Research Orgunit:BB|57

Laboratory of forest research and engineering
Bâtiment Mendel Place Croix du Sud, 2 bte 9
+32 (0)10473729
+32 (0)10473697



Biogeochemistry of forest ecosystems, Soil-water-plant-atmosphere relations, Forest dynamics and plant ecology, Silviculture and wood science, Forest and nature management


Name Role Start End
Biodiversity Research Group working_with


Name Role Start End
Devillez, Freddy leader
Abboudi, Tarik unknown
André, Frédéric unknown
Avella, Thomas unknown
Balleux, Pascal unknown
Bemelmans, Daniel unknown
Blanchez, Jean-Louis unknown
Bodin, Noélie unknown
Charif, Mohamed unknown
Degen, Thomas unknown
Delfosse, Boris unknown
Fourbisseur, Anne unknown
Giot Wirgot, Pierre unknown
Hubert, Etienne unknown
Iboukassenne, Soraya unknown
Jonard, Mathieu unknown
Mahmoud, Reem unknown
Rollin, Xavier unknown
Wauters, Jean-Baptiste unknown
Vincke, Caroline unknown
Farcy, Christine (scientific) collaborator 1985-09-01
Ponette, Quentin leader
Baudry, Olivier unknown
Charmetant, Charlotte (scientific) collaborator


Name Role Start End
cfr web site unknown
cfr web site unknown
Impact of silvicultural systems on biological communities in Walloon Region. unknown
Impact of silvicultural systems on biodiversity : a comparative study in Ardenne. unknown
Forest ecosystems – cat_SCI « Spatial modeling of foliar litter dynamics in mixed oak–beech stands » Classe_ 60 unknown
Forest ecosystems – cat_SCI « Effects of canopy heterogeneity on the spatio-temporal variability of atmospheric inputs in mixed oak–beech stands » Classe_10 unknown
Forest ecosystems – cat_SCI « Influence of thinning grade on dry matter and element storage in the holorganic layers of even-aged spruce stands » Classe_ 15 unknown
Forest ecosystems – cat_SCI « In situ weathering study in a toposequence of soils on Famennian shales » Classe_5 unknown
Forest ecosystems – cat_SCI « Effects of canopy heterogeneity on the spatio-temporal variability of atmospheric inputs in mixed oak–beech stands » Classe_A2 unknown
Forest ecosystems – cat_APP « Organic carbon storage in a planting of Hevea brasiliensis, Brasil » – Classe_13 unknown
Forest ecosystems – cat_APP « Organic matter dynamics during a silvicultural cycle : organic carbon pools and reactivity, and fluxes in a time sequence of Fagus sylvatica L. stands growing on acid brown soils » – Classe_35 unknown
Forest ecosystems – cat_LOG « Organic matter dynamics during a silvicultural cycle : organic carbon pools and reactivity, and fluxes in a time sequence of Fagus sylvatica L. stands growing on acid brown soils » – Classe_47 unknown
Biology and genetic population analysis of a european invasive forest species: Prunus serotina Ehrh. unknown
/projects/575 unknown
Appraisal of the role of nutrients and water stress in the changes of crown conditions for Oak and Spruce stands. unknown
Use of very high resolution satellite imagery for forest mapping applications – FORECAST unknown
/projects/655 unknown
Countryside management. unknown
Typology and management of private and public broad-leaved forests : sylvicultural orientations - demonstration network - popularization. unknown
Study of the initial dynamic of the vegetation colonization in hardwood forest gaps unknown
Studies on the patrimonial and natural values of forest's successions : the suberries unknown
Water dynamic through the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum in the broader context of pedunculate oak decline (Quercus robur L.) unknown
Development of silvicultural orientations and programmes for broad-leaved and coniferous species in Walloon Region unknown
Elaboration norms for forest operations in Walloon Region unknown
Evaluation of direct and indirect protections for forest plants against game unknown
/projects/701 unknown
/projects/705 unknown
/projects/706 unknown
Liming and manuring in Norway Spruce, Beach and Oak Stands. unknown
Management of the Wallonian plots of the European forest intensive and continuous monitoring network. unknown
Vocatins of brocleaved stands of substitution for the original beech stands and suitable forestry treatments. unknown
Influence of the canopy structure heterogeneousness on the spatio-temporal variability of atmospheric deposition in a mixed oak-beech stand unknown
Early dynamic of the vegetation community and the natural regeneration in gaps, in beech mixed forests, in the Alsace region (France) unknown
Spatial modelling of litter dynamic in mixed stand unknown
Impact of forest management systems on the biodiversity of three indicator groups (vascular plants, carabid beetles and breeding birds) unknown
Remote sensing and landscape stratification for monitoring biodiversity in Wallonia (Belgium) unknown
Management of big game, especially red deer (Artiodactyla, Mammalia), habitat use in a GIS unknown
Intensive monitoring of eight experimental forest stands for trees' health status, growth, soil conditions, atmospheric deposits and evolution of the herbaceous layer unknown
Sustainable management at landscape level unknown
Phytodiversity in relation with ecological and patrimonial values unknown
Natura 2000 sites pressure assessment and habitat diagnostic unknown
Inventory and ecological diagnostic of protected species unknown
Quality status of freshwater fish used for restocking wild populations unknown
Dendrological herbarium of prof. G. Gilbert (1903-1979) unknown
Effects of distinct forest stands on substrate weathering and silicon flow towards the hydrosphere. member 2006-10-01 2010-09-01
Elaboration of integrated management strategies combining local development and ecosystem conservation in four rural communities of the argan Man and Biosphere Reserve around the Jbel Amsiten massif member 2007-09-01 2011-01-01
Santé et protection des forêts - Cat_APP - Suivi des placettes régionales du réseau européen d’observation continue et intensive des écosystèmes forestiers - Classe_285<!--EndFragment--> member 2008-01-01 2009-12-01
Scientific support to the management planning of woodlands, forests and natural reserves of Wallonia member 2009-07-01 2010-06-01
  <!--EndFragment--> member 2009-01-01 2009-10-01
Biogéochimie des écosystèmes forestiers et gestion durable: Estimation des risques nutritionnels liés à la récolte accrue de biomasse en forêt member 2009-03-01 2009-11-01
Biogeochemistry of forest ecosystems and sustainability - Impacts of mineral amendments applications on the reactivity of forest stands to water stress member 2008-01-01 2010-06-01
Forest and nature management: Contribution to the organization of a Master programme in forest management for the reinforcement of congolese researchers’ capacities, to facilitate the socio-economic boosting of the Democratic Republic of the Congo DRC member 2009-04-01 2014-03-01
Typology of hydromorphic ‘white clays’ soils, and definition of their potentialities member 2007-07-01 2010-06-01
Silviculture and wood science - CoForKo : Coopération Forestière / Forstliche Kooperation member 2009-01-01 2011-12-01
Characterization of the ‘species’ effect on Water Use Efficiency of a mixed stand of beech/douglas-fir/spruce in the Belgian Ardennes member 2008-11-01 2012-01-01
Saplings reactivity to canopy closure in irregular deciduous stands member 2006-09-01 2012-08-01
Identifying the factors involved in the regeneration success of cork oak (Quercus suber L.) in the Mâamora forest (Rabat, Marocco) member 2009-04-01 2012-03-01

created:2011-12-14 14:18:59 UTC, source:wab

© 2012 by the Belgian Biodiversity Platform