
De Coen, Wim


Doctor {Researchers academic Title}
Professor {Researchers academic Title}


Name Role Start End
Evaluation of the toxic mode of action of endocrine disruptors for the zebrafish, Danio rerio</em> co-promotor
Geïntegreerde studie van de effecten van milieuverontreiniging op aquatische en terrestische ecosystemen member
Ontwikkeling van DNA-chips voor toxiciteitskarakterisatie van chemicali&euml;n bij de gewone karper (Cyprinus carpio) (I) promotor
Ontwikkeling van DNA chips voor toxiciteitsidentificatie en -evaluatie van contaminanten in aquatische ecosystemen. promotor
The use of "subtractive hybridization PCR" for the evaluation of toxicological modes of action of enocrine disruptors in the commen carp (Cyprinus Carpio). promotor
Ontwikkeling van niet-destructieve en flow-cytometrische biomarkers voor milieu impact evaluaties. promotor
Effect-evaluation of persistent pollutants on the European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus L.</em>) by means of non-destructive biomarkers and population-ecological parameters (I) promotor
Toxicity identification and evaluation of neuro-active chemicals for the zebrafish (Danio rerio) (I) promotor
Evaluatie en gebruik van niet-invasieve en microschaal cellulaire flow cytometrische analysetechnieken informatief in milieutoxicologische en hematologische context. promotor
Karakterisatie van toxicologische werkingsmechanismen en effect-evaluatie van perfluorverbindingen bij mariene en estuariene organismen. promotor
Snelle detectie en identificatie van contaminanten en biotoxines in de voedselketen met behulp van biosensoren. promotor
Development of Environmental Diagnostics based on Toxicogenomics and Bio-informatics. promotor
Effect-evaluatie van perfluorverbindingen bij mariene en estuariene organismen. promotor
Molecular mechanisms of copper homeostasis in algae. promotor
Ontwikkeling van DNA-chips voor toxiciteitskarakterisatie van chemicali&euml;n bij de gewone karper (Cyprinus carpio) (II) promotor
Toxicity identification and evaluation of neuro-active chemicals for the zebrafish (Danio rerio) (II) promotor
Effect-evaluation of persistent pollutants on the European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus L.</em>) by means of non-destructive biomarkers and population-ecological parameters (II) promotor
Risk assessment of brominated flame retardants as suspected endocrine disrupters for human and wildlife health. promotor
Perfluorinated Organic Compounds in the European Environment. (PERFORCE) promotor
Ontwikkeling van cDNA arrays bij de zoetwatervlo Daphnia magna voor toxiciteitskarakterisatie van chemicaliën. promotor
Breaking Ecotoxicological Restraints in Spatial Planning (BERISP). promotor
BRIN-project "Ontwikkeling van cDNA arrays voor de studie van het endocrien verstorend karakter van chemicaliën bij aquatische organismen." promotor
Ontwikkeling van DNA arrays (meetinstrument) voor de detectie van endocrine verstorende eigenschappen van zowel chemicaliën als afvalstromen bij vissen. promotor
Development of DNA-chips for toxicological characterization of chemicals by the common carp (Cyprinus carpio). promotor 2000-10-01 2004-09-30
Effect evaluation of polluents by the Europian hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus L.) based on non destructive biomarkers and population ecological parameters. promotor 2002-01-01 2005-12-31
Development of cDNA arrays by the freshwater flea Daphnia magna for toxicological characterization of chemicals promotor 2002-10-01 2006-09-30
Endocrien disturbance by the zebrafish Danio rerio: relationship between toxicogenomics, gamete physiology and reproduction characteristics promotor 2003-10-01 2007-09-30
Development of biomarkers for metal toxicity in freshwater algae based on differential gene expression and protein profiles promotor 2005-01-01 2008-12-31
Development of new biomarkers for the detection of endocrine disturbance by the zebra fish (Danio rerio) promotor 2004-10-01 2008-09-30
Development of a alternative screening system for classification of endocrine disturbances in the environment promotor 2005-01-01 2008-12-31
Development of rapid screening methods for toxic working mechanisms based on phage display promotor 2006-01-01 2009-12-31


Name Role Start End
Ecophysiology, Biochemistry and Toxicology unknown

created:2011-12-14 14:18:59 UTC, source:fab

© 2012 by the Belgian Biodiversity Platform