Research Orgunit:BB|220

Marine Biology
Krijgslaan 281-S8
+32 (0)9 264 8528
+32 (0)9 264 8598




Name Role Start End
Renard Centre of Marine Geology isSuccessorOf


Name Role Start End
Vanreusel, Ann (permanent) researcher
Moens, Tom (permanent) researcher
Steyaert, Maaike post-doc
Deprez, Tim post-doc
de Assunção Franco, Maria PhD student
De Backer, Annelies PhD student
Derous, Sofie PhD student
Rabaut, Marijn PhD student
Merckx, Bea PhD student
Van Colen, Carl PhD student
Willems, Wouter PhD student
Vanagt, Thomas PhD student
Goffin, Annelies unknown
Van Tomme, Joke PhD student
Heip, Carlo (permanent) researcher
Vanaverbeke, Jan post-doc
Remerie, Thomas post-doc
Degraer, Steven post-doc
De Maersschalck, Véronique PhD student
Ingels, Jeroen PhD student
Hoste, Eveline PhD student
Gheerardyn, Hendrik PhD student
Rappé, Karen PhD student
Speybroeck, Jeroen PhD student
Van Hoey, Gert unknown
Vanhove, Sandra unknown
Braeckman, Ulrike PhD student
Maene, Soetkin PhD student
Steenhuyse, Lien PhD student
Vandendriessche, Sofie post-doc
De Troch, Marleen post-doc
Derycke, Sofie PhD student
Réveillaud, Julie PhD student
Van Gaever, Saskia PhD student
Van den Meersche, Karel PhD student
Guilini, Katja unknown
Vanginderdeuren, Karl PhD student
Verween, Annick post-doc 2008-01-01
Raes, Maarten post-doc 2009-08-01
Vincx, Magda leader
Pape, Ellen unknown
Armenteros, Maickel unknown
Wendy, Bonne unknown
Ilse, De Mesel unknown
Véronique, Vanquickelberghe unknown
Beuselinck, Bart unknown
Campinas-Bezerra, Tania unknown
Cnudde, Clio unknown
De Grem, Isolde unknown
De Groote, Annelies unknown
De Smet, Guy unknown
Dos Santos, Giovanni unknown
Espeel, Anneke unknown
Gatune, Charles unknown
Maria, Tatiana unknown
Pasotti, Francesca unknown
Quang Ngo, Xuan unknown
Rigaux, Annelien unknown
Ruiz, Veronica unknown
Vanden Eede, Sarah unknown
Van Gansbeke, Dirk unknown
Van Kenhove, Annick unknown
Verstraeten, Jürgen unknown


Name Role Start End
Ecology of fouling organisms unknown
Functional diversity and process rate: role of nematodes in organic matter decomposition in a brackish water habitat. unknown
Quantification of carbon-, nitrogen-, phosphorus- and oxygenfluxes in the Westerschelde Estuary: integration of observations and numerical methods unknown
Ecology of fouling-organisms: a detailed study of Mytilopsis leucophaeata (Bivalvia, Dreissenidea) unknown
Biodiversity of marine benthic communities along ecological gradients. unknown
Meiobenthic biodiversity and fluxes within the Antarctic biogeochemical environment. unknown
Taxonomic database of North Sea meiofauna. unknown
Long term trends in the macrobenthos of the Belgian Continental Shelf. unknown
Ecological monitoring of a coastal defense project unknown
Habitat-model extension. unknown
The ecology of fouling-organisms: a detailed study of Mytilopsis leucophaeata. unknown
Interactions between meiobenthis biodiversity (in casu Nematoda) and tourism on three European sandy beaches. unknown
Spatio-temporal variability and population dynamics of the Abra alba - Mysella bidentata community on the Belgian Continental Shelf. unknown
Diversity and process rate in a detritus food web: relationship between nematodes and heterotrophic bacteria in the decomposition of organic material. unknown
Marine biodiversity: the hyperbenthic fauna of continental slopes unknown
Biodiversity and role of the interstitial benthos of two European sandy beaches. unknown
Atlantic Coral Ecosystem Study.(ACES) unknown
Analysis macrobenthic unknown
Early warning system for mussels-fouling. unknown
IBOY-DIVERSITAS: LITUS: Interactions of biodiversity, productivity and tourism on European sandy beaches unknown
The ecological importance of groynes and other hard substrates in the tidal area on the Flemish coast (Belgium), partim macrozoobenthos unknown
Functional biodiversity of aquatic meiofauna unknown
