
Feyen, Jan


Doctor {Researchers academic Title}
Civil engineer {Researchers academic Title}
Professor {Researchers academic Title}


Name Role Start End
Migration of forest plant species in a fragmented landscape: an ecological, population genetic and modelling approach member
Limnological studies in the Cochabamba Departmant Bolivia. member
Determination of macroscopic hydraulic soil properties based on the structure of the pore network. promotor
Experimentele en numerieke analyse van de zwaveldynamiek in de bodem. promotor
Participatieve ontwikkeling en adaptatie van technologische innovaties voor het duurzaam beheer van bodem en water in Ecuador. promotor
Identification and characterization of soil structural elements that define water flow and solute leaching at different scales. promotor
Assessment of the mineral nitrogen concentrations in soil as a policy tool. promotor
Begroting vban de evapotranspiratie en het bodemvochtgehalte als limiterende factoren van de fotosynthese op regionale schaal met behulp van een energiebalansmodel en teledetectiebeeldinformatie. promotor
Evaluatie van de fysico-chemische toestand van de vallei van de Winterbeek. promotor
Numerical assessment of the nitrate losses to the shallow drainage system and the underlying aquifer system at soil and regional scale. promotor
Water flow and sulfate transport in agricultural soils. promotor
Field-scale analyses of water flow and solute transport in furrows. promotor
Experimental and numerical analysis of the transport and fate of nitrogen in groundwater abstraction sites for water supply. promotor
ICP: Water resources engineering. promotor
Mountain irrigation: performance assessment and introduction of new concepts to improve the water distribution at field level. promotor
Water demand-supply and administrative management in medium sized irrigation schemes in the Sierra of Ecuador. promotor
Integrated modelling of the hydrological cycle at different time and space scales. promotor
Experimental and nuemerical analysis of the soil water dynamics and the nutrient balance in wet alluvial plains. promotor
Hydrological modeling as part of the land use impact category in life cycle assessment. co-promotor
Influence of land use on the hydrological properties of volcanic soils in the high Andes region. co-promotor
Experimental and numerical analysis of the soil hydrology and the nutrition balance in wettish valley areas. promotor 1999-01-01 2002-12-31


Name Role Start End
Division Soil and Water Management unknown

created:2011-12-14 14:18:59 UTC, source:web

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