustainable Development of Ocean and Coast (PEGASO)
Peri-urban mangrove forests as filters and potential phytoremediators of domestic sewage in East-Africa.
Permeability of forest edges for non-forest species
Pest risk analysis for invasive alien plant species (PRAVEG)
Phanerogams of Democratic Republic of Congo
Phanerogams of Equatorial Guinea
Phenotypic patterns underlying abnormal expression of cell adhesion molecules during craniofacial development in three model organisms (zebrafish, Xenopus and mouse)
Phenotypic variation in cranial morphology in European eel in relation to feeding ecology and pollution
Philosophie de la nature
Phylogenetics and phylogeography of the genus Daphnia
Phylogeny and evolution of the genus Peperomia (Piperaceae)
Phylogeny and musculo-skeletal evolution of cranial systems in Anguilliformes
Phylogeny and population genetics of invasive Asiatic clams
Phylogeny of the genus Lactarius (Russulales, Basidiomycota)
Phylogeny of the rhabdocoel turbellaria and the origin of the freshwater representatives
Phylogeography of Silene nutans
Phylogéographie comparée et processus de spéciation chez quatre espèces de chrysomèles (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) à distribution arctique-alpine
Phylogéographie du campagnol roussâtre, Clethrionomys glareolus, en région paléarctique occidentale.
Physical management of water streams: outcome of 10 years of ecological engineering (COURS D&#39;EAU )
Physiological, genetical and behavioural mechanisms involved in growth sexual dimorphism in two contrasted teleostean fishes: perch Perca fluviatilis and tilapia Oreochromis niloticus
Phytoremediation of heavy metal contaminated surfaces in Cyprus.
Phytoremediation-biofuel: remediation of slightly contaminated soils coupled with production of biofuel.
Picoplankton and key-grazers in Lake Tanganyika, East Africa
Pilot study in preparation of the spatial implementation of the EU Habitat and Bird directives in general and the conservation objectives in particular for parts ... on the Left bank of the Schelde
Pilot study recovery peat formation
Planet Ocean
Planning for Ecosystem Services (ECOPLAN)
Plant insect interactions related to biological control and beneficial diversity
Plant physiology in horticulture studies
Platform ''Indicators for sustainable development''
Policy research centre for sustainable development
Pollen dispersal and the Green network in Brussels
Pollination limitation in fragmented habitats
Pollution tolerance in Daphnia magna populations: evolutionary potential and the interaction with natural stressors from an ecotoxicological, a genomic and an ecological perspective.
Polyploidisation, hybridation and speciation in the genus Dactylorhiza (Orchidaceae)
Population biology of the Japanese knotweeds: Alien invasive species of the genus Fallopia Adans. (Polygonaceae) in Belgium
Population genetics of Sorbus aucuparia and other woody Rosacea (ROSADIV)
Population-level analysis of the bacterial species
Possible use of commercially available Na-silicates as a soil additive for immobilisation of heavy metals in contaminated soils
Potential of mangroves and other coastal vegetation as a buffer against ocean surges in the Indian Ocean : an approach based on image and sediment archives, using the Dec. 2004 tsunami as a natural experiment.
