
Degraer, Steven


Doctor {Researchers academic Title}


Name Role Start End
Ecological monitoring of a coastal defense project co-promotor
The ecology of fouling-organisms: a detailed study of Mytilopsis leucophaeata. co-promotor
Spatio-temporal variability and population dynamics of the Abra alba - Mysella bidentata community on the Belgian Continental Shelf. co-promotor
The ecological importance of groynes and other hard substrates in the tidal area on the Flemish coast (Belgium), partim macrozoobenthos member
IBOY-DIVERSITAS: LITUS: Interactions of biodiversity, productivity and tourism on European sandy beaches member
HABITAT: Intensive monitoring of the evolution of a protected habitat member
Evaluation of the 'Paardenmarkt' marine site (Belgium, North Sea) member
Macrobenthos of shallow intertidal and subtidal waters member
BALANS: Balancing impacts of human activities in the Belgian part of the North Sea member 2002-02-01 2006-04-01
REFCOAST: Typology, reference condition and classification of the Belgian coastal waters member 2003-12-01 2006-04-01
BEWREMABI: Belgian shipwreck: hotspots for marine biodiversity member 2003-12-01 2006-04-01
SPEEK: Study of post extraction ecological effects in the Kwintebank sand dredging area member 2003-12-01 2006-04-01
GAUFRE: Towards a spatial structure plan for sustainable management of the sea member 2003-01-01 2004-11-01
BWZee: A biological valuation map for the Belgian continental shelf promotor 2003-12-01 2006-04-01
Molecular systematics and phylogeny of holothurians unknown
Characterisation of organic matter and plankton of the Sea Scheldt unknown
Mangrove fauna and flora: patterns of reproductive biology and dispersal mechanisms unknown
WAKO An integrated impact assessment of trammel net and beam trawl fisheries member 2009-05-01 2011-05-01
(SUMANOS) Cluster Sustainable Management North Sea member 2003-12-01 2006-12-01
(Marebasse) Management research and budgeting of aggregates in shelf seas related to end-users member 2002-02-01 2006-04-01


Name Role Start End
Marine Biology post-doc
Department of Marine Ecosystem Management - Management Unit of the North Sea Mathematical Models unknown

created:2011-12-14 14:18:59 UTC, source:fab

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