Classification Term:5

Sustainable Use of Components of Biological Diversity


Dispersal and recruitment of Olea europaea ssp. cuspidata in degraded Afromontane savanna : implications for forest restoration in the highlands of northern Ethiopia
Mangrove vegetation structure dynamics and regeneration
Belgian Biodiversity Platform
Analysis of physiological and economical impact of the ornemental trees pruning
Biological Control
Gathering and exchange of information on biological diversity
Study of the genetic variation, spatial organisation of genetic diversity and gene flow of an African tropical tree Pericopsis elata (Fabaceae)
Growing halophytes in China for agronomic and ecological purposes: a case study for flowering deserts
SELNAT: How to make Natura 2000 work properly? Socio-economic, legal & ecological management
Adaptive plasticity of aeronautic dispersal in plants and arthropods
PONDSCAPE: Towards a sustainable management of pond diversity at the landscape level
Genetic Diversity in River Populations of European Black poplar lor evaluation of biodiversity, conservation strategies, nature development and genetic improvement (EUROPOP)
Inventorisation and valorisation of crops in Kisangani tropical forest
Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in contrasting Southern European deep-sea environments: from viruses to megafauna
Non-native species of the Belgian part of the North sea and adjacent estuaries
Image classification of the earth for a tropical forest cartography<a href="" target="_blank">
Support for the creation of a multi-disciplinary formation in tourism and the development of an ecotourism project in the region of Baranquilla
STOREPROTEC: utilisation des huiles essentielles extraites de plantes condimentaires pour la protection des denrées stockées sous forme de grains
Méthodologies pour la gestion des Aires Marines Protégées (AMP): gouvernance des pêcheries et du développement local durable
Elaboration of integrated management strategies combining local development and ecosystem conservation in four rural communities of the argan Man and Biosphere Reserve around the Jbel Amsiten massif
Socio-economicals and environmentals impacts of cash crop in Burkina Faso: which strategies for sustainable development?
LifeWatch - E-science and technology infrastructure for biodiversity data and observatories
CEECEC: Civil society engagement with ecological economics
Agrobiodiversity in flower-rich field margins


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