Research Orgunit:BB|169

Flanders Marine Institute
Wandelaarkaai 7
+ 32 (0)59 34 21 30
+ 32 (0)59 34 21 31




Name Role Start End
Dobbelaere, Ingrid admin 1999-10-01
Hernandez, Francisco (scientific) collaborator 2000-03-01
Keersebilck, Nathalie admin 2006-01-01
Lescrauwaet, Ann-Katrien (scientific) collaborator 2004-03-01
De Hauwere, Nathalie (scientific) collaborator 2007-09-01
Goffin, Annelies (scientific) collaborator 2006-10-01
Mees, Jan leader 1999-09-01
Lyssens, Lisbeth technician 2009-03-01
Mares, Johan technician 2007-03-01
Mihl, Dominique admin 2000-10-01
Seys, Jan (scientific) collaborator 2000-07-01
TJampens, Michiel technician 2009-02-01
T'Jampens, Roeland technician 2002-06-01
Vandepitte, Leen (scientific) collaborator 2005-04-01
Vandepitte, Ruth admin 2007-04-01
Vanhoorne, An admin 2004-09-01
Vanhoorne, Bart technician 2004-02-01
Villers, Marie-Line technician 2008-10-01
Brackez, Robin technician 2005-09-01 2007-12-01
Cuvelier, Daphne (scientific) collaborator 2004-03-01 2006-02-01
Vanden Berghe, Edward (scientific) collaborator 1999-09-01 2007-01-01
Appeltans, Ward (scientific) collaborator 2002-11-01
Fockedey, Nancy (scientific) collaborator 2005-10-01
Cattrijsse, André (scientific) collaborator 2000-08-01
Chisala, Chilekwa technician 2000-01-01
Claus, Simon (scientific) collaborator 2004-02-01
Copejans, Evy technician 2006-10-01
Debergh, Heidi (scientific) collaborator 2007-09-01
Decock, Wim (scientific) collaborator 2008-01-01
Deneudt, Klaas (scientific) collaborator 2001-09-01
Bauwens, Meggy unknown
Dewitte, Elien unknown
Van Ginderdeuren, Karl unknown