Potential vectors and reservoirs of the plague bacillus Yersinia pestis in the <b>West</b><b> </b><b>Usambara</b><b> </b><b>Mountains</b><b> (Lushoto district, </b><b>Tanzania</b><b>). </b>
Predicting the demogenetic dynamics of brown trout (Salmo trutta fario L.) populations at a watershed scale
Prediction of aquatic ecosystem quality using artificial neurones networks: impact of environmental features on aquatic communities (algae, macroinvertebrates and fishes) (EVK1-CT1999- 00026) (PAEQANN)
Predictive modelling of forest site quality on landscape and regional scale
Present and future population dynamics of black cherry (Prunus serotina Ehrh.) in forests on sandy soils
Preservation of genetic diversity and local breeds of ruminants in Wallonie through the creation of cryobanks
Processionnaire du chêne: risques écologiques et épidémiologiques en milieu urbain et péri-urbain
Processus invasif et parasitisme chez les arthropodes
Productivity and genetic diversity of Wild coffee (Coffea arabica) in its center of origin, southern Ethiopia, in relation to forest management and land use
Program of material genetic selection for the reproduction of locust tree (Robinia pseudolocust L.) and douglas (Pseudotsugamenziesii (Mirb) Franco)
Project of land-use spatial remote detection in Wallonia
Promotion de la diversité des tubercules andins et des produits transformés qui en dérivent
Propriété intellectuelle, droit à l&#39;alimentation et biodiversité
Providing access to biodiversity data on African Rodentia
Pyroséquençage à haut débit de populations cyanobactériennes de l&#39;Antarctique pour des études de biodiversité et biogéographie (PYROCYANO)
Qualitative and quantitative ethnomycology in Africa (and extralimital areas) (KEKE)
Quality and usefulness of very high resolution satellite imagery (IKONOS),  for research on vegetation dynamics in mangrove areas : integration of different types of remote sensing data.
Quality mapping, data integration and modelling of remote sensing, cartographic and field data from mangrove forests using a stand-alone geographic information system.
Quarries in Wallonia (Belgium): inventory and biological interest
REFCOAST: Typology, reference condition and classification of the Belgian coastal waters
REFGOV - Reflexive Governance in the Public Interest
Radioecological monitoring of the agricultural environment in the vicinity of nuclear sites
Rearangement of the Plant Palace, a collection of 10 000 (sub)tropical plant species
Recherche d&#39;intérêt général et pluridisciplinaire relative aux choix et au calcul d&#39;indicateurs de fragmentation du territoire en Région wallonne
Recherche préliminaire de la régénération des mangroves au Parc National du Banc d’Arguin et de ses facteurs faunistiques restrictifs.
Recherche préliminaire de la régénération des mangroves au Parc National du Banc d’Arguin et de ses facteurs faunistiques restrictifs. <a href="show/3489" target="_blank">
Reconstruction and prediction of spatio-temporal dynamics of mangroves : vegetation community analysis and study of multi-temporal remote sensing data
Reconstruction of the evolutionary history of fungi (LICMOL)
Recruitment and performance of forest understorey plants in post-agricultural forests
Redox status of plant cells after exposure to cadmium: a comparison between cellular defence, toxicity and tolerance mechanisms
Refinement of a canopy budget model by analysing nutrient transfer processes in tree canopies at different spatio-temporal scales
Regulation of reproduction in polygynous ants (Dolichoderinae): Queen fertility signal and adult polyploidy
Rehabilitation of Herbaria in RD Congo
Reintroduction of the salmon in the basin of River Meuse (SAUMONMEUSE)
Relationships between developmental instability, environmental stress and inbreeding in two related butterfly species: an experimental study
Remediation of diffusely contaminated soils combined with production of biofuels
Renforcement d&#39;un système d&#39;information pour la gestion et le suivi des aires protégées en République Démocratique du Congo à travers l&#39;apport de la composante socio-culturelle (SYGIAP3)
Report durable use of metal-polluted agricultural land : cultivation of energy crops as an alternative for conventional agriculture.
Reproductive Strategies in the ant genus Plagiolepis.
Reproductive and ecological strategies of hoverflies (Diptera, Insecta) with predatory larvae
Reproductive strategies and dispersal in desert ants of the genus Cataglyphis. A comparative study.
Research for factors that determine the persistence and expansion of populations of Asiatic chipmunks in Belgium and the Netherlands
Research of the ecological potential of grasslands in the region of Antwerp
Research on different kind of fish in Kleine Hoofdgracht in Balen.
Research on the environmental effects of the SIGMA plan: Effects of dredgings and harbour expansion on the environment
Responses of plant and animal cells to cadmium stress: a comparison of defence mechanisms and cellular functional state – a multidisciplinary approach.
