Name |
Role |
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End |
Een paleologisch model voor de interactie dispersie-diversiteit-milieu in protistengemeenschappen op Subantarctische eilanden: processen op macro- en microschaal. |
unknown |
The response of protists in a microcosm to climatic extremes. |
unknown |
Biogeography of Subantarctic epifytic diatom communities from existing bryophyte collections. |
unknown |
Biodiversity in an arctic ecosystem: role of dispersal, colonization and resistance to climatic extremes |
unknown |
Thecamoeba and diatom research in Zackenberg (NE-Greenland) |
unknown |
Global change effects in high arctic ecosystems: experimental physical-ecological and paleo-ecological approach of tendencies in biodiversity and community structures |
unknown |
Ecological typology, assessment and evaluation of lentic freshwaters in Flanders (Belgium) |
unknown |
Study of the influence of the paleogeographic position of the Antarctic Convergence on the evolution of terrestrial ecosystems in Sub-Antarctic Islands |
unknown |
Palaeo-ecological and palaeo-climatological study of limnic and terrestrial sediments in Subantarctica : an analysis of Late- and Post-glacial environmental changes |
unknown |
Historical limnology and paleolimnology of Flemish (Belgium) fresh and brackish waters in relation to nature conservation and management |
unknown |
Archaeobotanical diatom investigations in Flanders (Belgium) |
unknown |
Quaternary paleoecology of Flanders (Belgium) |
unknown |
Taxonomy, morphology and distribution of diatoms |
unknown |
Taxonomy, distribution and ecology of Rotifera and Tardigrada (Invertebrata) |
unknown |
Biogeography, community structures and (paleo-)ecology of testate amoebae and diatoms in the Arctic and Antarctic |
unknown |
Ecology and community structures of Late-Pleistocene, Holocene and recent diatom and testate amoebae communities of the Belgian Campine |
unknown |
An ecological assessment of the freshwater and soil diatoms from Subantartic Islands |
unknown |
Arctic and Antarctic Rotifera (Invertebrata) |
unknown |
Diversity, distribution and seasonal evolution of Rotifera (Invertebrata) along the Belgian coast |
unknown |
Rotifera and Tardigrada |
unknown |
Limnological samples |
unknown |
Micro- and macro-evolution of the threatened endemic giant Opuntia cacti</em>: conservation genetics on the Galápagos archipelago |
unknown |
<span><span>Soortgrenzen en mogelijke hybridisatie bij de Opuntia</em> snuitkever en zijn waardplant op de Galapagos archipelago</span></span> |
unknown |
Interaction between water column and intertidal zones of Scheldt River: Biogeochemical cycles of C and N |
unknown |
Onderzoek naar de gevolgen van het Sigmaplan, baggeractiviteiten en havenuitbreiding in de Zeeschelde op het milieu. Perceel 3 |
unknown |
Interactions between impoldering and water level changements along the Schelde estuary |
unknown |
Effect van in- en ontpolderen op hoogwaterpeilen in het Schelde-estuarium: historische effecten (1550-1800) als referentiemodel voor huidige beheersplannen |
unknown |
Studie van de huidige, subfossiele en toekomstige biodiversiteit in de subantarctische regio : rol van dispersie, kolonisatie en weerstand aan klimatologische opwarming. |
unknown |
Patronen in verspreiding, samenstelling en diversiteit van protistgemeenschappen op Subantarctische eilanden. |
unknown |
Global change effects in high arctic ecosystems: experimental physical-ecological and paleo-ecological approach of tendencies in biodiversity and community structures. |
member |
1998-01-01 |
2001-12-31 |