Name |
Role |
Start |
End |
Systematics and evolutionary biogeography of marine macro-algae in the Indo-Pacific region |
unknown |
The ecological importance of groynes and other hard substrates in the tidal area on the Flemish coast (Belgium), partim algae |
unknown |
The ecological importance of groynes and other hard substrates in the tidal area on the Flemish coast (Belgium), partim macrozoobenthos |
unknown |
Biodiversity of marine algae and echinoderms in the transition zone between temperate and tropical South Africa |
unknown |
Biodiversity and seasonality of benthic macroalgae around Socotra, Yemen |
unknown |
Systematics and biogeography of Siphonocladales-Cladophorales (Chlorophyta, Algae) in the Indian Ocean |
unknown |
Revision of the genus Dictyota (Dictyotales, Phaeophyta) in the Indian Ocean |
unknown |
Taxonomy and biogeography of Algae of the tropical Indian Ocean and the South Pacific |
unknown |
Author of the "Flore algologique des côtes du Nord de la France et de la Belgique" |
unknown |
Systematics and evolutionary biogeography of the genus Halimeda (Chlorophyta), with emphasis on the Indian Ocean. |
member |
Biodiversity studies on seaweeds and echinoderms in the transition between temperate southern Africa and the tropical western Indian Ocean. |
member |
Evolutionary biogeography and systematics of the Halymeniaceae (Rhodophyta) in the western Indian Ocean |
member |
Evolutionary biogeography and systematics of the marine benthic macroalgae in the Indo-Pacific region |
member |
Herbarium Gent |
member |
Endosymbiotic bacteria in coenocytic green algae - exploration of a partnership |
member |
2008-01-01 |
2011-12-01 |
Non-native species of the Belgian part of the North sea and adjacent estuaries |
member |
2006-03-01 |
Data generation and processing power to resolve fundamental questions in green algal research |
member |
2008-01-01 |
2010-12-01 |
Systematics, ecology and biogeography of marine organisms in the Indian Ocean. I |
unknown |
Benthos, nekton and plankton of the North Sea and the Delta area. III |
unknown |
Systematics, ecology and biogeography of marine organisms in the Indian Ocean. II |
unknown |
Benthos, nekton and plankton of the North Sea and the Delta area. II |
unknown |
Benthos, nekton and plankton of the North Sea and the Delta area. I |
unknown |
Systematische studie van algae, fungi, plantae en invertebrata in het Indo-Melanesische gebied |
unknown |
Systematiek en evolutionaire biogeografie van mariene macrowieren in de Indo-Pacifische regio |
unknown |
Revisie van het Dictyota-Dilophus complex (Phaeophyta) in de Indische Oceaan. I |
unknown |
Revisie van het Dictyota-Dilophus complex (Phaeophyta) in de Indische Oceaan. II |
unknown |
Evolutionaire biogeografie en systematiek van de Halymeniaceae (Rhodophyta) in de westelijke Indische Oceaan |
unknown |
Onderzoek seizoenale variatie van macroalgen, macrofauna en vogels, geassocieerd met intertidale harde substraten langsheen de Vlaamse kust |
unknown |
Taxonomic, phylogenetic and biogeographic studies of Plantae, Fungi and Protoctista |
unknown |
General Environmental Impact Study (AMIS) : vegetation and vegetation modelling |
unknown |
Draw up of a documented red list of several groups of macrofungi of Flanders, Belgium |
unknown |
Study of restoration possibilities of beach, dune, mud flat, salt marsh and polder along the eastern bank of the IJzer estuary |
unknown |
Time-dependent changes in the optical properties of sediments detected with remote sensing |
co-leader |
Niet-inheemse soorten in het Belgisch deel van de Noordzee en omliggende estuaria |
member |
Evolutionaire dynamiek van macro-ecologische niches bij zeewieren |
unknown |
Populatiegenetische structuur en cryptische diversiteit van vrijlevende mariene nematoden : beschrijving en implicaties voor het functioneren van populaties en ecosystemen. |
unknown |
Endosymbiotische bacteriÎn in coenocytische groenwieren. Verkenning van een partnerschap. |
unknown |
Gegevensvergaring en rekenkracht voor het oplossen van fundamentele vraagstellingen over de evolutie van groenwieren |
unknown |
Elucidation of fundamental processes in green algal evolution through integration of molecular phylogenetics, genome analysis and experimental gene evolution research. |
unknown |
Diversiteit en evolutie van bacteriÎle symbionten in de Siphonocladales (Chlorophyta) en hun effecten op groei en morfogenese van de gastheer |
unknown |
Spatiotemporele variatie in bentische macrowiergemeenschappen van de Arabische Zee. |
unknown |