Revealing the position of the genus Verhuellia (Piperaceae)
Review of the actual soil sanitation for heavy metals in soil - draw up guidelines .
Revision of the genus Cubitermes (Isoptera, Termitidae)
Risk analysis of marine activities in the Belgian Part of the North Sea (RAMA)
Role of cell size in the induction of sexual reproduction in diatoms: identification of differentiallly regulated genes using cDNA-AFLP
Roles of the genetic proximity and of the webbing in collective dispersal behaviours of &quot;Tetranychus urticae Koch&quot; (Acari: Tetranychidae), haplo-diploid subsocial species.
Régulation du métabolisme carboné chez l&#39;algue unicellulaire Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
Rôle des phéromones sexuelles mâles dans les processus de sélection sexuelle et d&#39;isolement reproductif.
Rôle  des phéromones masculines sexuelles dans la reproduction des papillons africains.
SECOA: Solutions for environmental contrasts in Coastal Areas
SELNAT: How to make Natura 2000 work properly? Socio-economic, legal &amp; ecological management
SISCO: Silica retention in the Scheldt continuum and its impact on coastal eutrophication
SOLAPHID: Biotechnologies related to the industrial reproduction of insects used in biological control
SPEEK: Study of post extraction ecological effects in the Kwintebank sand dredging area
SPICOSA - Science and Policy Integration for Coastal System Assessment
STOREPROTEC: utilisation des huiles essentielles extraites de plantes condimentaires pour la protection des denrées stockées sous forme de grains
SUDEM- CLI - Impact of climate change on river hydrology and ecology: A case study for interdisciplinary policy oriented research
SUMATECS - Sustainable management of trace element contaminated soils - Development of a decision tool system and its evaluation for practical application
SYNTHESIS -Synthesis of systematic resources
Santé et protection des forêts - Cat_APP - Suivi des placettes régionales du réseau européen d’observation continue et intensive des écosystèmes forestiers - Classe_285<!--EndFragment-->
Saplings reactivity to canopy closure in irregular deciduous stands
Schade door overwinterende ganzen
Schade door zomerganzen
Scientific assistance for the Permanent Inventory of Forest resources of Wallonia (IPRFW) and the Permanent
Scientific background for the Flemish eel management plans
Scientific basis for threshold values of metals in soils and secundary materials
Scientific monitoring of Black Grouse population in Hautes-Fagnes nature reserve and evaluation of management measures for Black grouse conservation (Action F2, Life Project &quot;LIFE06 NAT/B/000091).
Scientific support for the implementation of the Natura 2000 network in the walloon Region : conservation status assessment, typology and management measures of grassland habitats
Scientific support for the implementation of the agri-environmental program in Waloon Region : contribution to the evaluation of the biological high value grasslands
Scientific support to the management planning of woodlands, forests and natural reserves of Wallonia
Sea Ice Biogeochemistry in a CLimate change perspective (SIBClim)
Selection of banana resistant against black Sigatoka
Setting up of a support cell for invasive plant species management. Proposal of practical and prevention solutions to manage invasive plant species along river banks in the Walloon Region (Belgium) 
Setting up of a support cell for invasive plant species management. Proposal of practical and prevention solutions to manage invasive plant species along river banks in the Walloon Region (Belgium)
Setting up of a typology and ecological classification of Walloon reservoirs to meet the requirements of the Water Framework directive 2000/60/CE
Shifts in wintering area of selected indigenous bird species
Silviculture and wood science - CoForKo : Coopération Forestière / Forstliche Kooperation
SimForTree – A decision support tool for sustainable forest management based on ecophysiological analysis and simulation of the variability in tree development
Simplified and rapid molecular assays for diagnosis of Leishmaniasis and Human African Trypanosomiasis and parasite (sub-)species identification.
