Title |
Dispersal and recruitment of Olea europaea ssp. cuspidata in degraded Afromontane savanna : implications for forest restoration in the highlands of northern Ethiopia |
Protecting staple crops in eastern Africa: integrated approaches for ecologically based field rodent pest management. |
Use of local biodiversity resources for stored grain protection in Cameroun |
Mangrove vegetation structure dynamics and regeneration |
Use and management of "wild" food plants in southern Ecuador |
Providing information services to partner countries under the Convention on Biological Diversity |
Gathering and exchange of information on biological diversity |
Conservation of copper flora in Katanga (DRC) |
Introduction to taxonomy and systematics of freshwater oligochaetes and assessment of their biodiversity in ground waters of Eastern Morocco |
Taxonomy and systematics of freshwater oligochaetes and assessment of their biodiversity in Moroccan groundwaters |
Climate change impact on the sustainable use of Lake Tanganyika fisheries (CLIMFISH) |
Providing access to biodiversity data on African Rodentia |
Inventorisation and valorisation of crops in Kisangani tropical forest |
Eco-hydrological and socio-economical approach for the restoration of the lagoon Merja Zerga in Morocco. |
Qualitative and quantitative ethnomycology in Africa (and extralimital areas) (KEKE) |
Non-marine diatom atlas of the Senegal River in the framework of water quality monitoring (AFRDIAT) |
Renforcement d'un système d'information pour la gestion et le suivi des aires protégées en République Démocratique du Congo à travers l'apport de la composante socio-culturelle (SYGIAP3) |
GEPAC: Contribution à l'amélioration des processus de gouvernance environnementale et de Gestion Participative en Afrique Centrale |
Assessment of mangrove degradation and resilience in the Indian Sub-continent: the cases of Godavari Estuary and South West Sri Lank |
Sustainable production of mud crab (Scylla sp.) through enhancement in mangroves |
PUMPSEA Peri-urban mangroves forests as filters and potential phyoremediators of domestic sewage in East-Africa |
CEECEC: Civil society engagement with ecological economics |
Development of Belgian REDD Information Systems (BE REDD) |
Towards integrated catchment management in tropical mountain areas: the problem of sediment management, Paute catchment, Ecuador |
Fish Ecology and fish stock management in reservoirs of the semi arid high lands of Tigray, Northern Ethiopia. |
Woody vegetation for integrated gully erosion control in Tigray, Ethiopia |
Central African Biodiversity Information Network |
Identification of cryptic diversity in the groundwater genus Trichodrilus Latreille (Clitellata, Lumbriculidae) |