Title |
Metapopulations of marine fishes: a case study of the sand goby Pomatoschistus minutus on the Belgian Continental Shelf. |
Modeling migrations of marine juvenile fish between coastal zones and estuaries. |
TROPHOS: Higher trophic levels in the Southern North Sea. Monitoring, biological interactions and dispersal. |
Monitoring the fish fauna of the Zeeschelde-estuary |
Dispersal of Dover sole in a perspective of metapopulation structure. |
Biotic interactions in turbid estuarine systems |
Het gebruik van Littorina als TBT biomonitor langsheen het Schelde estuarium en de Noordzeekust |
Ecologische karakterisatie van Europese estuaria, het Schelde-estuarium als model. |
MARE-DASM: Marine Resources Damage Assessment and Sustainable Management of the North Sea. |
MARE-DASM - The development of technical and legal procedures which allow to assess the damages caused to marine resources and to recover them from the polluter. |
Taxonomic database of North Sea meiofauna. |
Long term trends in the macrobenthos of the Belgian Continental Shelf. |
Seasonal variation of macro algae, macrobenthos and avifauna associated with intertidal hard substrates along the Flemish Coast. |
Ecological monitoring of a coastal defense project |
Habitat-model extension. |
Spatio-temporal variability and population dynamics of the Abra alba - Mysella bidentata community on the Belgian Continental Shelf. |
The Pliocene at the southern margin of the North Sea Basin: stratigraphy and paleoenvironment based on magnetostratigraphy and integrated analysis of palynomorphs. |
Biodiversity and role of the interstitial benthos of two European sandy beaches. |
Analysis macrobenthic |
Functional and structural aspects of biodiversity in an estuarine detrital food web, with emphasis on free-living nematodes and their interactions with bacteria |
Nutrient pathways at the continent-ocean interface and coastal eutrophication. The Scheldt-South Bight of the North Sea. |
Study and modelling of coastal eutrophication in the Phaeocystis-dominated Southern Bight of the North Sea |
The ecological importance of groynes and other hard substrates in the tidal area on the Flemish coast (Belgium), partim algae |
The ecological importance of groynes and other hard substrates in the tidal area on the Flemish coast (Belgium), partim macrozoobenthos |
The collection Gustave Gilson as a historical reference framework for the Belgian marine fauna: a feasibility study |
Evaluation of the 'Paardenmarkt' marine site (Belgium, North Sea) |
Structural and functional biodiversity of copepod (Crustacea) communities on the Belgian Continental Shelf (North Sea) |
Seasonality of capture and growth rate of plaice, cod, haddock and saithe (Pisces) in the North Sea based on fossil otolithes |
Ecotoxicology, pathology and trophic position of marine mammals of European coasts |
Ecology of marine benthic protozoa, species composition of ciliate communities |
Monitoring of sandbanks on the Belgian continental platform by means of Nematodes |
Macrobenthos, epibenthos and hyperbenthos of subtidal areas along the Belgian coast |
Intraspecific genetic variation of Pomatoschistus minutus (Pallas, 1770) and P. lozanoi (de Buen, 1923) (Pisces) from the Belgian and the European continental shelf |
Hyperbenthic communities of beaches: structure and interactions with demersal fish and epibenthic macro-Crustacea |
Meiobenthos of intertidal and subtidal areas along the Belgian coast and the Westerschelde estuary |
Macrobenthos of shallow intertidal and subtidal waters |
Feeding ecology of marine Nematods |
Host-parasite relationships in sympatric gobiid species Pomatoschistus sp. (Teleostei, Pisces) in the Voordelta area (North Sea, the Netherlands): influence of ecological and phylogenetic factors |
Phytoplankton ecology in the North Sea |
Nature conservation in the marine and coastal environment. Overview and analysis of legal possibilities. |
Ecology of demersal fish species and larger epibenthic crustaceans in the coastal zone and estuaries in the SW-Netherlands |
Eutrophication of coastal waters in Belgium |
BALANS: Balancing impacts of human activities in the Belgian part of the North Sea |
ECOTOX2: Effects of pollutants on benthic populations and communities of North Sea organisms |
TROPHOS: Higher trophic levels in the Southern North Sea |
BWZee: A biological valuation map for the Belgian continental shelf |
SPEEK: Study of post extraction ecological effects in the Kwintebank sand dredging area |
REFCOAST: Typology, reference condition and classification of the Belgian coastal waters |
BEWREMABI: Belgian shipwreck: hotspots for marine biodiversity |
The Hinder Banks: yet an important region for the Belgian marine biodiversity? |
Viability of the Northeast Atlantic harbour porpoise and harbour seal populations (genetic and ecological studies) |
GAUFRE: Towards a spatial structure plan for sustainable management of the sea |
Habitat Suitability model for the analysis and prediction of macrobenthos in the North Sea |
Expeditie Zeeleeuw |
CALMARS: Validation of alternative marine calcareous skeletons as recorders of global climate change |
CALMARS II: Critical evaluation of marine calcareous skeletons as recorders of global climate change |
CLIMAR: Evaluation of climate change impacts and adaptation responses for marine activities |
AMORE III: Combined Effect of Changing Hydroclimate and Human Activity on Coastal Ecosystem Health |
INRAM: Integrated risk assessment and monitoring of micropollutants in the Belgian coastal zone |
MICROMET: Microbial diversity and metal fluxes in contaminated North Sea sediments |
WESTBANKS: understanding benthic, pelagic and air-borne ecosystem interactions in shallow coastal seas |
Nutrients Cycling and the Trophic Status of Coastal Ecosystems (EUROTROPH) |
AMORE II - Advanced modelling and research on eutrophication linking eutrophication and biological resources |
CANOPY - Biogeochemical carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus fluxes in the North Sea |
SISCO: Silica retention in the Scheldt continuum and its impact on coastal eutrophication |
North Sea Benthos Project |
Non-native species of the Belgian part of the North sea and adjacent estuaries |
(SUMANOS) Cluster Sustainable Management North Sea |