Social Cost Benefit Analysis for the actualization of the Sigmaplan and for the long term vision of the Scheldt (ProSes)
Social Cost-benefit analysis of development of coastal nature in the Hemmepolder
Socio-economicals and environmentals impacts of cash crop in Burkina Faso: which strategies for sustainable development?
Socioeconomic aspects of water pollution and contamination in the Scheldt river system, ground water and the Belgian coastal zone
Soil compaction by forest harvesting: quantification of the ecological responses and exploration of the processes guiding recovery
Soil quality and agriculture: a literature review
Southern European Seas: Assessing and Modelling Ecosystem changes (SESAME)
Species diversity: importance for sustainable ecosystems and impact of climate change.
Species performance in peat-accumulating ecosystems under changing conditions.
Specimen database of dacine fruit flies (Diptera, Tephritidae) from Africa
Spider silk for soft tissue engineering
Stability and sustainable functioning of ecosystems: theoretical analysis and experimental validation of the role of diversity and the influence of climate change.
Standardisation, validation et valorisation de compositions d&#39;origine végétale et de plantes utilisées en médecine traditionnelle pour améliorer les traitements disponibles à Madagascar
Status and trends of diadromous fishes in the Schelde basin
Status of the Flemisch watercourses based on historical data – macrofytes – fish – diatoms – fysical structure
Stoichiometric coupling between producers and consumers: theory and applications to Lake Kivu and St. Lawrence River modellings.
Stratégies de reproduction au sein du genre de fourmis Cataglyphis : Analyse comparative.
Streamlining activity of the Coastal Wiki
Strengthening of the local abilities for a participative management of the water resources in the Philippines
Strengthening the Centre of Biodiversity and Genetics 
Strengthening the scientific and technological capacities to implement spatially integrated land and water management schemes adapted to local socio-economic and physical settings
Strong selection pressures, micro-evolutionary responses, and their impact on community ecology.
Structure and space-time dynamics study of the landcover in Bas-Congo (DR Congo)
Structure sociale, stratégie de reproduction et mécanismes de reconnaissance chez la fourmi néotropicale hautement polygyne, Crematogaster sp. prox. abstinens (Formicidae: Myrmicinae).
Structuurkenmerken en pollutie als sturende factoren voor het voorkomen van macroinvertebraten.
Studie t.b.v. aanleg van overstromingsgebieden en natuurgebieden i.h.k.v. het Sigmaplan (bovenrivieren).
Studie van de effecten van verbossing en eutrofiëring op de broeikasgasbalans en de floristische diversiteit in een onverstoord moerasgebied.
Studie voor het opstellen en uitvoeren van een monitoringsprogramma voor natuurvriendelijke oevers langs het Zeekanaal in Grimbergen.
Studies about ecosystems in Flanders
Studies on Plant-Microbe Interaction, and their Biodiversity
Study and datation of the alteration profiles and the continental sediments on Brabant, Ardenne and surroundings
Study and use of the vegetable diversity to promote sustainable use of this diversity in Central African Republic, Equatorial Guinea and Cameroon
Study of Lake Tanganyika picoplankton
Study of biological effects induced following bioaccumulation of U and Cd by Arabidopsis thaliana: applying a multi-biomarkers approaoch
Study of impact of climatic and agrotechnical factors on physiological and parasitic components of crown rot disease development in Cameroon’s conditions
Study of life history traits evolution on Senecio inaequidens DC. (Asteraceae) during its invasion in Europe.
Study of metal transfer of heavy metal to the food chain through argicultural plants grown in the vicinity of former zinc melters.
Study of metal-specific stress mechanisms in Arabidopsis thaliana and identifications of metal-specific biomarkers and signal transduction pathways.
Study of metazooplankton dynamics in lake Kivu
Study of microbial biomass and diversity in Lake Tanganyika - FRFC project 2.4.580.05 F
Study of modes of action of yeasts strains against post harvest diseases of apples with molecular and biochemical Tools
Study of relationships between ecological network structures and functions at the landscape scale and in the scope of heathland restoration.
