
Matthysen, Erik


Doctor {Researchers academic Title}
Professor {Researchers academic Title}


Name Role Start End
An integrated study of flight ability in the speckled wood butterfly (Pararge aegeria</em> L.): performance, morphology and quantitative genetics (II) promotor
Effects of stress on the evolutionary potential of developmental stability promotor
Evolutionary changes of morphology and behaviour in a woodland butterfly (Pararge aegeria</em> L.) due to habitat fragmentation (I) promotor
Leefbaarheidsanalyse van bedreigde afrotropische vogelpopulaties : integratie van demografische en genetische benaderingen. promotor
Viability of bird metapopulations promotor
Uitbreiding veldparelmoervlinder op het militair domein in Zutendaal. promotor
Temporal and spatial variation in relationships between behaviour and morphological 'design' in butterflies. promotor
Study on the possibilies of sustainable breeding of chaffinches (Fringilla coelebs). promotor
Butterfly populations within the &quot;Mechelse Heide&quot; area : a unit of the Flemish ecological network &quot;under construction&quot;. promotor
Chemische ecologie en bronpopulatieonderzoek in functie van een wetenschappelijk onderbouwd herintroductieproject van het Gentiaanblauwtje in Vlaanderen. promotor
Connectiviteit van bermen voor het klaverblauwtje in de provincie Limburg. promotor
An integrated study of flight ability in the speckled wood butterfly (Pararge aegeria</em> L.): performance, morphology and quantitative genetics (I) promotor
Analysis of dispersal patterns for use in population modelling : exploration and valorisation of large datasets. promotor
Connectiviteit van bermen voor enkele vlindersoorten in de provincie Antwerpen. promotor
Evolutionary changes of morphology and behaviour in a woodland butterfly (Pararge aegeria</em> L.) due to habitat fragmentation (II) promotor
Study of changes in genetic structure of populations by comparing recent and historical DNA promotor
Relationships between individual behaviour and dispersal in butterflies living in fragmented landscapes. promotor
Conservation policy and biodiversity in Flanders: the use of different species and of multi-species approaches promotor
Developmental stability as measure of individual quality in the Great Tit (Parus major) : a challenge experiment. promotor
Dispersal strategies in relation to environmental quality, individual quality and social structure in the Great Tit (Parus major). promotor
Ecological genetica: pattern and processes of genetic variation in naturel populations. promotor
Effects of the landscape structure on dispersal, morphology and gene flow in a series of tropical forest bird species of the Taita Hills, South East Kenia. promotor
Estimating population parameters in endangered afrotropical birds using temporal genetic samples. (BIRDGENOTEMP) promotor
Integratie van dispersie, connectiviteit en landschapstructuur ten behoeve van richtlijnen voor habitatevaluatie en -restoratie. promotor
Kenmerk- en verstoringsspecificiteit van fenotypische expressie bij Tribolium. promotor
Landscape connectivity and the presence of bats in the landscape: a landscape model to support the development and evaluation of land management scenario’s. promotor
Social organisation and dispersal of a tropical passerine in a fragmented habitat. promotor
Overdraagbaarheid van soortspecifieke habitatkwaliteitmetingen tussen reservaten : een toets met bedreigde dagvlinders. promotor
Phenotypic expression under environmental stress. promotor
Ecology and genetics of different dispersal strategies of a forest bird in a fragmented Afrotropical cloud forest member 2003-10-01 2005-09-01
Linking dispersal, connectivity, and landscape structure to produce habitat evaluation/restoration guidelines co-promotor 2000-12-01 2005-02-01
Gene flow and effective population size in non-equilibrium conditions co-promotor
An integrated study of the variation in the fly capacity by the pararge aegeria L. : achievement, morphology and quantitative genetics promotor 2000-01-01 2003-12-31
Demography of two avian frugivores in a recently fragmented rainforest in south-east Kenya co-promotor 2006-01-01 2009-12-01
Study of the spread of invasive Ring-necked Parakeets in Flanders and an estimation of the effect on native species. member 2005-01-01 2005-12-01
Impact of invasive bird species promotor 2006-02-01 2007-02-01
Inventory of the Asian chipmunk (Eutamias sibiricus, Laxmann 1769) in De Panne (Belgium) member 1998-01-01
Strengthening the Centre of Biodiversity and Genetics  member 1997-07-01 2002-12-01
Eco-evolutionary dynamics in a human-dominated world member 2010-03-01 2014-12-01


Name Role Start End
Evolutionary Ecology Group (permanent) researcher 2008-01-01

created:2011-12-14 14:18:59 UTC, source:fab

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