Results published a.o. in the book by R.R. Brooks & F. Malaisse (1985).
terrestrial, ecology, heavy metal accumulation, soil chemistry, vegetation, phytosociology, plant communities, heavy metal tolerant plants, copper, cobalt, nickel, botany, Biogeography, Habitat management, restoration, Land cover and habitat mapping , GIS, Systematics and taxonomy, Savannahs, Cultivated and artificial habitats, Origins, Maintenance and Change of Biodiversity, Conservation, Restoration and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity, Tropical Africa, South-Central Africa, Congo-Kinshasa, République Démocratique du Congo, Zaire, Katanga , Shaba, Zambia, Zimbabwe, vascular plants, bryophytes, Musci, hepatics
Name | Role | Start | End |
Biodiversity and Landscape Unit | unknown |
Reference | Role |
Brooks R.R. & F. Malaisse, 1985. The heavy metal tolerant flora of South-Central Africa. A multidisciplinary approach. A.A.Balkema, Rotterdam, 199 pp. | author |
Malaisse F., 1995. Cuivre et végétation au Shaba (Zaire).Bull.Séanc.Acad.r.Sci.Outre-Mer, 40: 561-580 | author |
created:2011-12-14 14:18:59 UTC, source:biodiv