
Backeljau, Thierry


Doctor {Researchers academic Title}
Professor {Researchers academic Title}


Name Role Start End
Population genetics and phylogeny of periwinkle (Littorinidae, Gasteropoda) member
Zoological Collections: Mollusca (Molluscs), general collection and Ph. Dautzenberg collection member
Phylogeography, population and eco-genetics of European marine and terrestrial molluscs member
Life history responses to time constraints and ecological constraints during the larval period in the damselfly Lestes viridis (II) promotor
Genetic differentiation in uniparental terrestrial slugs (Stylommatophora) (II) promotor
Life history responses to time constraints and ecological constraints during the larval period in the damselfly Lestes viridis (I) promotor
Genetic differentiation in uniparental terrestrial slugs (Stylommatophora) (I) promotor
Populatiegenetica van Europese alikruiken (Mollusca, Gastropoda: Littorinidae). promotor
Fylogeografie van tweeslachtige landslakken in Europa (Mollusca, Gastropoda) co-promotor
Ecological and genetical determinants of phally-polymorfism in land gastropods co-promotor
Systematics, phylogeography and population genetics of introduced and autochtonous populations of the hermaphroditic land slug Arion subfuscus (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Pulmonata). co-promotor
Preparation of a Red List of the marine, freshwater and terrestrial Molluscs of Flanders (Belgium) co-promotor
Systematics, population genetics, phylogeny of major metazoan taxa, with emphasis on Molluscs co-promotor
Pyrethroid resistance by malaria vectors: KDR-gene variation and detection promotor 2002-10-01 2006-09-30
Genetic differentiation by uniparental landsnail (stylommatophora) promotor 2000-01-01 2003-12-31
"Life history" response on time pressures and ecological pressures during the larval stadium of the dragonfly Lestes viridis." promotor 2000-01-01 2003-12-31
Phylogeny of the rhabdocoel turbellaria and the origin of the freshwater representatives co-promotor 2007-10-01 2011-10-01
EUMAR - European marine genetic biodiversity member 2002-01-01 2004-12-01


Name Role Start End
Evolutionary Ecology Group (permanent) researcher 2008-01-01
Evolutionary Biology Group unknown 2007-12-01
Malacology leader 2008-06-01

created:2011-12-14 14:18:59 UTC, source:fab

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