Name |
Role |
Start |
End |
BBLOOMS 2: Cyanobacterial blooms: toxicity, diversity, modelling and management |
co-promotor |
2006-12-01 |
2009-01-01 |
AMBIO: Antarctic Microbial Biodiversity: The importance of geographical and ecological factors |
member |
2006-12-01 |
2009-01-01 |
CLIMLAKE: Climate variability as recorded in Lake Tanganyika |
co-promotor |
2000-12-01 |
2005-02-01 |
B-BLOOMS: Algal blooms: Emerging problems for health and sustainable use of surface waters |
co-promotor |
2003-01-01 |
2006-04-01 |
LAQUAN: Late Quaternary climate history of coastal Antarctic environments: a multi-proxy approach |
co-promotor |
2000-12-01 |
2005-02-01 |
SISCO: Silica retention in the Scheldt continuum and its impact on coastal eutrophication |
co-promotor |
2002-02-01 |
2006-04-01 |
Biotic interactions in turbid estuarine systems |
co-promotor |
Development of a conceptual model integrating hydrological and paleolimnological models and historical land use data, and its application as a tool for lake water management |
co-promotor |
MANSCAPE: Integrated management tools for water bodies in agricultural landscapes |
member |
2003-01-01 |
2006-04-01 |
Impacts of volcanic activity, climate and land cover changes on the ecology and watersed hydrology of andean lakes in southern central Chile |
promotor |
Herbarium Gent |
member |
The ecological niche of rare softwater shore plants in Western Europe |
promotor |
2002-10-01 |
2004-09-01 |
Coordination of the realisation of a ground water measuring network in the Flemish Natuyre Reserves suitable for developing a signal map of desiccation. |
promotor |
2001-04-01 |
2002-10-01 |
Characterization of habitat types in Flanders for the biotopes coastal dunes, heathland, marshes, grasslands, mudflats and tidal marshes |
promotor |
1999-11-01 |
2002-02-01 |
Indicators of biodiversity and nature value in shallow stagnant waters in Flanders. |
promotor |
Zeeschelde: evaluating the effects of the Sigmaplan, dredging activities and harbour expansion on the environment. |
promotor |
Diatoms as indicators for Late-quaternary environmental history of Antarctica. |
promotor |
Climate variability, productivity and food web structure in Lake Tanganyika. |
promotor |
Cryptic diversity in photo-autotrophic Protista : variation in phenetic and genetic patterns in selected species complexes and their taxonomic, biogeographic and ecological significance. |
promotor |
Use of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) by bacteria. |
promotor |
A study of the carbon flux through the microbial food web in aquatic systems: experiments and modelling. |
promotor |
The structure of phytoplankton communities and populations in shallow lakes: impact of local and regional factors. |
promotor |
Biodiversity of marine benthic communities along ecological gradients. |
co-promotor |
PONDSCAPE: Towards a sustainable management of pond diversity at the landscape level |
promotor |
2006-12-01 |
2009-01-01 |
MICROMAT: Biodiversity of microbial mats in Antarctica |
promotor |
1998-11-01 |
2001-02-01 |
Diatomeeën as indicators for the late-quarterly environmental history of Antarctica : construction of a regional calibration-dataset and reconstruction of environmental changes on the basis of lake sediments |
promotor |
2000-10-01 |
2004-09-30 |
Climate fluctations, productivity and nourishment web structure in the Tanganyika lake |
promotor |
2001-10-01 |
2005-09-30 |
Reproductive, genetic and phenotypical variation patterns in relationship with toxicity by Pseudo-nitzschia pungens |
promotor |
2003-12-01 |
2008-08-12 |
Identification and characterization of the genes modulated during the sexual reproduction of diatomers |
promotor |
2004-01-01 |
2007-12-31 |
Genome expression during the morphogenesis of Micrasterias Ralfs (Chlorophyta) |
promotor |
2005-01-01 |
2008-12-31 |
Moss-inhabiting-diatom-based biogeography of the (sub-)Antarctic Region (ANTARCDIAT) |
member |
2006-01-01 |
HOLANT: Holocene climate variability and ecosystem change in coastal East and Maritime Antarctica |
member |
2005-12-01 |
2009-12-01 |
BIOPOOL - EuroDIVERSITY - Connectivity, dispersal and priority effects as drivers of biodiversity and ecosystem function in pond and pool communities |
co-promotor |
2006-06-01 |
2008-06-01 |
BBSea - Biogeography and Biodiversity of the Sea - Integration of ecological and evolutional patterns and processes |
member |
2005-01-01 |
2011-10-01 |
Multidisciplinaire studie van de biologie van Afrikaanse katvissen |
promotor |
A systematic-ecological study of the intertidal microphytobenthos of the Westerschelde (Nederland) |
promotor |
Integration of the 'OMES' projects |
unknown |
Pigment analysis on suspended particulate matter |
unknown |
(BELDIVA) Belgian Microbial Diversity Project in Antarctica |
member |
2009-01-01 |
2011-01-01 |
Eco-evolutionary dynamics in a human-dominated world |
member |
2010-03-01 |
2014-12-01 |
EAGLES - East African Great Lake Ecosystem Sensitivity to changes |
member |