Study of the biological activity of biofilters substrates regarding pesticides residues
Study of the contribution of composts on the inorganic elements dynamics and microbial activity in acidic soils of Rwanda
Study of the distribution and the dispersal of calcareous grassland plant species at the scale of the ecological landscape in the context of habitat fragmentation.
Study of the functioning of Lake Kivu ecosystem for its sustainable management (ECOSYKI)
Study of the genetic variation, spatial organisation of genetic diversity and gene flow of an African tropical tree Pericopsis elata (Fabaceae)
Study of the interactions plants-termites in preparation for contributing to the sustainable use of agriculture
Study of the leaching and streaming of meteoric waters on organic matters stocks on field borders
Study of the limits &amp; potential of systems &amp; techniques of integrated and alternative agriculture
Study of the relationship between farmland biological activity and CO2 emissions
Study of the role of the herbivorous metazooplankton on the recycling and sedimentation of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in a stratified pelagic ecosystem
Study of the spread of invasive Ring-necked Parakeets in Flanders and an estimation of the effect on native species.
Study on the diversity and resilience of canopy spiders in Afrotropical rainforests
Subfossile mosses in the subantarctic island South Georgia (BRYOANTARC)
Suivi scientifique de la gestion des RND Ardenne centrale – Convention GIREA
Summer Course Sustainable Water Management &amp; Technology in Urbanised Areas.
Support for the creation of a multi-disciplinary formation in tourism and the development of an ecotourism project in the region of Baranquilla
Survey of the ladybirds (Coccinellidae, Coleoptera, Insecta) in Wallonia (Belgium)
Surveys on the existence of a knowledge-base on sustainable development - 1999, 2002, 2005
Survival of dried Eukaryotes (Anhydrobiotes) after exposure to very high temperatures
Sustainability Assessment in Flanders
Sustainability assessment of alternatives for energy production from biomass in Flanders
Sustainability of certified production systems : the case of labels in the food sector
Sustainable Consumption : What Role for Consumers
Sustainable agriculture: an integrated approach for communication between scientists and stakeholders
Sustainable development policy-instruments and role of population
Sustainable offshore culture of shellfish
Sustainable production and consumption patterns : The Belgian process
System analysis of a short rotation coppice culture for bioenergy production: energy balance and environmental economic analysis
Systematic revision and phylogeny of Andean Scirpus s.l.
Systematic revision and phylogeny of the African genus Nemum (Cyperaceae)
Systematical en ecological studies of Laboulbeniales (Ascomycetes) from Belgium (LABOUL)
Systematics and morphology of the diatoms in Swedish rivers (SWEDIDIAT)
Systematics, ecology and floristics of macromycetes of Europe (FUNGEURO)
TERMITOFUEL: Lignocellulose biomass valorization: study of enzymatical complex from termites and its common symbionts by proteomic and metabolomic approaches
THERMOTOL-Are plants raised in a warm, high-CO² world more tolerant to temperature extremes?
TIMOTHY: Tracing and integrated modeling of natural and anthropogenic effects on hydrosystems: The Scheldt river basin and adjacent coastal North sea
TRGP (Taxonomic Repertory of the Genus Peperomia)
TROPDIV: Integrated analysis of determinist and stochastic factors responsible for the inter-species and intra- species biodiversity of tropical forests
TROPHOS: Higher trophic levels in the Southern North Sea
Taxonomy and biogeography of Bees (Hymenoptera, Apoidea)
Taxonomy and systematics of freshwater oligochaetes and assessment of their biodiversity in Moroccan groundwaters
Taxonomy of wild and semi-domesticated species of Vasconcellea (Caricaceae) in Ecuador
Taxonomy, ecology and biogeography of aquatic invertebrates
Temporal dynamics of ecosystems and biodiversity conservation  
Temporal study of soil imperviousness evolution in the Brussels-capital region
Tester la fiabilité et la transférabilité des modèles d&#39;analyse de viabilité de population pour établir des lignes directrices de conservation de la biodiversité efficaces et largement applicables.