Name Role Start End
BWZee: A biological valuation map for the Belgian continental shelf member 2003-12-01 2006-04-01
BEWREMABI: Belgian shipwreck: hotspots for marine biodiversity member 2003-12-01 2006-04-01
Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning member 2007-07-01
Expeditie Zeeleeuw member 2003-07-01 2007-04-01
Planet Ocean member 2007-07-01
INRAM: Integrated risk assessment and monitoring of micropollutants in the Belgian coastal zone member 2005-12-01 2007-12-01
Non-native species of the Belgian part of the North sea and adjacent estuaries member 2006-03-01
WESTBANKS: understanding benthic, pelagic and air-borne ecosystem interactions in shallow coastal seas member 2006-12-01 2009-01-01
Een eeuw zeevisserij in België member 2008-01-01
Streamlining activity of the Coastal Wiki member 2007-09-01 2008-01-01
De Zee van Toen member 2007-01-01
Research on the environmental effects of the SIGMA plan: Effects of dredgings and harbour expansion on the environment member 2006-06-01 2007-01-01
TROPHOS: Higher trophic levels in the Southern North Sea member 2002-02-01 2006-04-01
ENDIS-RISKS: Endocrine disruption in the Scheldt estuary: distribution, exposure and effects member 2002-02-01 2006-04-01
Polluting atmospheric particles along the French-Flemish North Sea coast: border transports and impact on the environment. Transborder cooperation and sensitization unknown
Coˆrdinatiepunt voor geÔntegreerd beheer van kustgebieden unknown
Study on the lateral input of the Flemish part of the Scheldt estuary unknown
Verzamelen van de nodige attributen, het opstellen van de benodigde teksten en scenarioís voor de museologische inrichting van het Vlaams Bezoekerscentrum De Nachtegaal unknown
Creating a long term infrastructure for marine biodiversity research in the European Economic Area and the Newly Associated States unknown
Endocrine disruption in the Scheldt Estuary: distribution, exposure and effects unknown
Higher trophic levels in the Southern North Sea member
Spatial and Temporal Assessment of high Resolution Depth profiles Using novel Sampling Technologies unknown
Blootstelling van bevolkingsgroepen wonend in het hart van de Euregio aan polluerende atmosferische deeltjes: het geval van de fijne stofdeeltjes unknown
A pre-standardisation development for marine data interoperability using XML unknown
Effects of dredgings and harbour expansion on the environment unknown
On the Ecological Impacts of Beach Nourishments unknown
The development and realisation of the first phase of the ScheldeMonitor information system in the framework of "Research and Monitoring long-term planning Scheldt estuary" (LTV O&M) unknown
ELectronic conference on MARine Biodiversity in Europe unknown
Belgian Shipwreck: hotspots for Marine Biodiversity unknown
Development of an Integrated Database for the Management of Accidental Spills member
A biological valuation map for the Belgian Continental Shelf member
Integrated Coastal Zone Management unknown
Cluster Sustainable management of the North Sea member
Marine Incidents Management cluster - MIMAc unknown
Bringing biogeographical data online member
Biodiversity and ecosystem function under changing climatic conditions - the Arctic as a model system member
Meiobenthic And Nematode biodiversity: Unraveling Ecological and Latitudinal Aspects member
Web Accessible Taxonomic Expertise in MarBEF: PROviding an e-Platform for the European Taxonomists member
Large scale and long term Networking on the observation of Global Change and its impact on Marine Biodiversity member
Marine Propagation Along the Coasts of Europe unknown
European platform for coastal research: coordination action member
Belgian Network for Coastal Reseach member
Support for setting up and managing Belgian Coastal Study Group (SWG) website unknown
Support for setting up and managing Centre for bird revalidation in Ostend (VOC) website unknown
Coastal barometer: sustainability indicators for the Belgian Coast unknown
The development and realisation of the second phase of the ScheldeMonitor information system in the framework of "Research and Monitoring long-term planning Scheldt estuary" (LTV O&M) unknown
Scientific and institutional capacity building for implementing European marine policy in the Black Sea Region leader
Spatial and Temporal assessment of high Resolution Depth profiles Using novel Sampling Technologies - phase II unknown
Providing services for the stimulation of cross-border co-operation between authorities, industry and environmental organisations by making the Scheldefonds vzw operational unknown
Providing a Flemish staff member to the Schelde InformatieCentrum for communication in the framework of the long-term planning for the Scheldt estuary - part I unknown
Providing a Flemish staff member to the Schelde InformatieCentrum for communication in the framework of the long-term planning for the Scheldt estuary - part II unknown
Organisation of symposium Dunes and Estuaries unknown
Evaluation Model for the Sustainable Development of European Coastal Zones member
Eu-duurzaamheidsindicatoren voor kustgebieden in Nederland unknown
Publicatie van een atlas en een CD-ROM ter valorisatie van het project MACROBEL member
Implementation of IMIS (Integrated Marine Information System) in WLH-Borgerhout unknown
De Zee van Toen member
Evaluation and update of the OMES database, concerning the data of the Flemish part of the Scheldt estuary member
Quantification of Erosion and Sedimentation patterns toTrace the natural versus anthropogenic sediment dynamics member
Understanding benthic, pelagic and air-borne ecosystem interactions in shallow coastal seas co-leader
Integrated Risk Assessment and Monitoring of micropollutants in the Belgian coastal zone member
Strengthening the oceanographic data management and operational forecast services at IBSS and MHI, Ukraine co-leader
Niet-inheemse soorten in het Belgisch deel van de Noordzee en omliggende estuaria co-leader
Archiving data on recreational fishing along the Belgian coast co-leader
European Ocean Biogeographic Information System member
Pilot study into the data management at NIOO-CEME member
The development and realisation of the third phase of the ScheldeMonitor information system in the framework of "Research and Monitoring long-term planning Scheldt estuary" (LTV O&M) member
Indicators of sustainable development for the Scheldt estuary member
Structureel Partnerschap Wetenschapspopularisatie member
Pan-European infrastructure for Ocean & Marine Data Management member
Providing a Flemish staff member to the Schelde InformatieCentrum for communication in the framework of the long-term planning for the Scheldt estuary - part III member
Research on the environmental effects of the SIGMA plan - Phase 4 member
A field manipulation experiment on four European beaches investigating the response of meiofauna communities to increased rainfall co-leader
PESI - A Pan-European Species directories Infrastructure member
Wetenschatten : vier eeuwen kustonderzoek in beeld member
Optimaliseren data beheer en opslag en verzorgen educatie databeheer voor wetenschappers van het NIOO member
De Kustatlas online, Belgium member
A century of sea fisheries in Belgium leader
Het ontwikkelen van een software voor berekening van de BEQI index (Benthos Ecosystem Quality Index) member
People for Ecosystem Based Governance in Assessing Sustainable Development of Ocean and Coast (PEGASO) member 2010-02-01 2014-01-01
EUROFLEETS - Towards an alliance of European research fleets member 2009-09-01 2013-01-01
Climate Change and Marine Ecosystem Research Results (CLAMER) member 2010-04-01 2011-09-01

created:2011-12-14 14:18:59 UTC, source:fab

© 2012 by the Belgian Biodiversity Platform