
Sérusiaux, Emmanuël


Professor {Researchers academic Title}


Name Role Start End
Application of the hydromorphologic quality's global assessment methodology to the walloon water bodies promotor
Biodiversity conservation, especially in NW-Europe, with emphasis on the network "Natura 2000" and the management of protected sites promotor
Taxonomy and ecogeography of lichenised and lichenicolous Fungi in Belgium, G.-D. Luxembourg and neighbouring regions, with emphasis on the ecology of the species of heavy metal rich sites, old forests and chalky soils promotor
Taxonomy and ecogeography of lichenised and lichenicolous Fungi in the Lesser Antilles, mainly Dominica and Guadeloupe promotor
Systematic, ecology and chronology of lichenized and lichenicolous fungi in Belgium and surrounding areas promotor
Herbarium LG of lichens and lichenicolous fungi promotor
Plateform of phylogenetic study of biodiversity promotor
Revision of the genus Strigula (Lichenes) in W-Europe and Macaronesia promotor
Taxonomy and ecogeography of lichenised and lichenicolous Fungi in Papua New Guinea, especially Gomphillaceae, Ectolechiaceae, Pilocarpaceae, Peltigeraceae and Strigulaceae promotor
Taxonomy and ecogeography of lichenised and lichenicolous Fungi of central Africa, especially the Kivu region of Congo-Kinshasa, Rwanda, Burundi and Cameroon promotor
Taxonomy and ecogeography of lichenized fungi of forests in tropical regions promotor
Morphological and molecular studies on the order Arthoniales, in particular on the genus Opegrapha (ARTHON) promotor 2002-01-01
Contribution to the study of lichens and lichenicolous fungi in Belgium and neighbouring areas (LICBEL) member 2002-01-01
Lichenized fungi of tropics (LICTRO) member 2006-01-01
Lichenized and non-lichenized fungi in four hot spots of subsaharian Africa: taxonomical surveys, ecogeographical and phylogenetical studies. member 2006-01-01 2011-12-01


Name Role Start End
Biologie de l’évolution et de la conservation leader
Centre interfacultaire "Aquapôle" leader

created:2011-12-14 14:18:59 UTC, source:wab

© 2012 by the Belgian Biodiversity Platform