
Plant reproductive ecology, in particular flowering strategies


I am generally interested by plant reproductive ecology, and flowering strategies in particular. I have worked on subject like the optimal size for flowering in monocarpic perennials in sand dune habitats, flowering strategies in tropical montane forest (Costa Rica), and pollinator visitation in Louisiana iris hybrids. A second subject of interest is the break-up of species barriers by natural hybridisation


reproductive success, biomass accumulation, seed production, pollen dispersion, monocarpic, semelparous, fitness, pollination, limiting resources, terrestrial, tropical montane forest, hay meadows, sand dunes, evolutionary ecology, reproductive strategies, natural hybridization, grasslands, genetic markers, Demography and life-history, Ecology, Genetics, Phylogeny and evolution, Origins, Maintenance and Change of Biodiversity, Meijendel, The Netherlands, Holkham, England, Cordillera de Talamanca, Costa Rica, Louisiana, USA, vascular plants, Dicotyledones, Cynoglossum officinale, Monocotyledones, Iris fulva, Angiospermae, Senecio jacobaea, Iris brevicaulis, Rhinanthus


Northern America {Geographical scope}
Costa Rica {Geographical scope}
Great Britain {Geographical scope}
Netherlands {Geographical scope}


Name Role Start End
Wesselingh, Renate promotor


Name Role Start End
Genetics, reproduction, populations unknown
Biodiversité à l'échelle locale et régionale unknown


Reference Role
R.A. Wesselingh, T.J. de Jong, P.G.L. Klinkhamer, M.J. van Dijk & E.G.M. Schlatmann 1993. Geographical variation in threshold size for flowering in Cynoglossum officinale. Acta Botanica Neerlandica 42(1): 81-91 author
R.A. Wesselingh, P.G.L. Klinkhamer, T.J. de Jong & E.G.M. Schlatmann 1994. A latitudinal cline in vernalization requirement in Cirsium vulgare. Ecography 17(3): 272-277 author
R.A. Wesselingh & T.J. de Jong 1995. Bidirectional selection on threshold size for flowering in Cynoglossumofficinale. Heredity 74(4): 415-424 author
R.A. Wesselingh & P.G.L. Klinkhamer 1996. Threshold size for vernalization in Senecio jacobaea: artificial selection and comparison of clonal families. Functional Ecology 10(2): 281-288 author
R.A. Wesselingh, Jong, P.G.L. Klinkhamer & L.A. Boorman 1997. Threshold size for flowering in different habitats: effects of size-dependent growth and survival. Ecology 78(7): 2118-2132 author
R.A. Wesselingh, M. Witteveldt, J. Morissette & H.C.M. den Nijs 1999. Reproductive ecology of understory species in a tropical montane forest in Costa Rica. Biotropica 31(4): 637-645 author
J.M. Burke, M.R. Bulger, R.A. Wesselingh & M.L. Arnold 2000. Frequency and spatial patterning of clonal reproduction in Louisiana iris hybrid populations. Evolution 54(1): 137-144 author
R.A. Wesselingh & M.L. Arnold 2000. Pollinator behavior and the evolution of Louisiana iris hybrid zones. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 13(2): 171-180 author
R.A. Wesselingh & M.L. Arnold 2000. Nectar production in Louisiana iris hybrids. International Journal of Plant Sciences 161(2): 245-251 author
M.L. Arnold & R.A. Wesselingh 2000. Natural hybridization, Louisiana irises and evolutionary process. pp. 286-294 in: K.L. Wilson and D.A. Morrison (eds)Monocots - Systematics and Evolution - Vol. 1 of Proceedings of the Second International Conference on the Comparative Biology of the Monocots, Sydney, September 1998. CSIRO, Melbourne author
R.A. Wesselingh, H.C.M. Burgers & J.C.M. den Nijs 2000. Bumblebee pollination of understory shrub species in a tropical montane forest in Costa Rica. Journal of Tropical Ecology 16(5): 657-672 author
J.A. Johnston, R.A. Wesselingh, A.C. Bouck, L.A. Donovan & M.L. Arnold 2001. Intimately linked or hardly speaking? The relationship between genotype and environmental gradients in a Louisiana iris hybrid population. Molecular Ecology 10(3): 673-681 author

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