Classification Term:Ecosystem Services

Ecosystem Services


SAFE General framework for the evaluation of the sustainability of Belgian agricultural systems
Watershed directed ecosystem approach of riparian buffer zones with regard to nitrate removal and biodiversity.
Use of local biodiversity resources for stored grain protection in Cameroun
Economic and managerial aspects of biodiversity.
System approach of sustainable farming
Studies on the patrimonial and natural values of forest's successions : the suberries
Project PIRENE - Integrated Research Program on Environment and Water - Economic analysis of water uses
Ecosystem modelling to support strategical environmental impact assessment for the Sigma plan.
MANUDYN I - Macrophytes and nutrient dynamics in the upper reaches of the Schelde basin.
Economic valuation of forest ecosystems: Case study Heverleebos- Meerdaalwoud
Use and management of "wild" food plants in southern Ecuador
Multicriteria evaluation and comparison of integrated forest management alternatives
BALANS: Balancing impacts of human activities in the Belgian part of the North Sea
FISHGUARD: Impact assessment and remediation of anthropogenic interventions on fish populations
ECONET: Feasibility study of ecological networks: ecological, economic, social and legal aspects
GAUFRE: Towards a spatial structure plan for sustainable management of the sea
FEFOCON: Environmental, social and economic feasibility of forest conversion
SELNAT: How to make Natura 2000 work properly? Socio-economic, legal & ecological management
CLIMAR: Evaluation of climate change impacts and adaptation responses for marine activities
AMORE III: Combined Effect of Changing Hydroclimate and Human Activity on Coastal Ecosystem Health
ADAPT: Towards an integrated decision tool for adaptation measures - Case study: floods
PONDSCAPE: Towards a sustainable management of pond diversity at the landscape level
Climate change impact on the sustainable use of Lake Tanganyika fisheries (CLIMFISH)
Eco-hydrological and socio-economical approach for the restoration of the lagoon Merja Zerga in Morocco.
Mechanisms of carbon-storage in grassland-ecosystems: influence of global warming and diversity loss
FORBIO - Assessment of the effects of tree species BIOdiversity on FORest ecosystem functioning
Assessment of mangrove degradation and resilience in the Indian Sub-continent: the cases of Godavari Estuary and South West Sri Lank
MARE-DASM Marine Resources Damage Assessment and Sustainable Management of the North Sea
Sustainable production of mud crab (Scylla sp.) through enhancement in mangroves
A description of ecosystem services of the Schelde estuary and development of ecosystem goals based on natural functions of the estuary
FLOODSCAPE Creating new landscapes for flood risk management
Operational Evaluation Tools for Fisheries Management Options
PUMPSEA Peri-urban mangroves forests as filters and potential phyoremediators of domestic sewage in East-Africa
Planning for Ecosystem Services (ECOPLAN)
Alter-Net 2, Working Package 'Interdisciplinary Research'
Economic valuation and optimization techniques for land-use changes
CEECEC: Civil society engagement with ecological economics
Ecosystem services of Freshwater systems (ECOFRESH)
Belgium Ecosystem Services : a new vision for society-nature interaction (BEES)
Tidal River Management
Macrophyte patches as biogeochemical hotspots: impact on river water quality?
CcASPAR: Climate change and changes in Spatial structures in Flanders
Valuation of Terrestrial Ecosystem Services in a multifunctional peri-urban space (VOTES)
KLIMOS Research platform Climate and Development
Development of Belgian REDD Information Systems (BE REDD)
FORSA - Forest resources modelling in the territory of ancient Sagalassos, South Anatolia, Turkey
ECOWORM - Erosion COntrol in arable land through the management of earthWORM communities
ENCOFOR - ENvironment and COmmunity based framework for designing afFORestation, reforestation and revegetation projects in the CDM
Towards integrated catchment management in tropical mountain areas: the problem of sediment management, Paute catchment, Ecuador
Sustainable agriculture: an integrated approach for communication between scientists and stakeholders
Agronomical, economic and sociological norms and indicators for sustainable farming systems
Study of the limits & potential of systems & techniques of integrated and alternative agriculture
Extensive management of grassland, impact on conservation of biological resources and farm output (EGRO)
AEMBAC Definition of a common European analytical framework for the development of local agri-environmental programmes for biodiversity and landscape conservation (ERO)
VALUE Valuing attractive landscapes in the urban economy
Enhancement of forest ressources value
Fish Ecology and fish stock management in reservoirs of the semi arid high lands of Tigray, Northern Ethiopia.
(SUMANOS) Cluster Sustainable Management North Sea
SUDEM- CLI - Impact of climate change on river hydrology and ecology: A case study for interdisciplinary policy oriented research
Economic Valuation of ecosystem services of (semi) natural landscapes for Cost-Benefit Assessments 
Ecosystem Services in Flanders: A new challenge for nature conservation?
Integration of ecology, sociology and economics in water policy by means of a policy support system
MUSICAL-Multifunctionality and local identity as paradigms for sustainable and competitive agriculture
Design and renovation of urban public spaces toward sustainable cities (DRUPSSuC)
Studies about ecosystems in Flanders
Woody vegetation for integrated gully erosion control in Tigray, Ethiopia
(STEP) Status and Trends of European pollinators
Biodiversity of freshwater ecosystems: Status, trends, pressures, and conservation priorities (BIOFRESH)
People for Ecosystem Based Governance in Assessing Sustainable Development of Ocean and Coast (PEGASO)
(HERMIONE) Hotspot Ecosystem Research and Man's Impact On European Seas
(MESMA) Monitoring and Evaluation of Spatially Managed Areas
Socioeconomic aspects of water pollution and contamination in the Scheldt river system, ground water and the Belgian coastal zone
Advanced Terrestrial Ecosystem Analysis and Modelling - ATEAM
Social Cost Benefit Analysis for the actualization of the Sigmaplan and for the long term vision of the Scheldt (ProSes)
Social Cost-benefit analysis of development of coastal nature in the Hemmepolder


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