
Plant diversity in grassland and on field margins


The research on grassland focuses on the influence of climatic change and management techniques on the evolution of botanical diversity. The research on field margins focuses on the evolution of botanical diversity upon establishing the fieldmargins and upon subsequent different managements. Different mixtures (e.g.local, commercial,...)are used.


cultivated temperate grasslands, extensively managed grasslands, intensively managed grasslands, grazed grasslands, mowed grasslands, steppes, Culture , agri-, aqua-, sylvi-, etc., Ecology, Habitat management, restoration, Dry grasslands and steppes, Cultivated and artificial habitats, Origins, Maintenance and Change of Biodiversity, Monitoring of Biodiversity, Conservation, Restoration and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity, Belgium, Tunisia, vascular plants, monocotyledons, PoaceaeLolium perenne, Lolium multiflorum, Phleum pratense, Festuca arundinacea, Festuca rubra, Festuca pratensis, Poa trivialis, Poa pratensis, Dactylis glomerata, Holcus lanatus, Bromus species, Trifolium repens, Trifolium pratense


Belgium {Geographical scope}
Agricultural {Habitat type}


Name Role Start End
Laboratory for Weed Science unknown


Reference Role
Visser, M., Reheul, D., Morand, F. 2000. Haymaking of Stipa lagascae in Presaharian Tunisia : opportunities to restore private arid lands. Ecological Restoration 18(1), 47-49. author
Visser, M., Reheul, D. 2001. Restoring depleted Tunesian drylands with native steppic species : where should we source the seeds ? Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. Accepted May 2001. author
Visser, M., Reheul, D. 2001. Producing native seed of Stipa lagascae R & Sch. in Presaharian Tunisia : high yield, high genetic variation or both ? Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. Accepted May 2001. author
M'Seddi, K., Visser, M., Neffati, M., Reheul, D., Chaïeb, M. 2001. Seed and spike traits from remnant popultions of Cenchrus ciliaris L. in South Tunisia : high distinctiveness, no ecotypes. Journal of Arid Environment. Accepted April 2001. author
Van Peer, L., Nijs, I., Bogaert, J., Verelst, I., Reheul, D., Impens, I. 2001. Survival, gap formation and recovery dynamics in grassland ecosystems exposed to climate extremes : the role of species richness. Ecosystems. Accepted, June, 2001. author
Van Peer, L., Nijs, I., Sonobat-Popa, G., Verelst, I., Reheul, D. 2000. Species diversity and invasibility of plant communities : a portrait. In : Topics in ecology : structure and function in plants and ecosystems. R. Ceulemans, J. Bogaert, G. Deckmyn & Nijs, I. (eds), 123-131. Universiteit Antwerpen, Wilrijk, ISBN 90-5728-022-1. author
Verelst, I., Nijs, I., Van Peer, L., Reheul, D. 2000. Influences of management techniques and climate change on diversity of grassland ecosystems. In : Topics in ecology : structure and function in plants and ecosystems. R. Ceulemans, J. Bogaert, G. Deckmyn & Nijs, I. (eds), 111-122. Universiteit Antwerpen, Wilrijk, ISBN 90-5728-022-1. author
Nevens, F., Reheul, D., Verboven, A., Dekeyzer, P. 2000. Gras, grutto's en koekoeksbloemen : beheersovereenkomsten op grasland. Verhandelingen van het Symposium ' Het perceel grondig bekeken ', ALT-BBD-RUG, Leuven, 22 November, 1-8. author

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