Research Orgunit:BB|217

Krijgslaan 281-S8
+32 (0)9 264 8508
+32 (0)9 264 8599




Name Role Start End
De Clerck, Olivier post-doc
Pauly, Klaas PhD student
Cocquyt, Ellen PhD student
Verbruggen, Heroen post-doc
Schils, Tom unknown
Coppejans, Eric leader
Gunasekara, Rasanga unknown
D'Hondt, Sofie unknown
Hollants, Joke unknown
Tyberghein, Lennert unknown
VanKerckhove, Christelle unknown
Leliaert, Frederik post-doc 2005-01-01 2013-10-01


Name Role Start End
Systematics and evolutionary biogeography of marine macro-algae in the Indo-Pacific region unknown
The ecological importance of groynes and other hard substrates in the tidal area on the Flemish coast (Belgium), partim algae unknown
The ecological importance of groynes and other hard substrates in the tidal area on the Flemish coast (Belgium), partim macrozoobenthos unknown
Biodiversity of marine algae and echinoderms in the transition zone between temperate and tropical South Africa unknown
Biodiversity and seasonality of benthic macroalgae around Socotra, Yemen unknown
Systematics and biogeography of Siphonocladales-Cladophorales (Chlorophyta, Algae) in the Indian Ocean unknown
Revision of the genus Dictyota (Dictyotales, Phaeophyta) in the Indian Ocean unknown
Taxonomy and biogeography of Algae of the tropical Indian Ocean and the South Pacific unknown
Author of the "Flore algologique des côtes du Nord de la France et de la Belgique" unknown
Systematics and evolutionary biogeography of the genus Halimeda (Chlorophyta), with emphasis on the Indian Ocean. member
Biodiversity studies on seaweeds and echinoderms in the transition between temperate southern Africa and the tropical western Indian Ocean. member
Evolutionary biogeography and systematics of the Halymeniaceae (Rhodophyta) in the western Indian Ocean member
Evolutionary biogeography and systematics of the marine benthic macroalgae in the Indo-Pacific region member
Herbarium Gent member
Endosymbiotic bacteria in coenocytic green algae - exploration of a partnership member 2008-01-01 2011-12-01
Non-native species of the Belgian part of the North sea and adjacent estuaries member 2006-03-01
Data generation and processing power to resolve fundamental questions in green algal research member 2008-01-01 2010-12-01
Systematics, ecology and biogeography of marine organisms in the Indian Ocean. I unknown
Benthos, nekton and plankton of the North Sea and the Delta area. III unknown
Systematics, ecology and biogeography of marine organisms in the Indian Ocean. II unknown
Benthos, nekton and plankton of the North Sea and the Delta area. II unknown
Benthos, nekton and plankton of the North Sea and the Delta area. I unknown
Systematische studie van algae, fungi, plantae en invertebrata in het Indo-Melanesische gebied unknown
Systematiek en evolutionaire biogeografie van mariene macrowieren in de Indo-Pacifische regio unknown
Revisie van het Dictyota-Dilophus complex (Phaeophyta) in de Indische Oceaan. I unknown
Revisie van het Dictyota-Dilophus complex (Phaeophyta) in de Indische Oceaan. II unknown
Evolutionaire biogeografie en systematiek van de Halymeniaceae (Rhodophyta) in de westelijke Indische Oceaan unknown
Onderzoek seizoenale variatie van macroalgen, macrofauna en vogels, geassocieerd met intertidale harde substraten langsheen de Vlaamse kust unknown
Taxonomic, phylogenetic and biogeographic studies of Plantae, Fungi and Protoctista unknown
General Environmental Impact Study (AMIS) : vegetation and vegetation modelling unknown
Draw up of a documented red list of several groups of macrofungi of Flanders, Belgium unknown
Study of restoration possibilities of beach, dune, mud flat, salt marsh and polder along the eastern bank of the IJzer estuary unknown
Time-dependent changes in the optical properties of sediments detected with remote sensing co-leader
Niet-inheemse soorten in het Belgisch deel van de Noordzee en omliggende estuaria member
Evolutionaire dynamiek van macro-ecologische niches bij zeewieren unknown
Populatiegenetische structuur en cryptische diversiteit van vrijlevende mariene nematoden : beschrijving en implicaties voor het functioneren van populaties en ecosystemen. unknown
Endosymbiotische bacteriÎn in coenocytische groenwieren. Verkenning van een partnerschap. unknown
Gegevensvergaring en rekenkracht voor het oplossen van fundamentele vraagstellingen over de evolutie van groenwieren unknown
Elucidation of fundamental processes in green algal evolution through integration of molecular phylogenetics, genome analysis and experimental gene evolution research. unknown
Diversiteit en evolutie van bacteriÎle symbionten in de Siphonocladales (Chlorophyta) en hun effecten op groei en morfogenese van de gastheer unknown
Spatiotemporele variatie in bentische macrowiergemeenschappen van de Arabische Zee. unknown

created:2011-12-14 14:18:59 UTC, source:fab

© 2012 by the Belgian Biodiversity Platform