Research Orgunit:BB|210

Polar Ecology, Limnology and Paleobiology
Universiteitsplein 1
+ 32 (0)3 820 2865




Name Role Start End
Waucomont, Jean PhD student 2006-11-01 2010-10-01
Beyens, Louis leader
Denys, Luc unknown
De Smet, Willem unknown
Ooms, Marijke unknown


Name Role Start End
Een paleologisch model voor de interactie dispersie-diversiteit-milieu in protistengemeenschappen op Subantarctische eilanden: processen op macro- en microschaal. unknown
The response of protists in a microcosm to climatic extremes. unknown
Biogeography of Subantarctic epifytic diatom communities from existing bryophyte collections. unknown
Biodiversity in an arctic ecosystem: role of dispersal, colonization and resistance to climatic extremes unknown
Thecamoeba and diatom research in Zackenberg (NE-Greenland) unknown
Global change effects in high arctic ecosystems: experimental physical-ecological and paleo-ecological approach of tendencies in biodiversity and community structures unknown
Ecological typology, assessment and evaluation of lentic freshwaters in Flanders (Belgium) unknown
Study of the influence of the paleogeographic position of the Antarctic Convergence on the evolution of terrestrial ecosystems in Sub-Antarctic Islands unknown
Palaeo-ecological and palaeo-climatological study of limnic and terrestrial sediments in Subantarctica : an analysis of Late- and Post-glacial environmental changes unknown
Historical limnology and paleolimnology of Flemish (Belgium) fresh and brackish waters in relation to nature conservation and management unknown
Archaeobotanical diatom investigations in Flanders (Belgium) unknown
Quaternary paleoecology of Flanders (Belgium) unknown
Taxonomy, morphology and distribution of diatoms unknown
Taxonomy, distribution and ecology of Rotifera and Tardigrada (Invertebrata) unknown
Biogeography, community structures and (paleo-)ecology of testate amoebae and diatoms in the Arctic and Antarctic unknown
Ecology and community structures of Late-Pleistocene, Holocene and recent diatom and testate amoebae communities of the Belgian Campine unknown
An ecological assessment of the freshwater and soil diatoms from Subantartic Islands unknown
Arctic and Antarctic Rotifera (Invertebrata) unknown
Diversity, distribution and seasonal evolution of Rotifera (Invertebrata) along the Belgian coast unknown
Rotifera and Tardigrada unknown
Limnological samples unknown
Micro- and macro-evolution of the threatened endemic giant Opuntia cacti</em>: conservation genetics on the Gal&aacute;pagos archipelago unknown
<span><span>Soortgrenzen en mogelijke hybridisatie bij de Opuntia</em> snuitkever en zijn waardplant op de Galapagos archipelago</span></span> unknown
Interaction between water column and intertidal zones of Scheldt River: Biogeochemical cycles of C and N unknown
Onderzoek naar de gevolgen van het Sigmaplan, baggeractiviteiten en havenuitbreiding in de Zeeschelde op het milieu. Perceel 3 unknown
Interactions between impoldering and water level changements along the Schelde estuary unknown
Effect van in- en ontpolderen op hoogwaterpeilen in het Schelde-estuarium: historische effecten (1550-1800) als referentiemodel voor huidige beheersplannen unknown
Studie van de huidige, subfossiele en toekomstige biodiversiteit in de subantarctische regio : rol van dispersie, kolonisatie en weerstand aan klimatologische opwarming. unknown
Patronen in verspreiding, samenstelling en diversiteit van protistgemeenschappen op Subantarctische eilanden. unknown
Global change effects in high arctic ecosystems: experimental physical-ecological and paleo-ecological approach of tendencies in biodiversity and community structures. member 1998-01-01 2001-12-31

created:2011-12-14 14:18:59 UTC, source:fab

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