The impact of changes in land use and forest management on the soil seed bank and the herbaceous vegetation of temperate deciduous forests.
The Cyperaceae for &#39;The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants&#39;
The Cyperaceae of Bénin for the &#39;Flore Analytique du Bénin&#39;
The Cyperaceae of China for the &#39;Flora of China&#39;
The Cyperaceae of Rwanda and Burundi, start of a new flora
The Hinder Banks: yet an important region for the Belgian marine biodiversity?
The bacterioplankton of lake tanganyika: biomass, production and trophic future
The cellular redox status: Involvement in Cd-stress
The community phylogenetic structure of the Korup Forest Dynamic Plot in Cameroon
The consequences of habitat fragmentation on the genetisch structure of Lipara lucens and Lipara pullitarsis populations.
The contribution of ectomycorrhizal fungi to the Fe nutrition of host plants
The effect of food quality on trade-offs between growth and defenses against parasites and predators
The effect of phosphorous bioavailability on the recovery of plant communities in post-agricultural forests
The epidemiology and control of cattle nematode infections
The evolution of dispersal characteristics in stress imposing environments
The evolutionary genetics and ecology of the invasive Asian clam (Corbicula spp.) in Europe, and of the ancient asexual bdelloid rotifers.
The impact of genetic diversity and evolution on metacommunities
The impact of habitat fragmentation on plant community assembly and the fitness of plant populations
The importance of neutral and selective processes in determining the population genetic structure of cyclical parthenogenetic organisms.
The importance of the soil seed bank for the restoration of plant communities
The influence of fragmentation on the diversity of heath areas
The influence of historical and ecological factors on the biogeography of diatoms: a molecular-fylogenetic and ecophysiological study of some representative taxa
The influence of plant-genotype on the interactions between grasses and insect herbivores.
The integration of fishing in the nature and water management.
The phytoplankton of Lake Kivu
The potential role of plant-associated bacteria to improve the efficiency of phytoremediation of metal-contaminated soils using poplar.
The role of pheromone-related molecules in chemical communication by insects
The role of plant-associated bacteria for the improvement of phytoremediation of mixed contamination using poplar
The use of ladybird-beetle larvae (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae) to control aphid (Homoptera) populations
The use of mycorrhizal fungi in phytoremediation projects (MYCOREM)
Theory of the norm and democratic governance
Thermal adaptation and its interplay with biotoc interactions across a latitude gradient.
Tickrisk: Assessing ecological suitability for the spread of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus in West africa
Tidal River Management
Tools of local territorial development and environmental management: methodology, experiment and rationalization
Towards a new ecological disaster in Lake Kivu? Study of resilience capacity of zooplankton in Lake Kivu after the introduction of new non-endemic fish species .
Towards integrated catchment management in tropical mountain areas: the problem of sediment management, Paute catchment, Ecuador
Towards understanding commmunity assembly rules during floodplain restoration.
Transformations of Zn minerals by the ectomycorrhizal fungus Suillus luteus.
Transmasp - Transboundary maritime spatial planning
Trapped in diapause: can we resurrect old Daphnia magna resting eggs?
Tree species effect on Cd and Zn mobility after afforestation of contaminated soils in the Campine region
Tree species effect on changes in soil properties, in particular phosphorus availability, after afforesting agricultural land
Tropical Echinoculture: creation of a pilot eclosery at Madagascar
Tsetse flies and the control of African sleeping sickness
Typology of hydromorphic ‘white clays’ soils, and definition of their potentialities
Umbellifers flora of Belgium
Understanding shifts in arthropod biodiversity in ecosystems under natural and anthropogenic disturbance
Une stratégie de reproduction atypique favoriserait le succès invasif de la fourmi folle Paratrechina longicornis.