Structural biodiversity along Ecuadorian sandy beaches unknown
Evaluation of the 'Paardenmarkt' marine site (Belgium, North Sea) unknown
HABITAT: Intensive monitoring of the evolution of a protected habitat unknown
Structural and functional biodiversity of copepod (Crustacea) communities on the Belgian Continental Shelf (North Sea) unknown
Monitoring of sandbanks on the Belgian continental platform by means of Nematodes unknown
Macrobenthos, epibenthos and hyperbenthos of subtidal areas along the Belgian coast unknown
Database of marine Nematodes of Antarctica unknown
The role of marine ecology in the development of a strategic environmental effect report for sustainable development of the coastal area: case study of Saldanha Bay (South Africa) unknown
Ecology of harpacticoid copepods (Crustacea): structural biodiversity in tropical seagrass beds unknown
Free-living marine nematodes (Invertebrata) from the Indian Ocean unknown
Intertidal hyperbenthos unknown
Macrobenthic fauna of the Zeeschelde (river Scheldt, Flanders, Belgium), mainly Oligochaeta unknown
Nematode diversity in different bottom substrates in the Antarctic region: sponge spicule mats, bryozoan mats, sandy and muddy sediments, iceberg scours unknown
Meiobenthos of hydrothermal sediments unknown
Hyperbenthic communities of beaches: structure and interactions with demersal fish and epibenthic macro-Crustacea unknown
Meiobenthos of intertidal and subtidal areas along the Belgian coast and the Westerschelde estuary unknown
Taxonomy of Mysidacea (Crustacea), taxonomical databases unknown
Macrobenthos of shallow intertidal and subtidal waters unknown
Feeding ecology of marine Nematods unknown
Phylogeny of Desmodoroidea (Nematoda, Invertebrata) unknown
Epibenthos of salt marshes in the Westerschelde estuary unknown
Computer Network Management in relation to biological research unknown
Ecology of demersal fish species and larger epibenthic crustaceans in the coastal zone and estuaries in the SW-Netherlands unknown
Morphology, taxonomy and ecology of marine Nematoda unknown
Meiofauna (Nematoda) in Antarctica unknown
Biodiversity and fluxes of the meiobenthos in the biogeochemical environment of Antarctica (Antarctica - Phase IV): co-ordinator unknown
Nekton of mature and developing marshes in the Westerschelde (Belgium) unknown
Hyperbenthic communities of the North Sea unknown
Epibenthos and nekton of tropical shallow coastal habitats unknown
Does a direct stray from the Cambrian explosions still persists? The horseshoe shrimp test case (Crustacea: Cephalocarida) unknown
Taxonomy of free-living marine nematods (Invertebrata) unknown
Spatial and seasonal variation in the structure of nematode communities in the deep sea unknown
Community structure of demersal fish species and larger epibenthic crustaceans in the Gulf of Guayaquil, Ecuador unknown
Ecology and taxonomy of the meiobenthos, mainly free-living nematodes, of the Magellan Strait and Beagle Channel, Chili unknown
MARBIB: collection of reprints on marine biology unknown
BALANS: Balancing impacts of human activities in the Belgian part of the North Sea member 2002-02-01 2006-04-01
BIANZO: Biodiversity of 3 representative groups of the Antarctic Zoobenthos co-leader 2002-02-01 2006-04-01
BWZee: A biological valuation map for the Belgian continental shelf leader 2003-12-01 2006-04-01
SPEEK: Study of post extraction ecological effects in the Kwintebank sand dredging area leader 2003-12-01 2006-04-01
REFCOAST: Typology, reference condition and classification of the Belgian coastal waters member 2003-12-01 2006-04-01
BEWREMABI: Belgian shipwreck: hotspots for marine biodiversity member 2003-12-01 2006-04-01
Structural and functional biodiversity of North Sea ecosystems member
Biotic interactions in turbid estuarine systems member
