Name |
Role |
Start |
End |
Taxonomy and ecogeography of lichenized fungi of forests in tropical regions |
unknown |
Systematic, ecology and chronology of lichenized and lichenicolous fungi in Belgium and surrounding areas |
unknown |
Plateform of phylogenetic study of biodiversity |
unknown |
Application of the hydromorphologic quality's global assessment methodology to the walloon water bodies |
unknown |
Collaborator of a new field guide to the orchids of France, Belgium and Luxembourg |
unknown |
Biosystematics, chorology and ecology of Dactylorhiza (Orchidaceae) in Western and Southwestern Europe |
unknown |
Cytotaxonomy of Centaurea subgenus Jacea (Asteraceae) |
unknown |
Taxonomy and ecogeography of lichenised and lichenicolous Fungi in Belgium, G.-D. Luxembourg and neighbouring regions, with emphasis on the ecology of the species of heavy metal rich sites, old forests and chalky soils |
unknown |
Floristics in Belgium, G.-D. Luxembourg, northern France and neighbouring regions |
unknown |
Floristics in Corsica and preparation of a flora of this island |
unknown |
Editor of the Bulletin and the exsiccata (approx. 1000 specimens every 2 years) of the "Société pour l'Echange des Plantes vasculaires de l'Europe et du Bassin méditerranéen" |
unknown |
Preparation of a checklist of the vascular flora of the Maghreb (N-Africa) |
unknown |
Biodiversity conservation, especially in NW-Europe, with emphasis on the network "Natura 2000" and the management of protected sites |
unknown |
Impact of introduced plant species, including allochtonous material of indigenous species, on the natural flora and vegetation |
unknown |
Secretary of the board of editors of the Belgian identification flora of vascular plants |
unknown |
Revision of the genus Strigula (Lichenes) in W-Europe and Macaronesia |
unknown |
Preparation of a catalogue of plant galls found in Belgium and northern France |
unknown |
Taxonomy and ecogeography of lichenised and lichenicolous Fungi in Papua New Guinea, especially Gomphillaceae, Ectolechiaceae, Pilocarpaceae, Peltigeraceae and Strigulaceae |
unknown |
Taxonomy and ecogeography of lichenised and lichenicolous Fungi of central Africa, especially the Kivu region of Congo-Kinshasa, Rwanda, Burundi and Cameroon |
unknown |
Taxonomy and ecogeography of lichenised and lichenicolous Fungi in the Lesser Antilles, mainly Dominica and Guadeloupe |
unknown |
Herbarium LG of lichens and lichenicolous fungi |
unknown |
Herbarium LG of vascular plants: europe and mediterranean bassin (incl. Macaronesia) |
unknown |
Herbarium LG of vascular plants: tropical Africa |
unknown |
General herbarium LG of vascular plants (i.e. excl. europe, mediterranean, Macaronesia, tropical Africa) |
unknown |
Herbarium LG of cultivated vascular plants |
unknown |
Herbarium LG of plant galls |
unknown |
Herbarium LG of seeds and other diaspores |
unknown |
Botanic Garden at Sart Tilman, the University campus of Liège |
unknown |
Herbarium LG of bryophytes |
unknown |
Collection of living plants in greenhouses, expositions in plant biology |
member |
Lichenized and non-lichenized fungi in four hot spots of subsaharian Africa: taxonomical surveys, ecogeographical and phylogenetical studies. |
member |
2006-01-01 |
2011-12-01 |
La biogéographie de la façace Atlantique de l'Europe |
member |
2011-01-01 |
2012-12-01 |
Les syndrômes insulaires chez les bryophytes. |
member |
2011-01-01 |
2012-12-01 |