
European Coastal sea Operational observing and forecasting system


ECOOP IP is European coastatl shelf sea operatioan observing and forcasting system. The overall goal of the project is to: Consolidate, integrate and further develop existing European coastal and regional seas operational observing and forecasting systems into an integrated pan-European system targeted at detecting environmental and climate changes, predicting their evolution, producing timely and quality assured forecasts, providing marine information. This is to be attained in ECOOP by working to: Integrate existing coastal and regional sea observing (remote sensing, in-situ) networks into a pan-European observing system. Integrate existing coastal and regional sea forecasting systems into a pan-European forecasting system and assimilate pan-European observation database into the system Assess the quality of pan-European observing and forecasting system Advance key technologies for the current and next generation pan-European observing and forecasting system. Develop and generate value-added products for detecting environment and climate change signals Integrate and implement a pan-European Marine Information System of Systems (EuroMISS) for general end user needs Develop methodology and demonstrate an European Decision Support System for coastal and regional seas (EuroDeSS) that responds to the needs from targeted end users, as emphasized in the GEOSS and GMES initiatives Carry out technology transfer both in Europe and at intercontinental level, establish education and training capacities to meet the need for ocean forecasters. ECOOP will meet the need for timely, quality assured long-term information as a basis for sound decision making, and will enhance delivery of benefits to society in the following initial areas as specified in the GEOSS Implementation Plan (which also complement the GMES initiative): Understanding, assessing, predicting, mitigating, and adapting to climate variability and change Improving the management and protection of coastal, and marine ecosystems ECOOP will also apply and further develop key technologies (e.g., observing system optimal design, super-ensemble forecasting, estuary-coast-offshore interaction, ecosystem and sedimentary forecast etc) for the sustainable development from the current generation to the next generation system, aiming for serving long-term implementation plans (e.g. GEOSS, in support of Water Framework Directive).


Europe;MED: Black Sea;AE: Mediterranean Water;AN: North Atlantic;Climate;Environments;Forecasting;Modelling;Remote sensing;Technology transfer;Information services


Name Role Start End
Scory, Serge member


Name Role Start End
Department of Marine Ecosystem Management - Management Unit of the North Sea Mathematical Models member

created:2011-12-14 14:18:59 UTC, source:vliz

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