GAUFRE: Towards a spatial structure plan for sustainable management of the sea member 2003-01-01 2004-12-01
Functional and structural aspects of biodiversity in an estuarine detrital food web, with emphasis on free-living nematodes and their interactions with bacteria leader
A study of the free-living, marine nematodes from tropical and cold water coral structures. unknown
Seasonal variation of macro algae, macrobenthos and avifauna associated with intertidal hard substrates along the Flemish Coast. unknown
The role of feeding strategies in shaping the structure and biodiversity of diatom and copepod communities leader
BIOMARE: Implementation and networking of large-scale long-term MARine BIOdiversity research in Europe leader
Habitat Suitability model for the analysis and prediction of macrobenthos in the North Sea member 2004-10-01 2008-09-01
WESTBANKS: understanding benthic, pelagic and air-borne ecosystem interactions in shallow coastal seas member 2006-12-01 2009-01-01
INRAM: Integrated risk assessment and monitoring of micropollutants in the Belgian coastal zone member 2005-12-01 2007-12-01
BIANZO II: Biodiversity of three representative groups of the Antarctic Zoobenthos - Coping with Change member 2007-01-01 2009-01-01
TROPHOS: Higher trophic levels in the Southern North Sea member 2002-02-01 2006-04-01
Interaction between biodiversity of the meiobenthos (in casu Nematoda) and tourism on three European sandy beaches unknown 2000-10-01 2004-09-30
Spatio-temporal variability and population dynamics of the Abra alba – Mysella bidentata community on the Belgian Continental Plateau unknown 2001-10-01 2005-09-30
Efemeral neustonic macrofauna communities on floating seaweed (Belgian Continental Plateau) unknown 2002-10-01 2006-09-30
Temporal variation in the meiobenthos along a bathymetric transect ('Hausgarten', Arctica): impact of climate oscillations. unknown 2002-10-01 2006-09-30
Population structure and dynamics of some bacterivore nematodes along the North sea coast and adjacent estuaria unknown 2003-01-01 2006-12-31
Habitat suitable models for the analysis and prediction of macrobenthos in the North Sea unknown 2004-10-01 2008-09-30
Succession -and re-colonization mechanisms of the macrobenthos in slugs unknown 2004-10-01 2008-09-30
Structural and functional biodiversity of copepod communities on the Belgian Continental Plateau (North Sea). unknown 1998-10-01 2002-09-30
Diversity and process rapidity in a detritus food web: relationship between nematodes and heterotrophic bacteria in the decomposition of organic material. unknown 1999-10-01 2003-09-30
Marine biodiversity: the hyperbenthic communities of continental inclinations unknown 1999-10-01 2003-09-30
Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in contrasting Southern European deep-sea environments: from viruses to megafauna member 2007-01-01 2010-01-01
Non-native species of the Belgian part of the North sea and adjacent estuaries member 2006-03-01
Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning member 2007-07-01 2009-01-01
BBSea - Biogeography and Biodiversity of the Sea - Integration of ecological and evolutional patterns and processes member 2005-01-01 2011-10-01
European Network for marine integrated system analysis unknown
Structural and functional biodiversity of North Sea ecosystems: species and their habitats as indicator for the sustainable management of the BCS unknown
Paardenmarkt site evaluation member
Intensive evaluation of the evolution of a protected benthic habitat unknown
Role of the meiobenthos in Antarctic ecosystems unknown
Structure and function of the benthos in estuarine and coastal ecosystems in relation to current and future anthropogenic influences unknown
Marine Biology unknown
Oceanography: Role of the benthos in marine ecosystems and effects of environmental pollution. II unknown
