Research Orgunit:BB|18

Conservation de la nature
+32 (0)81626420
+32 (0)81615727




Name Role Start End
Dufrêne, Marc leader
Baugnée, Jean-Yves unknown
Branquart, Etienne unknown
Canon, Myriam unknown
Carlier, Didier unknown
Delescaille, Louis-Marie unknown
Delmarche, Colette unknown
Deziter, Lucie unknown
Fayt, Philippe unknown
Fichefet, Violaine unknown
Frankard, Philippe unknown
Gathoye, Jean-Louis unknown
Ghiette, Pascal unknown
Goffart, Philippe unknown
Keulen, Christine unknown
Marlier, Claude-Yves unknown
Marneffe, Catherine unknown
Motte, Grégory unknown
Simar, Jérémy unknown
Steinert, Renée unknown
Terneus, Annick unknown
Verhaegen, Jean-Pierre unknown
Barbier, Yvan unknown 2008-12-01
Paternoster, Thierry (scientific) collaborator 1994-03-01
Kervyn, Thierry unknown 2008-12-01


Name Role Start End
Belgian Biodiversity Platform member
Mapping of Natura 2000 sites unknown
Co-ordination of the XYLOBIOS network and public awareness unknown
Methodology of selection of indicators species of species assemblages unknown
Methodology and sampling methods in biodiversity assessments unknown
Survey and monitoring of sites of biological importance (SGIB) in Wallonia (Belgium) unknown
Survey and monitoring of species in Wallonia (Belgium) unknown
Survey and monitoring of habitats in Wallonia (Belgium) unknown
Information system on biodiversity in Wallonia (Belgium) unknown
Benthic freshwater macro-invertebrates in wetlands (Wallonia, Belgium) unknown
Typology of reed beds (Wallonia, Belgium) unknown
Ornithological research at Harchies (Hainaut, Belgium) unknown
Experimental management of a limestone grassland in the Viroin Valley (Wallonia, Belgium) unknown
Checklist, red list and other information on the birds of Wallonia, including the atlas of breeding birds in Belgium (1972-1977) unknown
Atlas of the distribution of vascular plants in Belgium (edition 1972) unknown
Checklist, red list and other information on mammals of Wallonia (Belgium) unknown
Checklist, distribution and other information on the amphibians and reptiles of Wallonia and Belgium unknown
Checklist, organisations and other information on the freshwater fish fauna of Wallonia (Belgium) unknown
XYLOBIOS: Diversity, ecology and roles of saproxylic organisms in Belgian deciduous forests co-leader 2000-12-01 2005-02-01
Validation en Wallonie de la typologie des roselières établies dans le cadre du projet LIFE "Roselières" en Hainaut leader
Etude des techniques d'entretien et de restauration des landes en Haute Ardenne leader
Etude des techniques d'entretien et de restauration des tourbières hautes dégradées leader
Etude des techniques d'entretien et de restauration des pelouses calcicoles leader
Etude de la dynamique d'une colonie de hérons cendrés dans les marais d'Harchies leader
Regional dynamic of threatened butterfly populations (Lepidoptera) in Southern Belgium member
Conservation des habitats de la moule perlière en Belgique member 2008-01-01
Création et restauration de mares en milieu forestier en Wallonie member 1999-11-01
Distribution of bat species in Wallonia member 2002-05-01
Distribution of wasps in Wallonia member

created:2011-12-14 14:18:59 UTC, source:wab

© 2012 by the Belgian Biodiversity Platform