
European platform for coastal research: coordination action


The Coordination Action addresses 3 major causes for stagnation in the implementation of ICZM in Europe: (A) Fragmentation of coastal science, practice and policy; (B) Difficult communication between science, policy and practice; (C) Lack of multidisciplinary approaches. ENCORA is a European network structure with new mechanisms for communication on shared problems within and between the communities of coastal science, policy and practice. In 13 European countries National Coastal Networks have been established; in other countries the establishment of a National Network is anticipated. Ten trans-national, cross-disciplinary Thematic Networks, led by institutions with outstanding expertise, address major ICZM issues; they include participants from all EU countries, including those where a national network is not yet established. Operational nodes are created between the National and Thematic networks and other existing coastal networks. National Network Offices take care of the process of knowledge exchange and cooperation between network participants Europe-wide. They establish through all the affiliated networks a contact search mechanism for knowledge sharing and cooperation, by raising information-exchange communities, organising an exchange-visit programme for young researchers/practitioners, by organising Communities of Practice and by project intertwining. The Thematic Networks produce a state-of-the-art overview of knowledge, tools and practices, a European ICZM training and education curriculum and European Action Plans for addressing priority issues for ICZM implementation. The networking structure and processes are continuously improved by an incorporated feedback-learning cycle. After 3 years the project will deliver an operational European coastal network structure supporting the exchange of knowledge and experience within and between the communities of science, policy and practice.


Europe;Africa: North;Coastal engineering;Coastal environment;Coastal waters;Coastal zone;Research


Name Role Start End
Marine Biology member
Flanders Marine Institute member

created:2011-12-14 14:18:59 UTC, source:vliz

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