Onderzoek naar ruimtelijke variatie van het macrobenthos voor de Westkust i.f.v. de ecologische bijsturing van een kustverdedigingsproject unknown
Onderzoek naar de seizoenale variatie en populatiedynamica van het macrobenthos voor de Westkust in functie van de ecologische bijsturing van een kustverdedigingsproject unknown
Ecologie van copepoden: structurele en functionele biodiversiteit in tropische zeegrasvelden. I unknown
Ecologie van copepoden: structurele en functionele biodiversiteit in tropische zeegrasvelden. II unknown
Effect van biogeografische isolatie op mariene biodiversiteit: harpacticoide copepoden in tropische zeegrasvelden als modelstudie unknown
Causal factors of biodiversity : community structure, phylogeny and biogeography. A comparative study of the fauna of tropical and subtropical estuaries and lagoons unknown
Food, oxygen and bioturbation: an experimental study of meiofauna community structure unknown
Trofische rol en ecologische bestemming van microbiÎle productie en bladval in mangrove-ecosystemen unknown
Voedingsecologie van mariene nematoden. II unknown
Vergelijkend morfologisch- en moleculair-taxonomisch onderzoek van Bacillariophyta, Nematoda, Crustacea en Rotifera unknown
De rol van het benthos in tropische ecosystemen. I unknown
De rol van het benthos in tropische ecosystemen. II unknown
De rol van mariene ecologie in het uitbouwen van strategische milieu-effectenrapportage ter ondersteuning van duurzaam kustbeheer. Een case studie in Saldanha Bay, Zuid-Afrika unknown
Het benthos in Antarctica: structurele en functionele biodiversiteit unknown
Monitoring Natuurherstel Ijzermonding. Monitoring van herstel van vegetatie, flora, invertebraten- en avifauna van de slikken, schorren en duinen langs de Ijzermonding, na ontmanteling van de oude Marinebasis te Lombardsijde member
Onderzoek seizoenale variatie van macroalgen, macrofauna en vogels, geassocieerd met intertidale harde substraten langsheen de Vlaamse kust unknown
Institutional University coˆperation: Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral unknown
Mariene biologie en Nematologie- Onderricht over biodiversiteit van soorten en hun habitats unknown
Feeding ecology and population dynamical aspects of the brackish water mysid Neomysis integer in relation to the maximum turbidity zone of estuaries unknown
Het macrozoˆbenthos van zandbanken voor de Belgische kust, met nadruk op de trofische relatie met overwinterde zeevogels unknown
De hyperbenthische gemeenschappen van de Noordzee unknown
Mariene biodiversiteit : de hyperbenthische gemeenschappen van continentale hellingen unknown
High resolution temporal and spatial study of the benthic biology and geochemistry of a North-Eastern Atlantic abyssal locality unknown
Oceanography: Role of the benthos in marine ecosystems and effects of environmental pollution. I unknown
The eco-metabolism of estuarine intertidal flat unknown
Studie macrobenthos van de Belgische Kustzone i.f.v. kustverdedigingswerken Den Haan unknown
Risk analysis of coastal nourishment techniques unknown
Major biological processes in European tidal estuaries unknown
Community structure and processes in the deep-sea benthos unknown
Natural variability and the prediction of change in marine benthic ecosystems unknown
Characterization of the microbiological environment in hatcheries for Mediterranean marine fish: influence on larval health and development of prophylaxis unknown
Biogeochemistry of the maximum turbidity zone in estuaries unknown
(Marebasse) Management research and budgeting of aggregates in shelf seas related to end-users unknown
Balancing impacts of human activities in the Belgian part of the North Sea member
Endocrine disruption in the Scheldt Estuary: distribution, exposure and effects unknown
Higher trophic levels in the Southern North Sea leader
Implementation and networking of large-scale long-term marine biodiversity research in Europe unknown