Updating the database of the Belgian Arachnofauna
Use of endophytic bacteria and poplar to improve phytoremedation of TCE.
VALBOU study: Analysis of constraints due to the treatment and spreading of muds from urban residual wastewater treatment plants
VALUE Valuing attractive landscapes in the urban economy
VIBRANT - Virtual Biodiversity Research and Access Network for Taxonomy 
VIRAGEP: The geographical variability of sexual pheromones and its involvement in speciation mechanisms in hornets (Hym.: Apoidea: Bombus)
Vaccine development against Ascaris suum in pigs
Validation en Wallonie de la typologie des roselières établies dans le cadre du projet LIFE "Roselières" en Hainaut
Valorisation de la biodiversité des produits tropicaux par extraction de substances naturelles en utilisant les technologies de filtration membranaire et d&#39;enzymologie
Valorisation des cultures vivrières mineures de Côte d&#39;Ivoire : cas des pistaches (Cucurbitaceae à graines consommées en sauce)
Valorisation du potentiel écologique et hydro-agricole de la vallée du Fleuve Sénégal dans le département de Dagana par l&#39;aquaculture intensive d&#39;Oreochromis niloticus
Valorisation touristique des ressources naturelles de Libin (VALBOIS)
Valuation of Terrestrial Ecosystem Services in a multifunctional peri-urban space (VOTES)
Vegetatie successie en biogeochemische cycli bij schorontwikkeling in gecontroleerde overstromingsgebieden met gecontroleerd gereduceerd getij.
Vegetation structure and regeneration of the mangroves in the Parc National du Banc d’Arguin, Mauritania.
Verkennend onderzoek naar eutrofiëring in Vlaanderen.
Viability of the Northeast Atlantic harbour porpoise and harbour seal populations (genetic and ecological studies)
WESTBANKS: understanding benthic, pelagic and air-borne ecosystem interactions in shallow coastal seas
WETMAT (Wetland Management Tools)
Water pathways in trees
WellBeBe - Towards theoretically sound and democratically legitimate indicators of well-being in Belgium 
WiSiWiS: Where stands which species?
Wild coffee species (Coffea; Rubiaceae) in central and West Africa
Wood production and heartwood formation of trees from African manmade forests
Woody vegetation for gully rehabilitation in northern Ethiopia
Woody vegetation for integrated gully erosion control in Tigray, Ethiopia
XYLOBIOS: Diversity, ecology and roles of saproxylic organisms in Belgian deciduous forests
Zoetwaterschorren als &quot;sinks&quot; voor stikstof : dynamiek van het benthische compartiment en onderzoek naar hun rol in estuariene stikstof retentie.
cDNA-AFLP molecular characterisation of export banana susceptibility differences to crown rot disease
detection, epidemiology and control of Puccinia horiana in chrysanthemum
developmenrt and validation of quantitative methods for quality control of Malagasian medicinal plants and improving of local cultures
impacts of forest trees and ground vegetation on nutrient dynamics and nitrogen cycling
mangroves, seagrass beds tropical estuaries aquatic biogeochemistry nutrient cycling
monitoring of the flora and vegetation of Belgium
search for new pharmacologically active natural compounds and validation of plants used in traditional medicine
Écobilans appliqués à l&#39;agriculture et formation de conseillers agricoles en environnement au Maroc: applications pilotes à la région de Meknès-Tafilalet et du périmètre irrigué du Tadlat
Écologisation des pratiques et gestion des espèces envahissantes
Étude des technologies de transformations locales pour la valorisation des produits naturels à l&#39;usage alimentaire ou pharmaceutique
Évaluation de la diversité et de la richesse spécifique des termites des forêts néotropicales, par une étude fine de la distribution des espèces et de leur turnover entre différents habitats.


© 2012 by the Belgian Biodiversity Platform