
Behavioural ecology of amphibians: diversity of courtship and feeding tactics


Behavioural ecology emphasizes on the adaptive value of behavioural patterns in function of environmental traits. Depending on external and internal cues, individuals can exhibit tactics that maximize their fitness according to sexual and natural selection. Courtship behaviour is implied in the recognition process between species and at their isolation. This is one of the traits at the basis of the biological concept of species. On the other hand, courtship tactics and secondary sexual traits are both involved in mate choice and have thus an effect on individual fitness. Feeding tactics are also key behavioural patterns that allow resource acquisition in competitive situations where optimal decisions can favour success and survival.  We are interested in the diversity of patterns, particularly at the intra-specific level, but also in understanding the mechanisms and function of tactics in varied abiotic and biotic environments.   Our studies are carried out in controlled conditions in the laboratory and in the natural habitat. Behavioural patterns are analysed by the means of video recording and behavioural softwares (Noldus Observer & Ethovision).


Behavior, behaviour, behavioural ecology, courtship, sexual selection, feeding habits, optimal foraging, reproduction, fitness, amphibian, newt


Biological Sciences {Research discipline}
Genetics {Research discipline}
Ecology and Evolution {Research discipline}
Sociobiology and Behavioural Ecology {Research discipline}
Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences {Research discipline}
Genetic {Integration level}
Species {Integration level}
European (EU) {Cooperation status}
International (non-EU) {Cooperation status}
Origins, Maintenance and Change of Biodiversity {Research orientation}
Belgium {Geographical scope}
France {Geographical scope}
Spain {Geographical scope}
Inland Waters {Habitat type}
Research and Training {Research purpose}
Amphibia {Taxonomical scope}


Name Role Amount
FRIA unknown


Name Role Start End
Denoël, Mathieu promotor 1996-01-01


Name Role Start End
Laboratoire d'éthologie des poissons et amphibiens member 1996-01-01


Reference Role
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