Research on the environmental effects of the SIGMA plan unknown
Ecology of macrozoˆbenthos at the Sea Scheldt unknown
Towards a Spatial Structure Plan for Sustainable Management of the Sea unknown
On the Ecological Impacts of Beach Nourishments unknown
Ecological monitoring coastal defense project Oostende (T0-situation) unknown
Managing Fisheries to conserve ground fish and benthic invertebrates species diversity unknown
Biological evaluation of eleven sandy beaches along the Flemish Coast member
Molecular diversity of marine invertebrates unknown
Aanmaak van een taxonomische databank van de meiofauna van de Noordzee unknown
Belgian Shipwreck: hotspots for Marine Biodiversity unknown
Voordelta*4: hyperbenthosonderzoek Voordelta unknown
A biological valuation map for the Belgian Continental Shelf leader
Study of Post-extraction ecological effects in the Kwintebank sand dredging area member
Cluster Sustainable management of the North Sea member
Typology, reference condition and classification of the Belgian Coastal Waters member
Bio-physical characterization of indicators of sediment stability in mudflats using remote sensing member
Habitat suitability models unknown
Bringing biogeographical data online member
Meiobenthic And Nematode biodiversity: Unraveling Ecological and Latitudinal Aspects leader
Web Accessible Taxonomic Expertise in MarBEF: PROviding an e-Platform for the European Taxonomists member
Genetic Biodiversity member
Time-dependent changes in the optical properties of sediments detected with remote sensing unknown
European platform for coastal research: coordination action member
Belgian Network for Coastal Reseach member
Ephemeral neustonic macrofaunal communities on floating seaweeds unknown
Ecological Interactions in Lanice-fields: An Ecosystem Approach for Nature Conservation in the North Sea unknown
Publicatie van een atlas en een CD-ROM ter valorisatie van het project MACROBEL unknown
Controle Paardenmarkt member
Quantification of Erosion and Sedimentation patterns toTrace the natural versus anthropogenic sediment dynamics member
Understanding benthic, pelagic and air-borne ecosystem interactions in shallow coastal seas leader
Integrated Risk Assessment and Monitoring of micropollutants in the Belgian coastal zone member
Biodiversity of three representative groups of the Antarctic Zoobenthos - Coping with Change leader
Niet-inheemse soorten in het Belgisch deel van de Noordzee en omliggende estuaria member
A field manipulation experiment on four European beaches investigating the response of meiofauna communities to increased rainfall leader
Evaluatie van de Warrelnet- en boomKOrvisserij op het Belgisch Continentaal Plat member
Hormone disruption in the Schelde estuary: distribution, exposure, effects unknown
Kwantification and modellation of the pelagic microbial foodweb in an estuarine system, i.c. the Schelde estuary unknown
Macrobenthos monitoring van het Belgisch Continentaal Plat in het kader van de OSPAR eutroficatie beoordeling co-leader
Studie betreffende het opstellen van een lijst van potentiÎle Habitatrichtlijngebieden in het Belgische deel van de Noordzee member
WAKO An integrated impact assessment of trammel net and beam trawl fisheries member
The temporal variation in the meiobenthos along a bathymetrical gradient (ëHausgartení, Arctica): impact of climate oscillations unknown
Populatiestructuur en dynamiek van enkele bacterivore nematoden langsheen de Noordzeekust en aanpalende estuaria unknown
Interactie tussen biodiversiteit van het meiobenthos (in casu Nematoda) en toerisme op drie Europese zandstranden unknown
Ecologie van fouling-organismen: een detailstudie van Mytilopsis leucophaeata (Bivalvia, Dreissenidae) unknown
Genetische diversiteit in sponzen geassocieerd met koud-water koraalecosystemen unknown
