Welcome to the new research database

Belgian Biodiversity Current Research Information System (CRIS) centralizes access to expertise and resources available in Belgium in the field of biodiversity. Information on institutions, research units, researcher and projects related to biodiversity in Belgium can be freely retrieved through our search page.
This freely accessible database replaces BioBEL and BIODIV, the formers inventories on the subject. BioBEL started in 2007, as a reference database developed and maintained by the Belgian Biodiversity Platform (an initiative of the Belgian Science Policy).
The content of BioBel was maintained and updated directly by the biodiversity research community through a secured access.
Since May 2012, BioBel is no longer directly updated by the researchers. However the content of BioBEL database will be further maintained and updated in the framework of research analysis projects performed by the Belgian Biodiversity Platform. In other words, the Belgian Biodiversity Platform will only update the database on demand or on specific topics. BioBel will be further used as an internal tool for inventorying and analysing Biodiversity research in Belgium.
At the European scale, updated information related to Belgian Biodiversity Research funding programmes and projects can be found in the European BiodivERSA database managed by BiodivERsA consortium.


BioBel is no longer maintained as the reference database on expertise and resources on Biodiversity in Belgium. Therefore, the Belgian Biodiversity Platform does not guarantee the accuracy of the information which can be found on this website. However, the database still contains important and relevant information on expertise and resources and as such, the application will stay online for the time being and is to be considered as an historical database. The Belgian Biodiversity Platform disclaim any responsibility on the non-accuracy of the data available on this website.

© 2012 by the Belgian Biodiversity Platform