- Title
- The use of diatom indices in water quality assessment and biomonitoring of lotic freshwaters
- Acronym
- StartDate
- 1980-01-01
- EndDate
- Amount
freshwater, phycology, limnology, Biotic Index, pollution index, eutrophication, population structure, diatom assemblages, rivers, streams, streamlets, lotic, benthic, periphyton, ecological assessment, diatom index, water quality, diatom communities, biomonitoring, Ecology, Eco-toxicology, Limnology and hydrobiology, Streams , running waters, Monitoring of Biodiversity, Inland Water Biodiversity, Belgium, France, Algae, diatoms, Bacillariophyta, Bacillariophyceae, Diatomophyta, Diatomophyceae
Reference |
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created:2011-12-14 14:18:59 UTC, source:biodiv