ArtificiÎle riffen in relatie tot de infauna van aangrenzende zachte substraten: de rol van wijzigingen in predator-prooi interacties versus wijzigingen in fysico-chemisch habitat. unknown
Trofische relaties tussen harpacticoide copepoden en bacteriÎn in benthische voedselwebben unknown
Het belang van artificiÎle harde substraten op de Noordzeebodem voor de ecologie van de ichtyofauna unknown
Effecten van glaciale erosie op meiobenthische gemeenschappen van polaire kustregio's unknown
De functionele rol van het mariene macrobenthos in het metabolisme van de zeebodem. unknown
Bio-fysische Karakterisering van Indicatoren voor Stabiliteit Slikgebieden d.m.v. remote sensing unknown
Functional role of nematodes and foraminifera in benthic metabolism unknown
European Marine and Polar Science unknown
Taxonomisch, fylogenetisch, populatiegenetisch en fylogeografisch onderzoek met behulp van DNA sequentie- en fragmentanalyse. unknown
De rol van voedingsstrategieÎn voor het bepalen van de structuur en biodiversiteit van diatomeeÎn- en copepodengemeenschappen. unknown
Body - size and ecosystem dynamics: integrating pure and applied approaches from aquatic and terrestrial ecology to support an ecosystem approach unknown
Een vergelijkende studie van de meio-epifauna geassocieerd met tropische en koudwater-koraalriffen. unknown
Meiofauna van gereduceerde koude bronnen "cold seeps" : wat is hun functie, adaptatie en oorsprong? unknown
Microdistributie en activiteit van vrijlevende aquatische nematoden in een heterogeen milieu. unknown
Structure, function and trophic significance of populations of free-living nematodes in estuarine food webs unknown
Karakterisering en biobeschikbaarheid van organisch materiaal aan de basis van mariene voedselwebben unknown
Importance of thropic ecology for marine biodiversity : a case-study at the species level with diatoms and harpacticoid copepods unknown
Studie van de vrijlevende, mariene nematoden van tropische en koudwater koraalstructuren. unknown
Study of the taxonomy, phylogeny and biodiversity of harpacticoid copepods associated with Scleractinia corals of the tropical coasts and the deep sea unknown
De rol van de diversiteit, functionaliteit en densiteit van het macrobenthos op het functioneren van een zeebodem unknown
Globale patronen van biodiversiteit in mariene sedimenten. Modelleren van nematodengemeenschappen. unknown
'DNA-barcoding' bij mariene nematoden en de rol van genetische diversiteit in de stabiliteit van populaties bij habitatverstoringen unknown
Structure of the meiofauna from OMEX-samples member
Ecological monitoring project concerning the Lombardsijde beach (t1 situation) member 2009-03-01 2010-02-01
Ecological monitoring project concerning the Lombardsijde beach (t0 situation - phase 4) member 2008-03-01 2008-09-01
Monitoring of the effects of offshore wind farms on the endobenthos of soft substrates: Year-0 Bligh Bank and Year-1 Thorntonbank member 2008-10-01 2009-01-01
Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in contrasting Southern European deep-sea environments: from viruses to megafauna member 2007-01-01 2010-01-01
ENDIS-RISKS: Endocrine disruption in the Scheldt estuary: distribution, exposure and effects member 2002-02-01 2006-04-01
(SUMANOS) Cluster Sustainable Management North Sea member 2003-12-01 2006-12-01
(MESMA) Monitoring and Evaluation of Spatially Managed Areas member 2009-11-01 2013-10-01
(HERMIONE) Hotspot Ecosystem Research and Man's Impact On European Seas member 2009-04-01 2012-03-01
ELectronic conference on MARine Biodiversity in Europe member
Artificial reefs in relationship with the infauna of surrounding soft substrates, the role of changes in predator-prey interactions versus changes in the physico-chemical habitat member 2006-01-01 2007-12-01

created:2011-12-14 14:18:59 UTC, source:fab

© 2012 by the Belgian Biodiversity Platform